Love you guys!

First Commenter Winners & Happy Birthday Shemah!

Meow Diaries Sape ntah Shemah
Since I haven't managed to link out my First Commenter winners for the last three posts, I thought it's better to have a special post for them. These are the First Commenter Winners in their respective post:

Nightlife - Mariuca and her latest site; Meow Diaries
I am Back! - Unknown winner; "Guest"
Owl City - Hot Air Balloon - Shemah from My Sweet Escape

By the way, I also want to wish Happy Birthday to Shemah! I hope you will have a wonderful year ahead. Happy Birthday Shemah!

P/S: Please note that I CLOSED THIS post's comment section. Meanwhile, feel free to listen to my choice for Music Monday this week; an amazing song from Owl City - Hot Air Balloon. Thank you and have a nice day!


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