Love you guys!

Hot Shit Form Here New Features!

Hot Shit Form Here

Due to my limited connectivity, I am spending most of my time tweaking my blog! I added two new features in Hot Shit Form Here:

1. Featured Blogger

Featured Blogger

I am introducing a new Featured Blogger post for every month! For those who want to be featured here, just click the featured blogger picture and paste your best (new or old) post in the form that will pop up (image below). I will read, review and post it if it’s good!

Featured Blogger

Please note that by sending your post, you give me the right to publish it on my blog any time of the future.

2. Hot Post, Favorite Post, Post Category, Top Commenters and Hot Shit Form Here Statistic

Expand Collapse

I upgraded (yes, it was there before), I just edited the title and the content in it. Just wait for the page to load, then click on the title box once to expend and twice to collapse it back. You can also expend or collapse all of the boxes by clicking the Expand All/Collapse All link at top and bottom widget. Try it now!

First THREE Commenters:

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Monday Laugh: Couple Jokes

The myth of couples and friends. As usual, my spend my weekend observing other human being:

1. Making judgment entirely from my first impression
2. Laughing at others bad fashion senses
3. Make up stories on strangers that fulfill my wicked fantasy
4. Posting all the above in my tweets

I know I am a sinner, but I just can't help it! Anyway, I received an email from a friend who knows my darkly craving, I just have to post it here. It's a series of couple jokes entitled: "Couple Dynamic: The sad way the world view them". I posted it here, credit to the person who did this (I am not sure who he/she is, but I know you have been in my mind). Enjoy and happy Monday peeps!

Couple Jokes 1
Handsome male + ugly female
Couple Jokes 2
Ugly male + beautiful female
Couple Jokes 3
Handsome male + beautiful female

Couple Jokes 4
Ugly male + ugly female
Couple Jokes 5
Ugly male + ugly male
Couple Jokes 6
Handsome male + handsome male
Couple Jokes 7
Ugly female + beautiful female
Couple Jokes 8
Ugly female + ugly female
Couple Jokes 9
Ugly male + handsome male
Couple Jokes 10
Beautiful female + beautiful female

P/S: My broadband is exceeding limit yet again. Will drop by all your sites one blog at a time. Please forgive me :)

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Bidarlah +
+ Monica +
+ Caroline +


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Waiting for Superman

Waiting for Superman poster

I was watching the Oprah Winfrey’s Show entitled Waiting for Superman episode, it really opened up my mind. Even though it mostly talked about the problem in the USA education system; bad teachers to be exact, I sincerely believe it applicable to all.

Waiting for Superman Summary
Waiting for Superman summary

The major problems with education system are:
1. Parents
2. Teachers
3. Students
4. Education System

Education starts at home. Children grow up looking upon their parents. Sometimes, the parents might not be there and the task is being trusted into the nursery homes and/or maids. A child nowadays can even feeling much closer to the one who is taking care of them, literally. Even my little brother is calling my baby sitter “mak” (meaning mother in Malay). You like it or you don’t at the end of the day, children will go back to their own house and back again in the responsibility of their parents. If the family is not stable, how that can ameliorate a child can to be successful in their education? Thus, to emulate the children well being in the school, parents should be a good example to their children.

Bad Teacher

Bad teachers, or in the Waiting for Superman called it, “bad lemon” exist. No matter how bad there are, they are there to teach our children. They will teach our children, or the least, they will be spending time with our kids. A child deserved a better teacher; even the less fortunate one deserved it. Not everyone can afford spending thousands of dollar a year to get their children into the private schools and colleges.

I personally believe that an effective teacher can stimulate one’s growth of intellect. For example, I am focusing more on some particular subjects just because the teachers paid attention to me and encourage me to do the best for myself in the class. I salute these kinds of teacher everywhere I go.

Student life

The first thing I will think about when I talk about study is laziness. Dear students, laziness are not a disease. Even if it is, it can be cured! The main reason of you become a lazy brat is because you tried all your best, but still can’t understand a certain thing or subject. There is no point of learning (or how they prefer to put it: “wasting my time”) something that is beyond your comprehensiveness right? WRONG. Click here to read about the tips to cure your laziness and study effectively.

Education system

Education System
Education system in Asia mostly focused on how many As you get in the school. The more As you got, the cleaver you are. The truth is, there are students who are not done well in the examination, but intelligent anyway. Examination should not be the sole benchmark of one’s intellectual.

It is time for us to change, no matter small it is. The children deserve a better future and we can do something about it; just become a better parents, better teacher, better student and contribute to a better education system.
The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. - Kahlil Gibran

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Tips to Cure Laziness and Study Effectively

Tips to cure your laziness and study effectively:

Study and examination

1. Try new methods of learning. Some students can understand better in diagram, some in mind mapping procedures. Some even in writing everyone back what they have read. I have met one of my friends who love to draw everything in cartoon characters to grasp his understanding on certain subject better. You have to try different types of learning method before you can understand yourself well.

