A day before the end of year 2007, my course mates and I went to a waterfall and playing
futsal in Taiping, Perak, about 50 kilometers from our university. It was a different kind of new year celebration as we usually celebrate it by watching fireworks and concerts. [both my arms are still in the pain from sliding down the rocks. Ouch!] Sixteen of my coursemates plus one generous donor came [many thanks to him ;D] By using seven motorcycles and one car, we sure made up most of the scene.
We arrived at Burmese Pool and Waterfall around 4.30 p.m. It has a natural water slide and the water is really cold. The surrounding area is to large to be captured on the pictures. But I did manage to take some:

I got so many pictures to share, but most of us were half naked and I don't think my friends will be flattered if I post it here. lol. On the way back, we came across Taiping Zoo & Night Safari and Taiping Lake Garden. [to see pictures of Taiping Lake Garden click HERE] I should go to Night Safari at least once before my graduation!
After that, we went to Pusat Futsal Purnama. The price for one court is USD14.68 [RM50.00] per hour. Quite a catch considered it was a weekend night. Of course we have to book in advance.

In case you're wondering why some of us not wearing any shirt on, we played on the rule of who get to score first, the other team's member has to take their shirt off. The Malaysian culture called it "togel". The rule usually implied on street soccer to differentiate other team's member. Even Nike already made a short movie about it entitle "JANGAN TOGEL"!
Exhausting and sweaty, I really hope that this 2008 will bring me more friendships and relatively a good year to live. I can't hope better than that. Thanks for reading.
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hi bluecrystaldude..r u one of the togels..hahaha
when reading yr post i remember vaguely a trip we took to Sagil..there was a nice waterfall wth natural water slide too..hmm better than wht thy have in sunway lagoon..trust me..
but the funny thing is..after finished sliding and swimming then we realized tht out track bottom all got teared...luckily the guys didnt notice...fuhh!
lol waliz. Forgive me for letting my imagination went wild. ;P The slide where we went was very slimy indeed. The moment I sit on the rock, I will sliding down. [my arms still not recover well] Ouch!
I haven't gt any chance to go to Sunway Lagoon lately. The last time I went there at the age of 16, if my memory serves me right. But I don't think much has changed since my last trip. Same old swimming pools (there was couples of giant umbrella or mushroom wasn't it?) lol. I remembered taking pictures there.
Thanks idderes. I hope you celebrate your new year with a blast too!
wah!you guys really have alot of fun at the Waterfall.this is an exciting outing.Happy new year..wish you all the best.
Hye sweetiepie. Yup, loud and noisy way to start the new year.
To dear waliz, I prefer not to answer your togel question. lol
Looks like you guys had a great time! Happy New Year!
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