>> Less Word Wednesday #1 >> Flying High is Overrated

This was my first 'product' resulted from what I bought as I stated in the Peanut and Butter post. As you can see, the product is not quite to my degree of approval and expectation (you could see the unevenness of the color, texture and what a hideous design), but I posted it anyway (and blamed it to my camera - I don't have a scanner here). Please be kind. Thank you.
P/S: At first I want to put this title as Wordless Wednesday as most people did, but then, the thought of not to write anything to accompany this such masterpiece is killing me. Duh.
P/S: P/S: Happy belated birthday to my friend, Angel Baby from Your Caring Angel. I wanted to wish you here, but I could not leave my comment - don't why, may be because of my

well, my comment is:
the 1st impression, i took u grab it from somewhere else and post it here...
after reading it....
well done dude!! it awesome..like those artist working out their drawing.. keep it up~
wow~~ told ya'... you're one talented future engineer cum artist!!! :)
what a masterpiece... :) any significant reason behind it??
er... er... so, this is your ATC, is it??
Hi Hafidz,
I don't think I am a par with those artists yet.. Seriously, I even having second thought of posting this in here, but I guess I couldn't managed to post any new post and since my last post was 4 days ago, I posted it anyway. Damn the result looks pretty bad. Haha..
Hi Love-n-hate,
Nope. I still haven't managed to squeeze my time to do the ATC. The ATC supposed to be small (as Rizal told me in my last post comment). Looks more like a business card. Just have to put extra creativity in the way to design one :)
hehe almots abstract... no? hmm... instead of a woman... why not a seagull? ;)
oh yeah belated happy birthday to our friend angelbaby
you know what i tried to have that kind of wordless wednesday portion in my blog but i just cant post without any supportive words on it hehe
so i decided not to have wordless wednesday in my blog hahaha
You did the artwork yourself? Wow- definitely very impressive! I thought it was taken from somewhere too and only after reading I was like 'wow- he's good!'
btw, the internet connection sucks bit time here too. I heard Streamyx is having some maintenance work until 2nd August.
that is one cool art too. Dont be shy..dont be BLUE! hehe Syabas..I say, you ve taken one step further dude..
Yup.. ATC is small.. 2.5in x 3.5in.
Last ATC, megat had it all confused making them quite big.. nevertheless.. they are great..
Cant wait for your ATC..
Heppi blogging and heppy Arting (suka2 aku jerr letak ayat camni..hehe)
Hello, dropping by here.. hope you are doing great ;0
See you around,
Thank you so much. I had a wonderful Birthday.
About the picture .... you are a natural artist my dear you have true talent keep going, don't stop you are on your way to the top!
Love and Blessings my dear friend,
did u really draw that pic? i think u r quite talented...i wouldnt mind put a frame and hang it in my bedroom...who knows one day u become famous and tht time i couldnt be afford to buy one...
thanks for keep visiting me dude..i really appreciate it...
waiting for your atc ;)
how's the progress?
This is rather impressive but don't worry, There is always room for improvement.
Is there a meaning behind this artwork?
hello blue just dropping by to say have a great day
i think u did a good job! i like the way u do the shading on the angel's cloth and wings. bravo!! can't wait to see ur ATCs.
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