1. #whatif all men have to wear underwear outside like Superman?
2. #whatif there is a Godzilla climbing up your office outside your window?
3. #whatif you really can't say NO?
4. #whatif we talk as much as we tweet?
5. #whatif fart smells nice?
6. #whatif Hitler is just like Mathama Ghandi?
7. #whatif Lady Gaga is woman? Erk.
8. #whatif there is no night?
9. #whatif Superman is actually exist?
10. #whatif Justin Timberlake is gay? And Elton John is not?
11. #whatif Backstreet Boys are still relevant?
12. #whatif Snooki boobs are the real boobs?
13. #whatif your age is count backwards?
14. #whatif all doctors have a fake doctorate?
15. #whatif Michael Jackson is not dead and is planning a big comeback?
16. #whatif plastic surgery is just like taking a painkiller?
17. #whatif music is banned because it has bad influence?
18. #whatif one day pig can fly?
19. #whatif Harry Potter is real?
20. #whatif the only news on TV is E! News?
21. #whatif one day the Internet is dead?
22. #whatif Star Treks is real?
23. #whatif "what the fuck" is actually a compliment?
24. #whatif there is no Monday?
25. #whatif every single dreams will come true? Even the nightmares? Erk.
26. #whatif Watermelon instead of Apple?
27. #whatif Google is our school?
28. #whatif Homer Simpsons is the King of the world?
29. #whatif war is only being done through words?
30. #whatif a sneeze can makes girl pregnant? :8
31. #whatif our crime investigators are as efficient as those in #CSI?
32. #whatif an apple a day can really cure all the disease?
33. #whatif tomorrow you wake up and you don't know how to tweet? *gulp*
34. #whatif we become all fat and lazy just like in Wall-E?
35. #whatif one day all the animals can speak and eat human instead? #-___-"
36. #whatif our world is ruled by nerds, geeks and gay? Oh wait. They already have.
37. #whatif everything that you known is right suddenly become wrong?
38. #whatif Obama is an alien come to conquer our planet? And alien lady is Oprah?
39. #whatif Malaysia is ruled by PR instead of BN?
40. #whatif the next day you wake up with a big fat hairy guy beside you?
You can posted your #whatif answer or suggestion on my comment below!
First THREE Commenters:
+ Bella +
+ Monica +

Caroline · 750 weeks ago
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bluecrystaldude 79p · 750 weeks ago
Caroline · 750 weeks ago
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bluecrystaldude 79p · 750 weeks ago
Bella Enveeus · 750 weeks ago
At least these are not dull thoughts :-D
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@Shinade · 750 weeks ago
I am so glad I came back....you guys keep me going!! :-)
bluedreamer · 750 weeks ago
poorprince · 750 weeks ago
very interesting it keeps me thinking
but still i will never wear my underwear like how superman had it hahaha
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