Less Word Wednesday #11 >> The Perfect Girl for Kyle XY

"She had an operation when she was an infant," her rep told the Daily News. "It's a fact and just thank God she's healthy."


"She had an operation when she was an infant," her rep told the Daily News. "It's a fact and just thank God she's healthy."
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nice one post
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Comments by IntenseDebate
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Comments by IntenseDebate
wah! First commenter! Tahniah :D
hahaha..aku no 1!!!
komen dulu baru baca....
minat tu peminat fanatik kyle xy kot..saja ja minah tu pi operate tutup lubang pusat nk bagi sama ngan si hero tu..baru buat ja tu,pastu ngaku operate waktu kecik..cheh!!!
**kyle xx
hahahahaah nice one
I totally saw this post when I surfing via my mobile phone at the motorbike shop and I was first commenter tau.. but i disble all graphics and such I couldn't see the captcha!!!
Ish!! rugi lah...lolz!
Hi Attahrel,
Hahahaha.. That must be some kind of controversy! LOL
If you don't understand Malay language, Attahrel said that Korila Kurkova did a plastic surgery to hid out her belly button because she is a die hard fan of Kyle XY! Haha..
I am laughing my sock off! What if it is the truth?? Crap!
So funny right? Glad you like it :)
Hi Lady Java,
Hehe.. I saw your tweet about the 1.5KM walking. So sorry to hear about it. Plus, you missed this first commenter too. Hehe.. Don't be so sad, I am sure there is another post to come tomorrow. Hehehe
P/S: I sure hope my flu is getting better!
I already put your link. Amacam? Okay tak? hehe.. If you don't like it, do let me know. I will change it ASAP :)
mak datok!!!!!
ada orang x paham malay ka kat sini....gila maju!!!!i can ja tulis in english...but kna open kamus lak r...how to get the 1st pengkomen!!!!hahahah.....
caya la haaziq..aku dh test..gmbaq lawa..link suma masuk cun...xdak masuk ke tmpat len...bunyi macam org kemaruk gila...hahaha
hi lady java(aku assume ang paham bahasa)...
lambat tu ngaku ja la....hahaha...aku pn tadi loading lambat gila...cuba lg len kali..haha
**malas nk tulis lg pjg..sian lak satgi tuan tanah nk kna translate...apa lg?translate r...
Hi Attahrel,
Bukan maju lah.. haha..
According to Alexa, the last time I checked it (26/11/2008) Hot Shit Form Here visitors, 68.5% are from US while from Malaysia is 3.0% only...(thanks to all my visitors :)
Tapi masih ramai jugak readers aku yang paham bahasa Melayu. Aku tak penah pun translatekan komen sesape kecuali ko nyer komen tadi. Ni pun sebab aku rasa komen ko tu menarik untuk dikongsi bersama :)
Jangan terasa pulak. No hard feeling :D
Rakyat2 Malaysia tercinta yang nak komen aku dalam Bahasa pun dialu-alukan. Jangan takut pulak :)
nak gak komen dlm bahasa ibunda~ cheewaah..
giler xbest best xde pusat~ tuh COG yg penting... hehe.. centre of gravity lah..
alamak, xde kene mengena...hehe
btw, lawa la awek Victoria secreto deamour neh
Hi Hafizd,
Hehe.. siler2.. Weh, sorry lah. I just noticed that I missed out your blog link when I changed from Blogroll (the site was hacked) to blogger blogroll platform. Huhu.. Tu yang banyak tertinggal post tu :) :)
Aah lah.. She doesn't has a center of gravity! Haha..
it's hilarious btw tak kena mengena ngan topic sebab tu nak ckp malay kalau kyle xy islam aurat dia sampai mana ?? dia tak de pusat kikikiki
haish.. nampak gak pusat dia tu.. x macam kyle.. flat screen.. hahaha..
haha..aku x tgk kyle xy nih..cuma bila aku bca nih tau gak aa dia xda pusat..pastu model2 tu pusat x nmpk sgt.. :p
hahaha.. gambar hero kyle xy ada pusat dah jumpa ke?
Hi Blue,
I just got back up and running. I only have time to stop by and shout out a Helloooooooooo...I've missed you and everyone!!"-)
shit she's so sexy dude i cant hide it hahahaha
but then i never had a chance to watched kyle xy
Wah no belly button eh? Interesting gitu.. I've not watched this show yet, best ke?
Here to drop EC while it's still working, asyik breakdown je EC past few days! ;)
Oh, I love VS models! :)
LOL! so weird huh...anyway the Victoria’s Secret model is HOT!!!
i always in love with all of the Victoria Secret models!!!
Hola HaaziQ! You’ve been tagged here, have fun!
Well, to me she is perfect. Just no additional hole as what we called it "belly button" does not mean she is not perfect. Minor paroxysmal ;)
Hi HaaziQ! EXTREMELY BAD EC Traffic today!! :(
Some more starting late today boo hoo!
And got 2 blogs to drop for lagi astaga!!
I don't care if she has a belly button or not. I want her!
It's true. It doesn't matter. Men want her, I want to be her! Hehehehehe
I've read this in one of my friends blog and also from the Daily Mail (UK) website. Although she has no belly button but she's a VS model baby! hahaha... how cool is that?
Wah... No belly button... Kinda freaky...
What the hell... She/he looks almost perfect...
How many $ did she spend for that f**k'n stuff???
(I like that you call it "belly button" hahaha...)
she really didnt have it ?? :O
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