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Healthcare Associated Infection - Not On My Watch
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Why You Should Have Your Own Online Twitter Newspaper
Thank you for all the information, hopefully with that we can get results ilma useful, and hopefully...
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Durian - The King of Fruits (55 comments)
23 Years of Living! (40 comments)
Are you a Private Person? (35 comments)
Facebook Places and Foursquare (34 comments)
When USM Bloggers Graduated and Happy Fasting! (29 comments)
Random 40 #whatif Questions (25 comments)
Comments by IntenseDebate
>:o >:o >:o >:o
happy MM haaziq!!! BRB. i have a class..LOL to me!
can i have my other blog here? The Latest Buzzzz thankie thankie!!!
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Pestaim listening Haaziq...very entertaining! :* :* :*
I oso like surfing on YT... 8-) 8-)
Happy MM Blue! Let's have WOAFS here today yay! :* :* :*
Marzie, i don't think my link is shown in LJ's list. Isn't it?
Still cant RT ur post huhuhu... will RT manually then! ;)
:* :* :* :*
LOL. I am in my laboratory now. Hehe
Congrats Gagay! You're the first commenter! >:o >:o >:o
i am all for a little laughter :-D :-D :-D
Me too!
Sure Gagay! Happy Monday to you!!
Done! (I read your mind! LOL)
Thanks Marzie. I am still trying to change my tweet button. My internet is super slow melow right now. I already exceed the bandwidth I suppose. hehe. Thank God February is here. LOVE <3
:* :* :*
Happy MM Haaziq! brb k :) ;)
I can see ur link! :)
Yay change la to tweet meme! :)
:* :* :* :*
alah miss the chop also here.. :'( :'( :'(
I also like to source out youtube for songs.. just like the entry at LLP this week...
Happy MM Blue!!
i love VenetianPrincess too!!
i love funny youtube videos too
oh YT is also my only source of some old music videos which are very rare to find
its about snooki in jersey shore.. what a mengarut story... hahaha.. tgk episode 1 pun dah bosan..
u should definitely check VenetianPrincess. her parody videos are hillarious!
I'm back! :-D :-D :-D
oh sometimes I get stuck surfing around YT watching funny videos :-D
I love watching youtube videos too when I am bored! I got that from Shemah! :-D Shemah gives me the links to funny videos! so far my fave videos are the ones with literal meanings... :-D Super funny! :)
LOL! this video is funny! :) I have heard of Jersey shore and have seen a couple of video clips on tv but never actually watched it, I'm told it's like a Mafia version of the Hills.. :-D
"Let's score in Jersey Shore, Ouch my hair's stuck on the door, be as tan as I can so I can steal your man.. " LMAO!! :-D So funny!! :-D but the girl is pretty.. :)
I have changed it! and loving it! Much more easier! :-P
8-) 8-) 8-)
Me too! Time goes fast when I am surfing YT! hehe
Hehe. Don't worry LJ. I am trying my best to keep posting new post to keep Hot Shit Form Here fresh!
Happy MM to you too LJ! :*
Haha. Yeah to VP supporter! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Second that! YT is such an amazing place to find out about old songs and sometimes new songs from indie bands or rather unknown but talented artists. OMG, there really lots of talents there!
But i like Jersey Whore! haha. Mula2 aku tak minat gak, tp the DRAMA is overwhelming! haha. The best MTV's production everrr! :-$ :-$ :-$
I LOVE all of her parody videos! She looks different in each video tho. Macam buat plastik surgery pun ade O:-) O:-) O:-)
Really? I need those links too! haha. I am always open to new things to giggle on. haha :-P :-P
Mafia version of The Hills? ROFL! That's so true! Hahaha. I need to tweet this to my friends :P
The VenetianPrincess is indeed a pretty girl. The girl she's making fun off, the "Snooki" was not tho. Haha. Too much tan, love prickles, big fake boobs and such a slut! But she's the heart of the Jersey Whores! hehehe :* :* :* :*
hahaha! for real! that's what the reviews say about the show! :-D
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