Love you guys!

Updated The Malaysia Blogroll

blogroll, Malaysia Blog, Malaysian, Malaysia, Link exchangePlease kindly click the picture above to get to the Malaysia's blogroll page

This post was not supposed to be up at least not until the day after tomorrow, but since I only finished updating my Malaysia's blogroll at 4.15 in the morning, I decided to post a little link to it (the blogroll page is backdated). It is not perfect yet, but I already done my best. If you are one of my Twitter followers, I will link your blog automatically to my blogroll and by automatic; I mean I had to add all of it one by one. Therefore, there may be some links mismatched, some misspelled or I simply forgot to add your link up. Do let me know at that page. Let me remind you again that this is only for the Malaysia’s blogroll. The International’s blogroll is still undergoing updating process. I hope you will be kind enough to spare me some times to finish it all. Oh, and both pages could also be reached by clicking the thumbnail picture the far right of this page. Thank you for being Hot Shit Form Here’s supporter. I really appreciate it.

P/S: I haven’t added the links under the Latest and Family & Friends to the Malaysia’s blogroll. I really am tired and too sleepy to finish it off today. Have a great weekend everyone!

P/S P/S: Leave all comments and suggestions at the linked page. I closed this post's comment.


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