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Top 10 Even Weirdest Gifts of All

Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Hand Bra
After my grandma’s birthday party and my weirdest gift of all time posts, I am as curious as the Night Fury that I saw in the How to Train Your Dragon movie last week. Therefore, after doing some Internet researches, I listed out the top 10 weirdest gifts I ever saw. This is way weirder than my super cute Genghis Khan’s poop. Continue reading for more!

1. Nothing
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Nothing
Wondering what is the best gift to give to your friends? Especially when he or she can have anything and everything in the world (I hate when it’s time to figure out what to give to my rich friends)? Then, a simple gift like a gift of Nothing is sufficient! I just can’t stop laughing reading the descriptions in the ads:

Indeed even old Macbeth, though mad as a kipper, realised that life, whilst full of sound and fury (and that was before iPods) is inherently daft and ultimately signifies Nothing. And let us not forget, that 'Nothing' is so important that most of our universe - and the contents of a lot of people's heads - appears to be made up of it. It's a statement, an empty gesture if you will, a nod at the futility of ownership, and yet despite 'Nothing' being nothing, it is of course packed with millions of protons, neutrons and what have you, which is pretty good for Nothing.

Wow. Macbeth and iPods are mentioned in the same line! How thing has changed!

2. Pickle Bandages
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Pickle Bandages
If you’re an avid worshiper of Pickles like Snooki from the Jersey Whores Shore, then this gift is perfect for you!

3. Sharp-end Cat Pencil Sharpener
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Cat Pencil Sharpener
“Simply stick your pencil into the cats behind, push and hear it meow!” Ouch! Oh and it includes a litter tray to catch all the shavings. How considered!

4. Sperm Bank
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Sperm Bank
Okay, I had to admit that I don’t mind receiving this Sperm Bank as a gift. It’s made of ceramic and looks kinda cute. However, I don’t think the coins will fit throughout its tail.

5. Butt/Face Soap
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Butt/Face Soap
Studies show that 93% of people begin their showers by soaping the lower regions and working upwards. That means that 9 out of 10 people rub something against their face that, only moments earlier, was gliding and probing where the sun don't shine. So now you know... The scents are added so you won't realize you're washing your face with tush-tainted soap.

Based on this statistic, I just want to say; Thank God for the invention of liquid soap!

6. Undercap
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Undercap
If your friends have a bold fashion statement, you can give this Undercap as a present. Instead of wearing the normal hats or snow hats, they can wear this super cool cap. Although you can also just give them your white underwear and say it’s the Undercap. Multipurpose gift? How one can resist?

7. Fake Tattoo Sleeves
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Fake Tattoo Sleeves
I saw this sleeves first in The Big Bank Theory, an awesome TV Series by the way. A couple of hard core nerds are trying to tackle emo/gothic girls in the bar wearing that sleeves. Then, a few weeks later, I saw one boy actually wore this Fake Tattoo Sleeves in a shopping complex in Kuala Lumpur. Darn. I am sure before long it will become a trend. It definitely will look hideous on a skinny body.

8. Dick Towel
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Dick Towel
This sure is fun gift for your male friends (I’m not sure if there is a version for female). Are you prefers to wear a significant shrinkage Dick Towel or do you prefer to wear a drop to the floor-penis-look? Either way, your butt will definitely be hanging in the breeze!

9. P-Mate Singles Female Disposable Urine Director
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - P-Mate
Gender equality is one of the most respectable achievements that human kind had achieved. For your ladies friends who’re strong upholding the same values, you can give them this P-Mate Singles Female Director. Oh and it’s disposable. You basically just need a water proof cardboard, fold it into a cone shape and let the water flow freely inside the cone. Yet another amazing achievement has taken place.

10. Real Squirrel Feet Earring or Necklace
Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Real Squirrel Feet Earring or Necklace
I think this should not be categorized as “weird”, fallen more into the “scary” or “exotic” gift categories. And even scarier, the Real Squirrel Feet Earring or Necklace were already sold out! Are you really willing to wear its earring or necklace? If someone bought this for me, I will frame it and put it in my living room.

Top 10 Weirdest Gift - Real Squirrel Feet
There you go, my Top Ten Even Weirdest Gifts of All. Even my Genghis Khan's poop looks tame now. I will not responsible for any possible friendship disruption due to any of these gifts. I hope you enjoy it. Do leave me a comment or two! See ya in the next post!

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +
+ Monica from Turn-u-Off +
+ Bluedreamer27 from TOP FIVE +


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Mariuca said...

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Monica said...

:* :* :*

Mariuca said...


Mariuca said...

Ha ha ha I love Nothing the best too hahahha ROTFLMAO! What a great gift lol.. cause seomtimes it's really hard to think what to get as gifts kan, so nothing is too funny ha ha ha! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Mariuca said...

LOL I had to see the first pic carefully then baru perasan her bikini hands hahahaha! =-O =-O :-P :-P :* :* :* :*

Monica said...

hilarious! esp the dick towel :-D :-D :-D

bluedreamer27 said...

wahhhhhaaaaa how can i ecer beat these two damn fast ladies hahaha

faisal admar said...

i saw the fake tattoo sleve when i did piercing at prangin mall... on my belly button.

maybe will buy it soon! :D

i like the towel... where can i get???

bluedreamer27 said...

recieving nothing is not so new to me,,,, hahaha i never recieve any gift from anyone so it's not that weird to me LOL

Monica said...

