Is Adam Lambert is gay? Following the madness of his photos circulating the Internet, yes, Adam Lambert is gay.
But, could he still win the American Idol? Well, if it’s up to me, yes he could. American Idol is a competition in searching for a singer and Adam is no doubt one of the best singers they had found – some even said in the history of American Idol. (See Adam's pictures after the jump) Truth is, whether you like it or not, sexual orientation issue plays a major part of our life now. Remember Miss California’s answer when she was asked by Perez Hilton in Miss USA 2009?

Carrie Prejean said, "We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised."
And she lost the title to Miss North Carolina. In my personal opinion, religion should always being kept to oneself. No offense, but the values that we shared perhaps differs with others. Logically, if you want to be Miss USA, you will represent all Americans, to which not only comprise straight people, but gay alike. That being said, she has every right to express her opinion in any matter and I don’t think her answer is more wrong than right.
So, back to the main topic, do you think Adam will win American Idol this season? Whether the contestant sexual orientation may sway your votes and for the rest of the world, you likeness towards him?
On the same matter, if Adam is not the best person to win American Idol, who will? For those who haven't yet see the pictures:

My personal favorite performances:
Adam Lambert – Mad World, The Track of My Tears, Black or White, Born to Be Wild, If I can’t Have You, Play That Funky Music
Danny Gokey – P.Y.T, Stand by Me, What Hurts the Most, Jesus Takes the Wheel, September
Kris Allen – Aint No Sunshine, Falling Slowly, She Works Hard For the Money, To Make You Feel My Love
Allison Iraheta – Papa Was A Rolling Stone, I Can’t Make You Love Me, Give In to Me
Matt Giraud – Staying Alive, Part Time Lover
Anoop Desai – True Colors, Always On My Mind
Lil Rounds – I Surrender
At first I think that Adam, Danny and Allison will be in the top 3. But with the current performances, I think that Kris Allen is on the top 3 as well. I love Allison, but she may have to give her place to Kris. Kris has been doing so so so well these couple of performances. So, who are your favorites? And who will win American Idol this season?
By the way, this is Lady Gaga.. I just couldn't resist to post it here too. LOL :)

