Love you guys!

How to Handle Your Twitter Followers

Nowadays, Twitter is getting too crowd with different types of users in it. Some of them are pleasant to be followed, while others will cause you a nightmare. I am not really a fan of unfollowing people (unless you’re really annoying). So I came out with ways to handle 10 types of Twitter followers.

Twitter Jokers

1. The Jokers
These are my inspiration people, they have such a wicked mind, you will blame yourself for not thinking about it first. Not suitable for kids, mostly.

How to handle them: MUST Follow!

2. The Attention Seekers
They love the attention, mostly from their followers. These people are what we called artist wannabe! Being popular is their life virtue and will do anything to climb that popularity leader.

Twitter Attention Seeker

How to handle them: you must identify them quickly and not fall in their traps; like retweeting the nonsense things they tweeted. At times, you can also bury their desire by being a good hater! If somehow they have become an artist, please refer to the number 5 type (artist).

3. Educated
They will talk about politics, world and general issues at large. Some people find this type of Twitter user as informative.

How to handle them: If you’re planning to interact with them, you have to equip yourself with the latest things going on the world and occasionally tweet something intelligence yourself.

4. Self Monolog
They are born to be a writer, though most of them are not. In their own world, they usually talk about what’s going on in their life. It just like reading books!

How to handle them: This type of people is usually self sustain, they can tweet all day long without any single interruption from others. You can just sit back and enjoy their tweet without actually interacting with them. A rare breed and a must follow!

5. Politicians/Musicians/Artists in General
Just like in the real world, they are invading the Twitter too. Nonetheless, this kind of Twitter user can be useful when you need a dose of juicy gossip or just want to know the other side of the story.

How to handle them: Follow with care. Some of them are just talking about nonsense and will spam your timeline with all their replies, but there always a chance of getting to know the different side of them.

6. The Annoying one
There are two types of annoying people. The first one is what I classified as annoying when he or she starts to interrupt my personal conversation with my followers and or friends. This conversation might be continuity from a real life conversation that has nothing to do with this annoying prick (see how my mood changed now?).

Second type is the latest trend on Twitter – specifically in Malaysia. They called it “unmention”; where you have a conversation with your friends without actually mentioning the other person. Thus, you will be reading a conversation without actually understand a thing. I received lots of complains from my friends about this type of people.

How to handle them: For the first type, I usually will just ignore them and hoping that one day they will get it. For the unmention people, I finally found a genius solution apart from unfollow them: follow all the bunch of them. If you follow all of their kind, you can actually understand the whole conversation.

Twitter Spammers

7. Bots/Spammers
Some of them are just posting feed from blogs/sites, others are just posting advertisements based on the keyword of your tweets. They might not even follow you, but still can automatically reply your tweets.

How to handle them: Block.

8. Thefts
Do you know how long it takes to write a well crafted tweet? I don’t either. Nevertheless, we should always give the credit to those who did.

How to handle them: retweet the real source if you can find it. That will send them subtle message.


9. Quoters
I love quotes, but some of you might not. Quotations can be an amazing mind opener, for those who want to discover.

How to handle them: Follow only those that are your cup of tea. You can follow love quotes, motivational or success and everything in between. Caution: Do not retweet all quotes that you read, if not you might be classified as spammer (see 7) or the annoying one (see 6).

10. Informants
From facts to the breaking news, they will provide a feed stream for everything.

How to handle them: Same as the aforementioned type, follow only those that are your cup of tea. Some of them will repeat the same things, therefore, be selective on who you follow.

Thus, follow with care!

1000 Days on Twitter

Hey, I have been officially more than 1000th days on Twitter (since 11 May 2008). Cool huh?

First THREE Commenters:

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