Mind Mapping
Mind mapping can be fun!

2. Try different environment. I prefer a quiet place while my friend prefers to study in a hectic environment (so that he will not fall asleep while studying). If you get bored stuck in one environment, try another to switch up a little bit. I have this habit of prowling into the dark along corridors when I get bored of studying. Some passerby shocked out of their life, but that is the fun right?

3. Group study. Although I am not a big fan of this method of studying, in my university’s years, I have to adapt to it. Sometimes, there is a time when you cannot cover all of your subjects. Just ask one or two of your friends to study with you. They can present or explain to you in a short summary so you can understand better. Group study can provides you so much fun! Too much fun actually. Haish.

4. Always plan what you want to study. Laziness happens when you think you’re way too behind of your schedule or you’re too ahead of your study schedule. Just to be safe, write down what you are planning to learn on that particular day. Make sure you follow your schedule. Please note, just a simple schedule plan is sufficient.
Timetable for Idiot
Simple study plan!

5. Be flexible. I hate personal study timetable; yes the one that all your old teachers asked you to write it down and paste it on your study desk. The truth is, from my personal experience, I will never follow the timetable. The first reason is that there are certain subjects you want to learn it depending on your mood. For example, after finish watching CSI, I usually can focus more on my biology subjects. On the other hand, just to wake up your sleepy head, you might want to refresh it by doing some calculation. As a result, I planned my study as general as possible and that can suit mine better.

Note: This list is based on my personal experience. If you failed after following me tips, don't give up, that just means that you are not me!

The examination week is here! Good luck to everybody! I missed my college life so much! Have fun guys! Good luck!

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Bella +
+ Caroline +
+ Shemah +


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23 Years of Living!

Haaziq Zahar
23 Years young! :)

Oh my, thank you so much for the well wishes on my personal number, Facebook, Twitter and blog post! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I received more than 500 wishes on Facebook alone!

On the 11th November, I celebrated my birthday quietly with my closest friends and colleagues; it was a good celebration.

A little shout out to David from Basic Bloganomics:

Basic Bloganomics
Basic Bloganomics

And Ane from Life According to Me:

Life According to Me
Life According to Me

Thank you so much guys! Love you much!

P/S: Do I look older than my age? People gasp in disbelieve that I only 23 yo. I thought I have a baby face, no? Haha

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Mariuca +
+ Bella +
+ Lady Java +


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Random 40 #whatif Questions

underwear on the pants

1. #whatif all men have to wear underwear outside like Superman?
2. #whatif there is a Godzilla climbing up your office outside your window?
3. #whatif you really can't say NO?
4. #whatif we talk as much as we tweet?
5. #whatif fart smells nice?
6. #whatif Hitler is just like Mathama Ghandi?
7. #whatif Lady Gaga is woman? Erk.
8. #whatif there is no night?
9. #whatif Superman is actually exist?
10. #whatif Justin Timberlake is gay? And Elton John is not?
11. #whatif Backstreet Boys are still relevant?

Fake Snooki Boobs

12. #whatif Snooki boobs are the real boobs?
13. #whatif your age is count backwards?
14. #whatif all doctors have a fake doctorate?
15. #whatif Michael Jackson is not dead and is planning a big comeback?
16. #whatif plastic surgery is just like taking a painkiller?
17. #whatif music is banned because it has bad influence?

Pig can Fly

18. #whatif one day pig can fly?
19. #whatif Harry Potter is real?
20. #whatif the only news on TV is E! News?
21. #whatif one day the Internet is dead?
22. #whatif Star Treks is real?
23. #whatif "what the fuck" is actually a compliment?
24. #whatif there is no Monday?
25. #whatif every single dreams will come true? Even the nightmares? Erk.
26. #whatif Watermelon instead of Apple?
27. #whatif Google is our school?

Homer Simpsons is the King of the world

28. #whatif Homer Simpsons is the King of the world?
29. #whatif war is only being done through words?
30. #whatif a sneeze can makes girl pregnant? :8
31. #whatif our crime investigators are as efficient as those in #CSI?
32. #whatif an apple a day can really cure all the disease?
33. #whatif tomorrow you wake up and you don't know how to tweet? *gulp*
34. #whatif we become all fat and lazy just like in Wall-E?
35. #whatif one day all the animals can speak and eat human instead? #-___-"
36. #whatif our world is ruled by nerds, geeks and gay? Oh wait. They already have.
37. #whatif everything that you known is right suddenly become wrong?

Obama and Oprah are aliens

38. #whatif Obama is an alien come to conquer our planet? And alien lady is Oprah?
39. #whatif Malaysia is ruled by PR instead of BN?
40. #whatif the next day you wake up with a big fat hairy guy beside you?

