Guess who is she? Make sure you think for a while before hit the continue reading button! I am sure you will be much surprised. Aren’t you?
She is ANGELINA JOLIE! One of the rarest beauty in Hollywood and together with Brad Pitt, she is one of the half most powerful couple in the world. These photos are from W magazine showing off their latest private photos; some was photographed by Brad Pitt himself.

While you “ooh” and “aah” watching the above pictures, let me share with you some of the conspiracies of Angelina Jolie (thanks to my wild imaginative mind):
- She has a very dark beauty. It’s okay to look directly at her once, but if you look at her again, she will change to something scary; perhaps a killer or an assassin or even a vampire waiting to suck your blood.
- I also believe that perhaps she is an alien tries to invade the world. Recruiting multiracial children, horny men and curious women worldwide as her majestic army is just a beginning of the end, the end of the world that is.
- The darkness of her eyes looks like they are hiding many untold secrets. Her alien origin must be one of them. Others may also include her countless sexual encounter with both men and women or the dark magic used to preserve her beauty – by drinking virgin blood of course.
Other than that, she seems a good hearted person. If only if she is not an alien. Based on her works as UN ambassador and her concern about the world, she is one of the most intelligent persons in the Hollywood. Well, if you compare her to
Paris Hilton or
Kim Kardashian, the standard isn’t that high to begin with. I am sure she will be here for a long long time (perhaps even after we all die) and if not, she will surely be remembered as a legendary just like E.T.!
Human meat?
So, if you have any thought of Angelina Jolie, do let me know. By the way, I especially love the pictures where she is with her children. She looks happy and glowing in most of the photos.
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ahhh? Angelina Jolie? I was surprised! :-D
Hey Monica! Congrats! You are the first commenter! I will add your link in the post! :D
I already put your link Monica! I hope you like it :)
To be honest, I also don't believe myself when I saw the picture. Angelina Jolie doesn't seems a very playful person. So, when she put up a "fish face" like this, I don't think many will recognize her :D
wah.. what a wild imagination you have.. I am sure you watch her in scary genre movie too much.. haha
ooohhh.. i just love the pics of her and her kids. Amazingly beautiful. I don't mind Angelina that much even though last time I was on the Jennifer Anniston team! LOL!
As for her being an alien.. kinda far-fetched for me! LOL!
owh.. there is gonna be a her new movie right..?? i forgot the title.. she leave her beautifull behind the set in this movie.. i saw the trailer somewhere.. forgot already... BIBIR nya sungguh montok.. huhuhu.. ~ darn.. monica got the 1st comment..
wild and wicked imagination.. restnrileks suka.. hehe..
I agree, that she one, among the influential couples in Hollywood. She does bring good image.
Paris Hilton? Kim Kardashian? oh! please dont forget another one - Lindsay Lohan (this is my list). hehe.
happy wednesday blue :)
# She has a very dark beauty. It’s okay to look directly at her once, but if you look at her again, she will change to something scary; perhaps a killer or an assassin or even a vampire waiting to suck your blood.
# I also believe that perhaps she is an alien tries to invade the world. Recruiting multiracial children, horny men and curious women worldwide as her majestic army is just a beginning of the end, the end of the world that is.
# The darkness of her eyes looks like they are hiding many untold secrets. Her alien origin must be one of them. Others may also include her countless sexual encounter with both men and women or the dark magic used to preserve her beauty – by drinking virgin blood of course.
you don't seem to like her
Hi Smaelz,
Well, there were some movies or scene from her movies that struck to my brain. But I am sure that she doesn't played any E.T. related movie, isn't she? Wah! I should be a movie producer! LOL
Hi Shemah,
Shemah, me too! Huhu.. I think Jeniffer Aniston is such an adorable human being. Dengan rambut and body camtu, aduh.. Hehe.. Anyway, Jeniffer Aniston will always be my American Sweetheart *wink wink*
Hi Nikillas,
I tak taw plak her latest movie citer ape.. But, if I am not mistaken, the last one is something about a documentary. Wait.. Is it Madonna's? Damn. Pagi2 ni confuse plak. huhu
Hi Rizal,
Hehehe..I told you my imagination may sometimes be over the edge. I just hope I am not going crazeee~
Hi Yan^s,
Oh, no.. I love her.. You don't have to imagine that hard for the person you hate do you? hehe
Haziq ...emmm this is my favorite actress deh
I need your assistant
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Thank you
Ohhhh Angie rupanya! But I'm not a huge fan of her actually, though I do love Brad he he! :)
Hi Bono,
I will reply you in your blog ok :)
Hi Mariuca,
Hehe.. Well, I do admire him for being able to tackle and handle Angelina. Angelina doesn't seems like someone you could mess with!
