The global price of oil already hit a time high with $139 per barrel last Friday. I check on this site to take a look at today's price and what a surprise! I was greeted with a WELCOME! The last word you want to associate with oil price. Anyway, the price is $132.90 today and I left the site without looking for "Good Bye and Have A Nice Day". The new oil price in Malaysia is RM2.70 per liter (increased by 40%) and I sure all around the world, the price is increase too. And they even forecast that the global oil price will be double ($250) in the near future. Consistently, other goods prices will be up too unless the government do something. Of course, waiting for the government to take action is simply a long and painful wait, so I decided to list up what you could do to reduce the burden of the price war. Viewer Discretion Advised. This May Not Be Suitable For A Light Hearted
Reduce Your Electrical Bill
Two things that usually end up a chuck full lot in your electrical bill are water heater and air conditioner's usage. Oh, by the way, Malaysian electrics rate will double start from next month. Be prepared..
- You should get use having your bath in the cold water especially for Asian people who don't experience 4 seasons through out the year. What is a better way to start your day with the coldness of the morning running water splashing your face that will literally shake you up and actually awake you?
- Open up your room windows and feel the breeze of fresh air so that you won't have to use air conditioner at all time (this step is not advisable for the city housing).
- Sleep naked when it's hot rather than switching on your air conditioner or fan. Make sure you lock your room door before trying.
- Try to switch off the unused plugs, including your water heater and air conditioner's plug - most people forget about it.
- Try to get your eyes use to see in the dark, switch off the unnecessary lamps. It's better than having a cheaper electrical bill than to be robbed at night.
You should not indulge yourself with entertainment too much (although "too much" is depending on your state of finances). As matter of fact, this should be the last thing in your budget. However, I am a normal person, and like any normal human being, entertainment plays a big part in our life.
- Cut your you-can-live-without-them-expenditures. For example, I will cut my Astro bill (a local satellite TV) by unsubscribed my Movie package. Of course this may be due to the fact that I rarely watch the movie channels (as I already saw most of the films there). My father wanted to unsubscribe it for a long time ago, this may a little push he needs.
- You-can-live-without-them-expenditures also may include the budget for clothing. Try to buy one expensive (and a good quality) cloth once in a year. You could always wear it for many years to come. Avoid buying something too trendy, as trendy is very seasonal. Classic is always a good (and save) choice.
- Try to reduce you-can't-live-without-them-expenditures. For me, it is the broadband internet (again, it depends on people). Try to choose the cheapest but reliable one. Although I am quite certain I can't do anything about mine.
- Try to reduce what I like to call, your "social visits" rather than "hanging out with friends" phrase (You would be less guilty, trust me). One of these social visits would easily make a hole in your pocket in no time. Less shopping, less hanging out at fancy cafés and restaurants, less clubbing, less cinema going and less everything you usually do on your social visits.
Other example of you-can't-live-without-them-expenditures is vacation. You're stressed a year out and you really need this holiday to make you humane again.
- If you want to go to oversea vacation, try to choose a country that its currency exchange rate is high. This is because you would not tend to spend a lot of money on shopping on top of other expenditures. London is one of the places that you shouldn't go although the currency rate is high because the price for things there are relatively cheaper (unless you have a very very high willing power to stop shopping).
- Whereas Europe countries are the best choice. It offers you many historical places to go without the urge to excessively shopping.
- Try to adjust yourself into having only one long vacation per year rather than an oversea trip every two months. Oh, and of course, try to explore interesting vacations in your own country.
- Opt to public transports whenever you're on holiday. You don't need to rush or anything right? Just enjoy the holiday. (This step may not apply to those who already use public transport every day to get to work).
- Plan your journey well and ensure you save some of your money for emergency situation when you're on holiday. Try not to be over budget.
- Reduce the usage of water. You don't need to wash your car or motorcycle every week. But you should take a bath at least thrice a day.
- Hoop in your colleague's car to work, use public transportation or simply walk.
- Teach your children the value of money. Reduce their monthly allowance if possible (this should be your last resort).
- Eat outside less. Try to cook at home. Which may or may not cause several food blogs and restaurants to close.
- Stop buying newspaper, there all bullshit anyway. Read them online instead.

We are faithful and law abide citizens have done what you have ordered. We have changed our lifestyle. And now what? No, telling people to stop eating rice when the rice price is high is not a solution. No, telling people to change their lifestyle could not solve all the problems. What about for those who struggle for the end meet, live just to survive another day and do not spend much or any on their "lifestyle"? No, not everyone send their children to study in U.K or Australia. No, not everyone has a chauffeur to drive you to work. You should try take one of our public transports, Minister. No, the rebates given will do little to cope with increasing prices and done nothing for those who don't own car or motorcycle. No, paying the same salary for government servants but in two installments is not the same as increase their salary. And no, we are not doing any street demonstration. What will be your action now?
