• Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI), also referred to as "nosocomial" or "hospital" infection is a buried problem that no institution or country appears to have solved yet.
• Hospitalization and interventions for the purposes of healthcare have always been associated with a risk of infection.
• Advances in medical technology and treatment means more patients are being treated than ever before and this increases the risk of acquiring HAI infection.
• Each year, hundreds of millions of patients around the world are affected by HAI. They are the most frequent adverse event during healthcare delivery worldwide.
• Not all HAI can be prevented; however, high standards of infection control can minimize the risk of occurrence.
What is HAI?
HAI is an infection occurring in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or other health care facility which was not present or incubating at the time of admission. This includes infections acquired in the hospital but appearing after discharge, and also occupational infections among staff. – WHO
Why HAI is Dangerous?
• For a patient affected by HAI, it can cause:
- Considerable distress
- Extend stays in hospital
- Decline in quality of life
- Prolong discomfort, permanent disability and in some cases contribute to, or cause, death
• Healthcare staffs are also at risk of acquiring HAI as a result of attending to infected patients.
• In 2002, the estimated HAI incidence rate in the United States of America was 4.5%, corresponding to 9.3 infections per 1 000 patient-days and 1.7 million affected patients, leading to 99 000 deaths
• The annual economic impact was approximately US$ 6.5 billion in 2004
• Every year in the USA, 250 000 episodes of nosocomial bloodstream infection occur, resulting in 16-40% attributable mortality in critically ill patients
Not On My Watch Campaign
Ventilator–associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the top three infection concerns of clinicians today |
• Approximately 20–30% of healthcare-associated infections are considered to be preventable by intensive hygiene and control programs
• To help achieve this goal, Kimberly-Clark Health Care launched "
Not on My Watch", a website that provides tools and information to help facilities eliminate HAI.
• Kimberly-Clark will match all year-end gifts made by AORN members up to $20,000.
• The donation will be used to support the advancement of patient safety through education, research and patient safety initiatives.
• A few of these nurses’ programs include scholarships, educational tool kits, webinars and conferences for professional development.
P/S: This post is under my
Charity category; where I published charity events (non-profits events) and/or campaigns on various issues. Please feel free to email me (
bluecrystaldude[at] if you have any interesting event or campaign or even story you want to share with my readers.
Healthcare Associated Infection - Not On My Watch post is suggested by
Barbara Dunn. Thank you so much for your kind interest.
Photos Credit:
1. Coding News
2. Insider, College of Medicine, University of Florida
1. World Health Organization (WHO)
2. Tackling healthcare associated infections through effective policy action, British Medical Association
3. Reducing Healthcare Associated Infections in Hospitals in England, National Audit Office
4. Windows into Safety and Quality in Health Care 2009, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare
5. Not On My Watch, HAI Watchdog website
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+ Monica +
+ Mariuca +
+ Shinade +
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Monica 120p · 743 weeks ago
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Monica 120p · 743 weeks ago
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bluecrystaldude 79p · 743 weeks ago
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Mariuca 136p · 743 weeks ago
bluecrystaldude 79p · 743 weeks ago
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Mariuca 136p · 743 weeks ago
bluecrystaldude 79p · 743 weeks ago
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Mariuca 136p · 743 weeks ago
bluecrystaldude 79p · 743 weeks ago
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@Shinade · 743 weeks ago
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bluecrystaldude 79p · 743 weeks ago
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@Shinade · 743 weeks ago
My recent post Picture Day-Grandchildren
@Shinade · 743 weeks ago
The longest woman on record to live with this was 53 or 54 and Pam will be 41 in February. Without a miracle and if I live my natural life out I will have to bury my child.
I am crying as I write this. I have tried to research it and write a post about it. But, it is just too close to my heart. Also, I could never do it justice.
Would you please, pretty please consider researching and writing about this? There are a lot of parents that would really be grateful and a lot of readers that I promise you have never heard of it!!
No pressure...just asking!
Jackie :-)
My recent post Picture Day-Grandchildren
bluecrystaldude 79p · 743 weeks ago
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bluedreamer · 743 weeks ago
Caroline · 743 weeks ago
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Caroline · 743 weeks ago
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wai · 743 weeks ago
OBAT KANKER SERVIKS · 492 weeks ago