WAHHHH...the link is so BIG, huh?....LOL
angelina jolie..well, i like seeing her in any movie.. especially action movie.. she's nice and very kind coz adopted child from foreign country.. well, hopefully her life with the children and bradd pit will last longer...
Can you teach me how to put the Related Posts, too? :-D
Yeeha!! I finally see Mariuca on ur TC widget he he! :)
Sape number 1?? Oh Rizal ye...watch out ...just kidding Rizal, don panic! ;)
OMG! She looks so different in that picture!!
Really?? Jolie.. wah sungguh tak sangka..hehe..
Not really a fan of h ers lah.. she's weird..
That is so funny! I kinda think you're right, LOL!
I saw your comment at Farah's blog and I just want to say that your experience with the burglar is really scary and very traumatic.
Hey Blue,
Oh I love Jolie. I think she is so elegant. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow you have a really cool place here too!!
Will have to bookmark you!!
Happy day:-)))
wht tha....
Dah tukar EC badge rupanyer..
patut la tak perasan...
she's once a while a lesbian,dont she?
hahaha..she looked like a fish with that tied lips.:D
Haaziq, how was ur exam today? Hope ul pass with flying colours! :)
Dropping off MPG here, have a good weekend and don't work too hard now! ;)
wow!!angie!!i like her...
the pic with her children is soooooo sweet!!really luv dat pic!! :)
Hi Monica,
LOL. Do you want me to reduce the size of it?
Hehe. I will do whichever you like. After all, some of us do a little shy than others (read: ME!) Hehe :P
Hi Hafidz,
They not even married yet (aren't they?) but I do hope they will together as much. Even Madonna is getting divorce! (lucky Guy Ritchie)
Hi Monica,
LOL. I just notice that the "related post" has a direct link to the website provider. You should try to search it there. My bookmarks in Firefox lost in transferring. I hate when it occurs!
hahaha...it's alright bluecry errr...what's your real name actually? :-D
Monica, my real name is Haaziq. Hehe.. Nice to meet you :)
Hi Mariuca,
I am waiting for you to be the topmost of my TC ! :)
Hi Rozella,
Hehe. Impressive isn't she?
Hi Lady Java,
Weird sometimes is HOT too! :D
Amboi Marzie ni..
tu musti tgh happy sakan nampak ada blog baru yang dia rasa boleh jajah nak dapat tempat pertama.. hehe..
I like how you ve added extra graphic works on Monica's link.
thumbs up..
errrrr ...... (speechless....)
How is your exam???....hope everything ok.
I love Angelina Jolie..however, I hate her for having Brad Pitt! he's suppose to be mine! duh! lol!
does that make me an alien too? wehehehe..
All the photos are lovely, you can see the contentment in her face, she's happy being a wife and a mother to her adorable kids.
Happy weekend :]
Haaziq!!! nice to meet you too! :-D
Enjoy your weekend & have fun with your design project ;-)
Muahahahhahaha Rizal!!! U nampak jugak I kat sini ye? LOL!! Takde la Rizal, saja je mengomen here, tukar view sikit! ;)
Hi Haaziq, I oso wan to lalu-lalang here today he he! ;)
Wah wah!! I see WOAFS is ur Top EC Dropper, ye ke tu? Woo hoo! :):):)
Sorry man I didn't realize I'm still not your Google follower...so now I'm your follower.....MANTAP DEH!!!! waiting on twitterfox for your latest posting...
Marzie you memang Mantap...people will see you di mana pun sekali berada...heee
Rizal, ni Jajahan takluk baru Mariuca. Hahahaha.. She already being my top EC dropper you know~ Dasyat2.. Hehe
About the First Commenter picture; well, I just want it to fit with my blog design. hehe. Lagipun, nanti takde lah kecil sangat gambar nya :)
Hi Bono,
My exam was awesome! Haha.. I never know I love the subject much (Chemical Reaction), but I did enjoy doing the exam. Hehe..
Hi Twinks,
Well, unless you start adopting kids around the world, sleep with men and women while secretly drinking blood to preserve your beauty, I am sure you just another human being. Heehehehe :P
Hi Monica,
Thank you! Enjoy yourself too.. Although I secretly believe that the project wasn't supposed to give us any fun at all! LOL
Hi Maurica,
It's about time you be in my Top EC.. I must admit though, I never think that you will be the topmost of the chart. Hehehe.. Hardworking woman lah you ni :D
Hi Bono,
Wah.. Thank you.. Thank you.. Honestly, I myself already lost count those subscribes readers. There are so many out there!
Hi Blue,
You have now been tagged.
She's really beautiful indeed... But I dunno why, I don't really like her much:P keeke... I think it's because of the movie Original Sin that she was in...
omg! the main pic was ugly enuff to make me recognize it was her! she is my idol. a slap on bcd's face for making her looks like fiona in shrek!
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