<span><span>haha trying to tackle girls in the bar wz that fake tattoo sleeves? c'mon la! </span></span> :-E :-E :-E

bluedreamer27 said...

@2 - well if i see someone who's wounded, i would never dare to give her a bandage like this... i wonder how it differs from the ordinary bandages????? maybe it smells like pickles or something

shandye. said...

the gift that i received may not be considered weird, but i think its weird enough-lah.

a friend of mine scribbled on a torn-up piece of paper 'IOU1' as a b'day gift and requested me to bring that piece of paper the following day, specifically instructed me to wait in front of Prangin Mall.

he actually belanja-ed me McD's. thats his IOU1 thing. cute eh? hehehe...

he explains that he totally forgot that its my b'day and in that franticness he decided to belanja me makan. ngee...

bluedreamer27 said...

@3 - well, i guess its something catchy hahaha,

@4 - whoah so huge where does it came from? a blue whale ??LOL

@5- haha those who wear it are men who are just pretending to act like a bully or something....

@6- oh/ butt soap, i don't know that there's such thing as butt soap hahaha

@7- Well that is what you called resourcefulness

@8- hahaha perfect gift..... for april fools day

@9 -well, that's weird and disgusting in some way

@10-Yikes! Cruela Devil of 101 Dalmations will love that!!

Bluecrystaldude said...

:* :* :*

Bluecrystaldude said...

First FC Marzie! Congrats! 

Bluecrystaldude said...

8-) 8-) 8-)

Bluecrystaldude said...

Second FC Mon! Yeah! 

Bella Enveeus said...

i don't think i like the squirrel feet la.. kesian squirrel tu.. so cruel.. but the towel is kinda cool.. haha.. imagine a guy wearing that, say in the male sauna or something.. funny! :P

Bella Enveeus said...

oh yes, i forgot to write this.. the top photo... ayoyo!  =-O =-O =-O

Bluecrystaldude said...

Third FC Bluedreamer! Congrats! ;)  Mon and Marzie are sure super FAST as always. LOL 

Bluecrystaldude said...

You pierced your belly button? Are you showing to others? If I want to pierce my belly button, I need to wear super baby t-shirt to flaunt it! LOL. 

Dick towel is interesting right? I wouldn't mind wearing one! ;)  

Bluecrystaldude said...

Betul! Haha. I hate to figure out what present should I buy. Especially for those rich people. They always had the best of the best and the gifts need to match up with their status  :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$

Bluecrystaldude said...

LOL. Lots of my Facebook friends thought she was topless. Haha  :-P

Bluecrystaldude said...

Pity them. I am definitely not recommend any of my friends wearing these fake tattoo sleeves when we're outside. If they did, our friendship may had came to an end. Haha  =-X

Bluecrystaldude said...

Really?? How come you never received any gift before? Not even on your birthday?? Oh my..  :'( :'( :'(

Bluecrystaldude said...

LOL. Perhaps it smelled pickles! I forgot to check though. I still remembered when I was in High School, I usually wore the zebra or tiger colored patterned bandages. It was cool back then!  :)  

Bluecrystaldude said...

Haha. That's so sweet! He definitely thinking on his feet! Not everyone can did that. Plus, he built a suspense by only gave you that IOU1 note. Bagus idea ni. haha

Bluecrystaldude said...

LOL. You said it right! It definitely a suitable ornament for Cruela Devil of 101 Dalmations! Oh, I never heard about the BUTT soap either. Never in a thousand year! ROFL!  :-D :-D :-D :-D

Bluecrystaldude said...

LOL. My friends are still buzzing on my facebook profile wall about this. Hahaha  :-D :-D :-D

Bluecrystaldude said...

Haha. and when he takes off the towel, I am quite sure people will want to compare his thingy whether it matches with his towel. LOL! Can't imagine how funny that can be! 

bluedreamer27 said...

huh where's my comment????

bluedreamer27 said...

dude, we both mispelled the Dalmatians to dalmations hehehe

DorothyL said...

HA....the bra and the spermbank are my favorites...very cute~

David Funk said...


I'm sure these items would end up on eBay with the seller strongly encouraging buyers to use the "Buy-It Now" feature in hopes of not being banned for the explicit nature of the products!  LOL!

I don't think you'll see anyone putting these items on their Christmas list.

Very funny stuff my friend!

maxiVelasco said...

:-D :-D :-D

maxiVelasco said...

Oh no! The undercap and the dick towel.... hilarious! Haha!  Thanks for sharing these awesome pics --- and ideas!

Bluecrystaldude said...

Haha! Sorry about that. No wonder it's getting red lines under it :)

Bluecrystaldude said...

Me too! I don't mind receiving it for Christmas *hint hint*

Bluecrystaldude said...

LOL. Actually, some of it was banned by Amazon. Even the <span>P-Mate Singles Female Disposable Urine Director is banned! Haha</span>

Bluecrystaldude said...

Hi Maxi,

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for commenting ;)  

papabear said...

nice one!

Nisha said...

hehe.. gosh, most of them were weird and got me in splits! never knew fake tattoo arms existed.. yeah sure to become a trend soon :) .. great post here dude :)

Hitesh Rawat said...


this is amazing.....butt face and dick towel were the best.....well every one of them is amazing and hilarious..... :D

obat jantung koroner said...

wow amazing and unik, i like it

Ilyas Khan said...

Admin this is an excellent and terrific Post. It is really astonishing and much informative post you have shared here. The article is very interesting to read and much useful. Keep posting in future as well. Thanks for sharing such a great post

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