- | A Great Pleasure |
- | A Think to Ponder |
- | abiummi |
- | Adz: Revival |
- | Aidil Official Blog! |
- | Aku Pelukis |
- | aloqmalai |
- | Ammbiz |
- | Anak Pak Aziz |
- | Apples of The Eyes |
- | Asian Mutt International |
- | Atniz |
- | AXIMUD |
- | AzmanIshak.com |
- | Badruzamani |
- | Bakal Guru Malaysia |
- | Bantaplo |
- | bear + diah = pasha |
- | Beautiful Journey |
- | Bleeding ; Damaged |
- | Blogger Cats |
- | Box to Box |
- | Bullets of Quills and Ink |
- | CacaMarba Me |
- | Charming Beadz |
- | Checkered Boxer |
- | cheapest minisite design |
- | Clip Kertas |
- | Craft n Swap|
- | Callister's Little World |
- | d2z, the beginning |
- | Deennasour |
- | Digital Artist |
- | diyanazman.com |
- | Dr. Darren Official Blogspot |
- | Drama Queen |
- | Dunia Aku Cerita Aku |
- | Damians Journal: Voices from the Minority |
- | EarnCent.com |
- | Emila's Illustrated Blog |
- | e[E]m P.A.K.W.E. |
- | Etavasi's |
- | Faisal Isa's Personal Blog |
- | First Step Full Earn |
- | Fishing Village |
- | Fishy@ike |
- | Gelapnya Dunia - Bash |
- | Graphical Life |
- | Gades Merah Jambu |
- | Hot Shit Form Here |
- | Humor Collection |
- | Jalan Laju Laju |
- | Janainternet dot com |
- | JewelrySilverWorld.com |
- | JimiWiser |
- | JohanCorner.com |
- | Just My Thought |
- | Just Press Play |
- | Kenangan Terindah |
- | Keyrana's |
- | KisahberuanG.com |
- | Kisah CAHAYA - Sakinah |
- | Kongsi Rasa |
- | Kuro no Sekai |
- | Kuriee.tk |
- | Kusu |
- | Lady Java's Lounge |
- | Lady Java Life's Pages |
- | LIFE - mine and people around me |
- | Life is too Short to be Ordinary - Faisal |
- | Look 4 Dream Girls |
- | Madnilk - Dare to Share |
- | MaharajaPujanggaBujangLara |
- | Mangosteenskin |
- | Mariuca |
- | Mariuca's Perfume Gallery |
- | masrizalhardy.com |
- | MatSpy |
- | mazudi |
- | MBT footwear |
- | Milkberry Musings |
- | Minda Kita |
- | M.N.R.A |
- | Mohd Ismail (dot) Net |
- | monkeys with tarter sauce |
- | Mp3Player online streaming |
- | Msmwestmidlands |
- | Muii dot Org |
- | Mundane |
- | My Little Black Pot |
- | MyPhotoJurnal&TravelBlog |
- | My Routine My Life Hafidz |
- | My Sweet Escape |
- | My World Ebooks Library |
- | MyWorld,MyArt,MyThought |
- | My Very First Blog - Foongpc |
- | menteil.net |
- | Nonowrites.com |
- | Neo in Blog |
- | Nerdy-Fred |
- | Nerd Owned You |
- | Never Enough Stuff |
- | Nikillas |
- | Pachilo |
- | Part of Disturbed Mind & Soul |
- | Pendant of Joy |
- | Persoalannya - Penanya |
- | Petty Ramblings of a Petty Queen |
- | Prepare for Trouble |
- | Qalam 'Aini |
- | R4Z0RG4D3 |
- | Ramblings of The Phat |
- | Ranting By MM |
- | Relax |
- | RestnRileks |
- | Rjuna |
- | Ruang Legar Mohd Hafifi |
- | Sang Murobbi IT |
- | serendipity |
- | Shandye's ngomelsikit |
- | Scream, FarA! |
- | Shahdi |
- | Shahril Aley |
- | Shamxo.com |
- | Shazwina, Shahnaz, Shat, Seroja |
- | Sincerely, xxeemm |
- | Smaelz83 BloQ |
- | Snapshot |
- | Spattucularism |
- | Suara Sang Minda |
- | SufianPC |
- | Syamsulariff.com |
- | Self Magic |
- | TauKeY.com |
- | Tekkaus |
- | Teratak Bisikan |
- | The Gallivantings of Daniel Franklin |
- | The Path of Life |
- | The Time Has Come |
- | The Other Side of Emila |
- | The Stories - Caroline |
- | This Heart of Mine - Kak Juls |
- | Thought of Yumi |
- | Time Goes By |
- | Tinta Ganjil - Nazay |
- | Till The Sun Grows Old |
- | Tukang Taip |
- | Turn The Darkness |
- | Turn-u-Off |
- | The puzzle of my life, is yet to complete |
- | topotato.com |
- | Ups and Down |
- | Wangkita |
- | WanWmaBlog |
- | WalizDiary |
- | weblogku.com |
- | World of Mohd. Azizwan |
- | Wisdom of A Young CEO |
- | WiseUp |
- | Yan^S |
- | zariel.net |
- | zara |
- | Zulfah's Small Hut |
- | zulseffort.com |
- | Zul's Effort [dot] net |
Visit my International Blogroll too!