Every now and then you should let your imagination run wild. I did and I came out with all these nonsense. I was actually posted all the 40 #whatif listed above on my Twitter – and got some HIGHlarious answers! So, just follow my Twitter for more Twittering fun!

You can posted your #whatif answer or suggestion on my comment below!

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Caroline +
+ Bella +
+ Monica +


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Because We Care

Surprise, surprise, I am writing another post today. I dedicated this post to bubbles182 for keep pushing me to go forward with my blog and also to specifically to my auntie, Datin Mazlina Mohd Zahid for inviting me to join her charity work last Saturday.

Charity Show 1

She and her husband have been involving with Soroptimist International Club of Damansara (SID) for quite some times. SID was chartered in 1993 and has carried out many services and charity projects mainly to help the less fortunate women and children in the community. To listen to her talking about SID passionately is just inspiring. Therefore, I was more than eager to participate in the charity show last weekend.

Charity Show 2

Charity Show 3

Basically the event on that day was to gather children from various children’s homes in Klang Valley; totaling up with almost 500 children, to watch Megamind movie at e@Curve. The show was sponsored by friends and associates of SID and corporate donors with ticket sold at RM 35 each.

The proceeds from the charity show will be used to replenish SID’s:

  • Children Welfare Fund
  • Single Mothers Fund
  • Cancer Welfare Fund
Charity Show 4

Charity Show 5

I was actually overwhelming because:

1. I am never being surrounding with that many kids before
2. To see their excited faces waiting for the movie to start were just mesmerizing
3. Volunteers and children from different races mingle around with each other – this is what 1Malaysia is all about

Many of the children in these homes/centres are children of single mothers who are financially challenged and are unable to support their children thus forcing them to abandon them at the homes. They need our help to ensure that their children can receive a proper education. In addition, we provide skills training for single mothers so that they can be gainfully employed. Our Cancer Welfare Fund helps to subsidise the cost of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for underprivileged women stricken with cancer.

Helping others that are in needs; you will feel good about it.And the movie was good too! (will post about that later :)

Charity Show 6

With this post, I will also officially announce to all my readers that I will be posting few more events that I went and will be delighted if you want to feature your event in my blog. Just drop me an email explaining your event at bluecrystaldude(at) and I will personally keep in touch with you. Of course I have the right to choose with event to be featured here.

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Why I Naturally Like this Song

It's Only Natural

Hey guys! I am changing my Music Monday edition a little bit this time around; I will list down why I chose this song to be featured here. You can give it a spin, try to listen to it and comment whether you agree or not with my list *fist bump under the table*

This week Music Monday choice is The Higher – It’s Only Natural. Special shoutout to the88thkaiser for suggested this song through my Twitter!)

Why I Naturally Like It’s Only Natural song:

1. Nerdy factor
I can only speak for myself, but I am pretty sure we all think alike; the keyword is “think”, yes, we do that often than trying to be likeable. Thus, nothing is more exciting that watching a nerdy man gets a lovely girl.

2. Shopping should be THIS fun
Remember the old music that faithfully accompanies you in the lift? Try to air that inside a shopping mall. Lame.

3. Fun, catchy and sweet
Three words that can describe the music; good for a night out! Enjoy!

It's Only Natural

The Higher – It’s Only Natural

The Higher - "it's Only Natural"

It's Only Natural

It's Only Natural Lyrics
I wish you would, oh oh oh
Come over here and
Show me something good,
You got me thinking about, thinking about
How you look, ooh hot damn
You must have wrote the book
Oh, that girl is so fine
She must've wrote the book

And every second is electric
Like a thousand volts
Not to mention, my intentions
Only natural, and your affection
Is the question
I've yet to close and I'm close

You keep giving me looks
When you come my way
The way you shaking me up it's like an earthquake
You keep giving me looks
That I can't escape
You make my pulse race
With the aoa

And you know I could, oh oh oh
Come over there and give you
Something good,
I bet you're thinking about, thinking about
How you're hooked, oh on me now
You know I wrote the book ooh
With a touch like mine
I must have wrote the book

And every second is electric
Like a thousand volts
Not to mention, my intentions
Only natural, and your affection
Is the question
I've yet to close and I'm close

You keep giving me looks
When you come my way
The way you shaking me up it's like an earthquake
You keep giving me looks
That I can't escape
You make my pulse race
With the AOA

And every second I'm infected
And without a cure
And I'm positive
You're someone who's worth fighting for
You just got that something more
Plus... I'm really sure

You keep giving me looks
When you come my way
The way you shaking me up it's like an earthquake
You keep giving me looks
That I can't escape
You make my pulse race
With the AOA

You keep giving me looks
When you come my way
The way you shaking me up it's like an earthquake
You keep giving me looks
That I can't escape
You make my pulse race
With the AOA

Oooo0hhhh, you must've wrote the book!

Music Monday

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the actual post link here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

First THREE Commenters:

(Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be featured at the end of the month!)

+ Zulseffort +
+ bubbles182 +
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