This post will reveal two contests winner. The first one is for the Top Entrecard Dropper for October and the other one is the person who won the most of First Commenter link. Continue reading to know who are my top Entrecard dropper and the list of First Commenter winners.
As always, I would like to express my gratitude for these consistent droppers by credit them with 1000 EC for the top 1 plus a spot under my Entrecard box at the side of my blog, 500 EC for top 2 and 250 EC for top 3. 12.5% tax will not be included in the amount. However, since I could only transfer 1000 EC per week, I will do the payment in the consequent weeks.
On 14 October, I launched a new contest, the First Commenter for each post. The fastest commenter will be linked (with a beautiful picture) at the end of the post. Since then, I already posted another 8 posts. From this month, the person who wins these contests the most will be linked at the side of my blog, under my Entrecard box and just below my top Entrecard dropper.

1. My Review *up 5 places*
2. The Spirit of Blogging *new entry!*
3. Picture to People *dropped 1 place from last month*
4. Snapshotcap *up 1 spot*
5. Random Ramblings *new entry!*
6. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery *new entry!*
7. Stud Kickass: The Webcomic *slipped 6 places down*
8. Lady Java's Lounge *new entry!*
9. What the Bald Guy needs to know about sports *new entry!*
10. Random Detoxification *new entry!*
Thank you again for all my Entrecard droppers. I really appreciate your drops. I will try my best to return the drops as often as I could. I hope to see you next month!
On 14 October, I launched my new contest, the First Commenter of each post. Since then, I already posted another 8 posts. Down below are the list of winners for each post.
Halloween, Peace and 23 Awards - Rizal
The £16,000 Worth Wedding Dress - Lady Java
John Lennon - Imagine - Lady Java
Nude Photo, Underwear and Sex - Rizal
Give it a Rest! - Lady Java
Less Word Wednesday #8 - Monica
Entrecard, Personal Updates and Awards Give Away! - Nikillas
Less Word Wednesday #7 - Monica
Hot News This Week #5 - Nikillas
As you can see,
Lady Java managed to win the spot for three posts! So, I will add her link at the place mention before. Thank you for participating in this contest! Can't wait to see the next month winner!
First Commenter:
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Congrats LJ..
And congrats to all top droppers..
First Commentator is a brilliant idea.. I like it :)
thank you for the link. hope Bonoriau can maintain the position this month.
Ala melepas! :(
Congrats to LJ! :D
And to MPG for being a new entry yay! :)
ooppsss.. today LJ not so LaJu...heheh..
congrats rizal.. for being first today..hehehe... takper I kasi
Hi Bono!! and hai tuan rumah.. thanks for the FC contest. so fun you know..hehe
HI Rizal,
Laju2 :) Congrats on being the first commenter! I will add your link up ASAP!
Hi Bonoriau,
Thanks to you! I will try my best to drop as often as I could to yours :)
Hi Marzie,
LOL.. You did enter the chart this time around after, *if I am not mistaken*, twice times you commented in the Top Dropper posts :)
Hi Lady Java,
Your link will be up ASAP! I wanted to put the link yesterday, but I am having trouble with my internet connection. ISh2.. Thanks again for participating in both contests :)
Haaa...your page loading dah laju sikit
Baru senang nak drop...hehehe
Finally.. I already delete few scripts.. I think the loading rate is slow due to external script. I will try to find a new external file hosting. I really hope everything is getting better and faster..
Hey, thanks for being in my top 10 EC dropper! :)
I can comment okay here HaaziQ! :)
heeh.. GP.. that's coz Blue changed it to pop up already..heheh
testing testing ..udah ok deh
Hi Marzie, Lady Java and Bonoriau
Hehe.. As you can see, I changed the comment box to pop up. I don't love it because my comment isn't highlighted like before. tsk tsk.. But this will works fine :)
Thanks for checking it for me! It's nice to have a friend right? :D
eh, your comment box pop up? :-D
Congrats to all top EC droppers and LJ too!
Hi Monica,
Hehe.. I changed it too pop up because my comment box isn't working.. I don't what the problem is and don't know what to do, so I just changed it to pop up for awhile ;)
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