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Wow! This is a great work! Thanks for putting me in the list ;)
This is a very good effort dude..
Spread some link juice ;)
WOW thats great for you bluedude
malaysian bloggers should be very proud to have you
im listed..!! haha..!! well.. what a long list.. phew..
I am glad you guys like it. I still tired from last night *Sigh*
Bluedreamer, I hope I could finish my International blogroll after this. But perhaps not in these few days. LOL. I can't believe it could wears out my patient :)
Nikillas, Yeah. I don't even know there are lots of Malaysian blogger out there. I feel like katak di bawah tempurung. Haha
yerpp..superb work! i like the list...
wow..that's such a long list! Well done Haaziq ;-)
Hafidz and Monica,
Thank you so much! I still haven't finish my International Blogroll :0
dasat la ko!
wow..sooo long list..but my blog not here..:(
but then my twitter's there...tq
Thanks Shaxx :)
Hi aimZz.. Ade lah blog ko. Haha.. I put it under Kenagan Terindah name. I thought that is your blog's name. Is it?
wakaka...sori2...your list is too much..i miss my blog name..hehe...mmm no need to change it..thx
Hehe.. No problem man. I sometimes get confuse myself too. hehehe
Thanks bro.. I'll update my blogroll with yours too..
thanks for adding me in ur blogroll lists.... :) would add u too.
Thank you all :)
1. Gades Merah Jambu
2. The puzzle of my life, is yet to complete (USM)
3. Callister's Little World (Sorry, I forgot to add yours here before :)
1. Menteil.net
2. Topotato.com
3. Kusu
I think these three Malaysian sites really impressive! I found them all through Twitter. Thank you Twitter :)
Hi bluecrystaldude, I'd like to linkup with you as well. I've added you to my bloglist already. Love that blog title! 8-)
Recent blog post: One Ring, One Lord?
1. Damians Journal: Voices from the Minority
2. Self Magic
I am so sorry for the late link updates. I was pretty messed up this last couple of weeks. I hope you don't mind ;)
BTW, some of the links will be deleted, and some will be promoted to my front page blogroll. More details later! >:o
Recent blog post: A Place to Escape
am i listed?
haha. tak tengok betul2. im already listed. ngee...
haha. tak tengok betul2. im already listed. ngee...
bru nak maki hamun tadi. hahaha >:o
1. Zul's Effort [dot] net
2. Tekkaus
Added: AzmanIshak.com
Newly added: Lady Java's Blogger Cats!
am not in the bloggroll?? :(
Ayo!! Kak JULS! Sorry sesangat. dunno how leh termiss. hahaha. but hey, u are listed under Malaysian Sites (blogroll) in the front page of my site. Tsk tsk. Will add your link ASAP!
</p><p>Added just now: Kak Juls from This Heart of Mine. Really really sorry for missed out your link. Please accept my sincere apology <img></img>
Also added: JohanCorner.com
Freshly added: Neo in Blog
Would love to be added, added your link already :) http://charmingbeadz.blogspot.com/
Would love to be added, added your link already :) http://charmingbeadz.blogspot.com
Sorry for the late reply, but I already added yours :) Thank you so much Selina!
Added: Foogpc's My Very First Blog
hi,do add me yaa..tq
@Blabberina: Hey you, sorry for the late replied. I wasn't able to find your link after I switched my comment platform from JS-Kit to IntenseDebate. I hope you do understand ;)
Added: CacaMarba Me - Blabberina
1. Foongpc - My Very First Blog
2. Caroline - The Stories
Salam Haaziq,
seems like its quite a long time i din read ur posts since last time i was here...the latest post titled 'how to cure laziness...' is too catchy for a postgrad student like me, thats y... Btw, da tukar no fon ka? Ive had wished ur birthday via the old no..anyway, happy belated birthday to u, may Allah blessed u n family always here and after.
p/s: y i comment here not on ur latest post? hehe,well,im juz to excited once realized that im the only one listed under 'Q' alphabet in this blogroll list..HEHE..
Salam Aini,
Saya dah tukar handphone number :) Eh nama dalam Facebook apa ya? Saya nak kasi nombor baru. Nanti let me know ok :)
where can i post my blog to the malaysia blogroll?!
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