i would like to talk about HINDRAF according to my view. But first, let me copy 1 of email i received couple weeks ago:
It is troubling to note the govt did not take heed of the grievances of its people, esp the minorities for too long. It is betrayal of the people's trust as ONE Malaysian family - by the people in the corridors of power.In my opinion as a citizen in this country, what i keep thinking this couple of weeks is what will HINDRAF do after all this over? let say they manage to put the international pressure and give reason to America and his alliances to attack Malaysia. What will HINDRAF do after that? Building a new government? Does it has enough politics power to coup with all this different races in Malaysia? I would love to hear their long term plan first. [ i cant get a hand of their memorandum. can u? please inform me if u see it] i still doubt there is ethnic cleansing in Malaysia. and i thought that the Malays are more poorer compared to Indians??
Hasn't HISTORY taught these insensitive govt leaders (from all the various ruling coalition parties) that when pushed, it becomes a shove.
(Note: Myanmar; Philippines with People Power; Indonesia against Suharto; Singapore with protests/dissent more underground and on the Internet, than overtly; ..and now Malaysia).
We just had the ASEAN Conference; and the formation of HumanRights Group to oversee abuses of power within ASEAN.
The protests are supported by all races in Malaysia and even in Singapore, as this is a protest against the Malaysian Govt, and NOT an inter-racial problem, per se.
The Indians, generally are a more gentle race, and do not bicker as much compared to the other races. They tried to use the normal democratic channels to air their grievances - through their MPs, Govt leaders, Media, NGOs, Courts, multi-representations, etc..i really don't want to see our tourists ran away with a bad images left behind about our country.
They (incl the other races of Malaysia) had to resort to this unprecedented large scale protests as a last resort.
On the other hand, one should WONDER with all the injustices against the minorities (even though they are part of the MALAYSIAN FAMILY) such protests did not occur earlier.
The damage to Malaysia - due to shortisghtedness of politicians of all hues - is immense - with the expected big drop in tourism; bad publicity; etc...i really hope that this hurricane of racist remarks, allegations and even the street protest being stop immediately. However, i really think that the government should start to listen to our voice the whole time, not just when general election is near.
Within ASEAN, Malaysia is in the same league as Myanmar.
Singapore is in the same league, as far as treatment of minorities are concerned, though at a different scale.
[pictures taken without permission from Flickr: HINDRAF demo in KL]

i don't know why it happend...
huhu. it ok. nice blog neway ;D
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