Three simple steps that should be considered to cope with the price war:
- Increase the effectiveness of public transportation services. Increase the effectiveness of public transportation services. Increase the effectiveness of public transportation services. Read about Neomesuff and her vivid experience when she took the real public transport.
- Reduce tolls and car prices. Neighboring countries (except Brunei which news easily forget to compare with) may charged on higher petrol fuel, but their cars there are much cheaper than us.
- Tighten up the enforcements. Check that daily goods and services so that they do not increase their prices as wish.
And with such love do well express, yet
The deeds of men sometimes come so mean
And with great disgust is well despised.
These conflicts unresolved for times,
Someday, somewhere resolves to meet.
(Life, The Unfinished Business | Oliver Mabamara)
No, I don't think it already late to talk about oil price. It never too late for something like this. No, I don't think it's too late to review the price structure. And no, I am not an anti-government, yet.
A true Malaysian at heart,

Hi dude.. thanks for the fun loving comment you left, on my blog. You've helped us all chalk out a budget ha? things are getting way out of limits, with the prices soaring the sky!
Btw.. great post, very well written:)
i'll take this post as a note-to-self ;)) i guess i have to give up so many things esp You-can-live-without-them-expenditures and shopping if i decide to drive a car in maincamp. *sigh*
you have a good day ;))
Hmm... The government told us to change our lifestyles but did they even bother to change their lavish lifestyles?
We have a pathetic government.
ahh :D Reduce.. reduce.. reduce.. hehehe... wah so many reduce.. and stop buying news paper.. mmm it is hard oohh like this.. (0_o) hehehe
but i like the first picture in this post..
we go to work by car. after sending me to office, my hubby will park the car and use motocycle. if it rains, we switch to car again. if not raining, we go home by bike.
i also turn off the engine when i need to sit in the car waiting for hubby to finish his work. but a lot of mosquito if it's already dark.
I belive oil price will never stop incresing until alternatives are discovered which I think in reality there are but just that because of governemnt policy, conspiracy and etc that until today, we all are still depending on the going to be exhuasted oil.
Poeple like us will continue to suffer like hell as it only benfits a small group of people only.
erm... reduce this, noted, reduced that, noted, reduce all la senang, ;) anyway, i can't agree more with each and every one that you highlight in your post but sad to say and quite sorry to admit that Malaysian themselves are the ones who aren't willing to change. This is due to the comfort zone syndrome (this is what I usually called it) where everything is not usually expensive and the people with lavish lifestyle tend to spend their socks off to show their status by buying all those dream things for the people who can't afford it. That's why every time we wanted to spend on something, we should think hard about it. I usually do that and believe me it works. At the end of the day, you only bought or use the things that you really need and no waste of money occurs. It maybe an embarrassment to put back the thing that you already taken into your cart or cancel something your order or turn back at the u-turn sign to the mall but it's going to help in in a way that you will thanked yourself later. ;) have a great day dude!
oh do i have to include "reducing military expenses?"
as far as i know most of the percentage of the government funds are to spend with the soldiers
which greatly affects the other things
that instead of spending it for poor families for a good cost
This post remind me of "Ubah Cara Hidup" video :)
Government should stop the corruption at the first place. But how to stop when the one who suppose to stop involve? I wonder.
I'm not anti government either but to see how Malaysia "develops" really give me a heartache!
I agree with those points given by you. Miss my old Malaysia, indeed.
P/s: You can't compare durian price between Malaysia and Japan :)
It is too bad when Governments don't think about what they are doing to the people in their country. When there is corruption the people loose so much and others gain at the peoples expense. It is so sad.
I liked you ideas on how to save money. I have tried some of them myself and they do work.
I have a little something for you at my site my dear friend.
Love and Blessings,
hello blue just dropping by to say have a great day and more power
by the way i have a message for you in mybloglog i hope i can get your answer to it so soon
have a great day again
since we are doing our part.. we also expect to see they do their part. A cut of 10% should have been 30-40%, so they would feel the pinch too.
hmmm.. now, i am going to work early so as to avoid the traffic jam. Tolak awal, tekan minyak pun slow sebab bawak macam buat video klip muzik...
i am not anti government too, yet!!
i want to change my lifestyle by having/getting more money ;-)
yesss...me too!!! wanna hav more money.. our minister spend lotsa money maaa.their wife, their luxurious thingssss, their food apetite~ their big gigantic lust!!!! just the same as shown on tv drama..that is the fact!!!!
pak lah...please listhen..do some blog reading TQ
Apa la nak kecoh-kecoh setakat Rm 2.70 tu.. Elaun aku RM 18,000 takder masalah.. Minyak RM 2.70 seliter takder masalah nak bayar.. rakyat kena fahammmm.. HAHAHAHA...
[quote]Reduce the usage of water. You don't need to wash your car or motorcycle every week. But you should take a bath at least thrice a day.[/quote]
bertuahnya anak selangor.. air free 20 meter padu.. jom duduk selangor ramai2
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