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=-O =-O
=-X =-X =-X i reserve my comment on the pictures above but i must say, adam lambert can really sing and perform!!
However, someone's sexual orientation shouldn't be a hindrace to one's success right?? We're all humans.. and should be treated with equal respect no matter what. But of course you can run away from those holier than thou...
Recent blog post: Yummy Green Tea Cake!
8-) 8-) 8-) Congrats Shemah!!!
Yup, he really can. I don't mind voting for him :)Recent blog post: Yes, Adam Lambert is Gay, but could he be the first Gay American Idol?
Thanks Haaziq!!! jarang2 tau dapat FC at your blog ni!! have to celebrate with a dance!! LOL!
But i do think that Chris and Danny Gokey are really great singers too.. but in terms of experience, Adam is the one that's most comfortable on stage!! He's born to be a diva!! or a divo!! either way!!
Initially when I saw Adam wearing that heavy eye-lining, I was seriously thinking what's up with that. Started suspecting lol. Then came the pics and bam. OMG drag queen? =-X
Whatever lah, this is America for you. ;)
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my personal faves are Chris and Danny Gokey. Oh.. it's Kris eh?? okay.. Kris it is! LOL! Adam is OTT and everyone loves him. I think he's great but I tak gila sangat dia tu..
Recent blog post: Yummy Green Tea Cake!
My sister and I suspected that he was gay since his first audition. And we were saying he's trying to tough it up by having that rockstar getup. So it came as no surprise to me.. But he's a great performer.. and in American Idol.. that's all that should matter. So good luck to Adam!
Adam Lambert is gay, but that's not gonna stop him from winning American Idol. A clear favorite and certainly a class of his own. Looking back at all the previous winners, this dude has potential to outshine them all!
Runner-up Clay Aiken has come out of the closet - he's gay...and so are many stars like Elton John, George Michael, the guys in Boyzone, Westlife and so on. Talent should go beyond that...as well as age, appearance (Re. Susan Boyle), colour or creed!
Recent blog post: No more (2)…
he is good. his background doesn't matter as long as he is a star...
listen to his voice doesn't need you to see his dick though :)
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:'( :'(
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long time no hear from HaaziQ! :) :)
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How was ur exam? Everything cool? :* :*
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ADAM is my Idol, go Adam go! :* :* :-D :-D 8-) 8-)
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aziq ku syg..
ak da smpy uma
slamat berLI.. gudluck~ huhu
hepi hoLs~
tak kisah suara dia sedap dia nak jadi gay ke... that's his problem lalalalla
I don't care if he is gay, straight, bi...he is one extremely talented man. Not only can he sing like crazy (he reminds me of steve tyler), but he can perform on stage like a pro. I think music is one place that nobody cares about sexuality. I don't think it will hurt him.
Blue! Lagi gay Adam, lagi happening dia he heheeh hee! Nampak sangat I’m an ADAM fan! ;)
He's good, so I think he deserves to win.
Have a terrific weekend.
Recent blog post: Eat! Don’t Skip
haha... what is up with the pictures? anyway, i really don't think even if you outed yourself being gay or whatever does not mean that people will start to degrade you just by that. sexual orientation aside, what we consider more here is the talent, though...
but i still loves danny gokey. he is cuter than button! yumm!!
oh yeah i saw his youtube videos and as far as my memory is concern ryan seacrest told adam to come out to his shell hehe
but he was such an amazing talent
he's voice was superb (esp when he sang "mad world")
he made the american idol season 8 very predictable
have a great day bluedude
lol...those pics =-X =-X =-X
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hello bluedude
just dropping by again have a great day and happy blogging
Salam blue,
Haha, it has been indeed a while. How s your internship? Hope everything is going awesome there?
Topic above? No comment since i dont follow American Idol, haha, so tak tahu laa suara dia sedap ke idak. But, my hunch is, maybe..just maybe my voice lagi sedap kot.. " Doooo reeee miii.. faaaa... " lol :-P
I don't watch it, but him being gay makes no difference. If he's the best I hope he wins. Do you like Lady Gaga? She really is crazy but such a good singer!
Recent blog post: Out of Routine
I still love Adam - Gay or Not Gay! :-D :-D He is the best Idol contestant by far. I love Danny and Adam.. I've been rooting for them since day one of AI. I know that both will be in the finals for sure.
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Sexual orientation shouldn't be an issue. AI for a talent search and Adam is very much talented. If let say he will not win, he will still be famous after AI. he already proved his worth and his talent. :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Twinks Is So Glad To Be Back Online
btw, got you an award BCD! just check my link: :-D
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Two things. One sexual orientation shouldn't make a difference. The second is that if it weren't for gays there would be a VERY different musical, theatrical, film and entertainment landscape in general.
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LOL, I hear u Twinks!!
LOL! Marzie! Loud and clear! hahahahaha
just dropping by here again have a great day and happy blogging
oh by the way surprisingly adam lambert went down to bottom two last elimination night
hello hello. i hope you won't mind me saying that you still haven't added my two blogs on your blogroll. i understand that you might be busy... i just want to remind you and beg you to add me... please?
anyway, i've already added your blog to both of my blogs' blogrolls.
have a great day
maxi of http://www.ovahcoffee.com and http://www.healthnbeyond.com :)
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Gay peepz rocks! =) I love Adam he can put up a great performance on stage!
I have something at my site for you so come by and see ........ =-O
Love and Blessings,
it is so freaking funny that they manage to 'korek' everything about adam.. hah.. itu bahaya jadi artis ni..
Gay or not, he's still my fave! :) Adam Go Adam!!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
yoar gay hahaha Im Allen of From Macedonia byee
>:o people that believe marriage should between a man and a woman are wrong people are free to express they're sexuality. And people who don't think that is true they make me make faces like these following ones. =-O *DONT_KNOW* >:o :'( :(
Ηighly enеrgetiс post, I loѵеd that a lot.
Will therе be a ρart 2?
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