Hello again my fellow readers. As you might have noticed, I haven’t been around the blogsphere last week. I have been busy busting my ass in and out library during office hour, while having dinner and enjoy some quality times with my friends when the night came. I am sorry if you have to endure the constant and continuous (some even deemed it as annoying) updates through my
twitter account about where and what am I doing at that period of time; thanks to my current new “game”, “
foursquare”. It basically will pin point your current location to your friends.
I rarely talk about what is going on with my daily life, but in this post, I will talk about what had been happening to me these last few days. If any of you who are not comfortable reading this kind of entry, please just skip this post. This week, I have been spending lots of my night life went out with my blogger friends from my university which is Universiti Sains Malaysia (University Science Malaysia, USM). I have known some of these amazing people from my daily encounter around the campus and some of them solely through blogsphere. Thus, one of my friends, YAN^S had made an initiative to organize a blogger event for us.
First Night:
Attendance: The organizer, YAN^S, his partner friends, Nikillas, their friend, Dalila and bluecrystaldude and Lilyto.
Location: McD Juru
Purpose: Just getting to know each other better. YAN^S was my roommate last couple of years.
Second Night:
Attendance: Kak JuLia d buBles, d2z, bluecrystaldude, lilyto, YAN^S, Nikillas, kuro
Location: Mamak Restaurant; Mohamaad Nasi Kandar
Purpose: Planning the venue and date for the Third Night

Third Night:
Attendance: Kak JuLia d buBles, d2z, bluecrystaldude, lilyto, YAN^S, Nikillas, kuro and we also met another USM blogger which is DeeDee
Location: Dinner at Secret Recipe Juru, Supper at McD Juru
Purpose: Having a great time with each other
Some of the Third Night's photos:
View blog reactions
:* :* :*
O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-)
oh yeah! sooooo good to see you with co-bloggers..i miss attending gathering here since I enrolled in Med school.. :( :(
happy blogging Haaziq!
hey Haaziq! wow so happening huh 8-) 8-) 8-)
yup..being left out sucks.
yayyy! suke suke suke. finally had the chance to see each other in real life (walaupun kampus x besar mane, x penah pun terjumpe kan ;p )
good luck for exam, and in life after graduating!!
Cute la u in this picture Haaziq! I don know the rest though... *DONT_KNOW* :-[ :*
I've been busy too, now oso got work to do actually, dah many days tak drop 900! :( :( :(
Glad to see u having fun though and thanks for sharing the pics! :* :* :*
thanks for sharing the pics...i like! ;) :)
<span>enjoy your weekend too! </span> ;)
hey blue..
looked like u had a lotta fun.. lengkali can gather with blogger from kl la plak.. hehe.. its nice to join such activity kan? meet new ppl..
anyway, gud luck on the fyp and on everything in the future! :)
hey that's very nice how i wish i can attend some of bloggers gatehring here in Phil too...i am so excited to meet other bloggers to... in person..
have a great day blue dude... so sad i missed the FC hehe
happy blogging!!
:* :* :*
Thanks Mon! I definitely enjoyed my very busy night lately. Hehe ;)
Enjoy your weekend too Mon! 8-)
8-) 8-) 8-)
LOL. Thanks Marzie. I am definitely not that cute though :-P
Yeah, I saw that your EC ads are dropping. I will try to advertise in your blogs but I don't have enough credits. LOL. Basically, I only have like 1000EC per day :-P
Enjoy your weekend Marzie! Don't be too stress with your STALKER. hehehe
Yeah! the third FC winner! ;) Congrats Gagay!
Med School is harder than Engineering school. Hehe. Enjoy your weekend Gagay! Will try to drop on your site later. I am so sleepy right now and still planning to go to the library at 8.30am tomorrow :)
hehe. Rileks lah bro. Baru first outing together. Yang tak berapa ramai ni pn susah gler nak komfirm one date yg smua free, lagilah nak ajak ramai2. hehe. lain kali lah InsyaAllah :)
Hehe. Thanks Kak Juls! I saw you once when you're driving back from your school. Tapi bawak laju gler. xsempat nak lambai2. hahaa
Gonna miss you guys! We should go out more often! Kalu tahu best camni, patut awal2 lagi dah kuar sekali. hahaha :-P :-P :-P
Thanks kak Juls! :)
Hi Bella,
Thank you so much for your wishes! I have done with my FYP and going to seat for my last paper this Monday. Darn. Feeling sad lah pulak :'( :'( :'(
Hehe. anyway, if you know any Bloggers gathering in KL, do let me know! I am definitely wanna meet lots of new friends and from the blogsphere. :)
Hi Bluedreamer,
Yeah. At first, I kinda reluctant to join these kinds of gathering. I rather keep my private life, well PRIVATE. LOL. But I LOVE to meet new friends and definitely eager to meet my blogging friends in person!
I wish one day we can meet too Bluedreamer! :* :* :*
LOL. Don't worry. I missed FC all the time. Haha. Enjoy your weekend too Bluedreamer ;)
ooohhhh.. bestnya.. i love gatherings Blue... am missing my friends back home now..
Salam Blue dan Selamat Hari Sabtu. : )
Wahh. those gather2 together2 gether sure looked fun. Yup meeting new people can be interesting.
Glad that you enjoyed and had a great time BLue.
Ahaks may be in the future, we can do in KL, but please no pics of me, coz i like to remain mysterious. Ahaks - Berangan misteri konon : D
Today is Saturday and earlier i thought of watching Kick Ass. But then that KIck Ass had kicked my ass pulak since kat Berjaya Time Square tak ditayangkan. Too lazy to go to Pavilian coz it makes me feel miskin if i go there. Hahaha
Once Again. Happy Saturday ya blue : )
Hey Haaziq!
Thanks for sharing the pics! What a gathering that was indeed!
Enjoy the weekend my friend! :)
Try not to eat so much. especially supper. :)
nk jumpa gak kamu~ hihi
i agree with you on that
oh sure... maybe we can meet someday
same here.. haha it's always once in a blue moon chance for me to become a fc
<span>hey Haaziq, cool party! </span> 8-) 8-) 8-)
Wow.. You guys have your own community there. Very interesting I must say and Well Done guys!
nape ms ak kt usm x de sume nih???menciek......
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