Okay, this is not a baby shower for preggers (pregnant ladies), but this is my cat’s shower. He usually takes his bath twice or once in a month. And
Heejeerah usually enjoy his short bath, except for this week. On the top picture, you can see how he’s screaming with anger when the water is too hot for him (he only uses warm water mummy!) before we shampooed. He is not really a big cat (weight somewhere about 5kgs) which can be seen clearly when he takes his bath.

After that, mummy will dries him with a soft towel until he’s quite dry.

He prefers to dry his own fur by sunbathing and licking every inch of his body. Although, I dare say that he’s ashamed with the later; he hides out inside my room and keep running away from my camera. Well, I am pretty sure you will do the same thing when you’re start licking your own body/fur right? Unless you’re a porn star or
a nuditist, of course.

After about one hour sunbathing, his fur is back to its usual shape; fluffy and oh it smells so good!

There you go. I hope you enjoy this short post of how my little baby takes his shower. Happy
Fluffy Friday! For those who celebrates
Vesak, Happy Wesak’s Day and for the rest of Malaysian, happy holiday. Enjoy your weekend!
Share your fluffy friends with us every Friday! Whether it's a favourite stuffed toy or an adorable pet - basically anything fluffy, we'd love to see your pictures & stories! Leave ONLY the POST URL here and grab the Fluffy Friday badge at Meow Diaries. Any unrelated links will be deleted.

First THREE Commenters:
+ Lady Java from Blogger Cats +
+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +
+ Bluedreamer from TOP FIVE +
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First FC LJ! and I am just heading to bed. LOL
Oh so good your kitty loving the bath Blue.. ours will scream almost all the time.. hehe..
and yes.. they use warm water too otherwise they shiver and then it aint fun for either one of us.. loL!
Happy FF and Happy Vesak to everyone too!!!
:* :* :* :* :* :*
Good morning Blue!! Awwww Heejeerah looks cute la when wet! I like to see Benji when wet, cause still so chubbs tummy so round he he he!
Speaking of mandi, I wan to send my kids for grooming soon, fur so long edi, furballs everywhere at home! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Happy Fluffy Friday Heejeerah and Haaziq!! Thanks for playing dis week too! :-P :-P :-P :-P
oh i thought all cats are afraid of water
so cute dude haha i love the first photo ahaha..
wish i have a cat too... but as of this moment i am contented with my doggie
good morning dude and hapy blogging
hehehe.. mandi pun kena snap pix.. mesti la he shy.. :-P
I just stopped by to visit and see how you are doing. I love cats they are so sweet. Your baby is adorable!
I have been on a quest looking for a new place to live, for the past 7 months. Now I am all moved into the perfect place for me so I can visit all of my favorite sites and yours is one of them.
I just did a post on the pioneers of Your Caring Angels so come by and see because you are one of them. I hope you like it.
Love and Blessings,
Your mom sure is a very brave woman.. i would never dare to give a cat a bath... don't cats hate water? hehehhee
<span>So cute, once I bath my cats everyday (hehe) then it turns once a week or it depends...now we can't bath Snipey he hates it, he did not scratch but bite ... :( </span>
Salam Haaziq,
sori lama tak singgah. Wah nampaknya macam dah dapat rentak berblogging semula. Banyak benar entri baru sampai tak terkejar rasanya. hehe
Aha, heejerah pun mandi. Memang kalau nak mandikan kucing ni kena air suam-suam. Lepas mandi yang syiok gomol kuching tu sebab fluffy jer bulu depa tu. hehehe
Salam Pak Rizal,
ayo.. lama betul tak singgah kan. hehe. Miss you! Ziq terpaksa post banyak2 sikit bebaru ni. U tau kat orang yang kacau GP tu? Dia dah start ikut my blog. I just don't want him to have any reason and turn it against me. Plus, I have so much free time on my hand! Haha. Thanks for dropping by Rizal ;)
waaa, he really is mad! LOL but he certainly looks so cute. so adorable! :* :* :*
He looks clean and nice after his bath, but I don't think he enjoyed it much.
Sara Cat
:* :* :*
oh no the first pic =-O =-O I have never seen a cat take a shower hehe :-P
I too bathe my cat - usually in the bath where she quite patiently waits until I scoop her out with a towel. She has the softest fur afterwards and usually goes for a very long snooze ...
You have a really beautiful little cat - I wonder if he has a loud pur?
Hi Haaziq!
I've never owned a cat either, but it's very brave of anyone to attempt given them a bath.
Nonetheless, the pics are adorable!
Have a great week!
whoa! i thought cat hates water???
Hi there,
Wah, your kitty tak takut taking bath unlike some of mine.
Happy Fluffy Friday to you too. I did not post mine yet, imagine, but I have a very good reason. Come to my blog to know the details, ok?
Happy to see you around.. 8-) :) :)
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
What a cute kitty cat you hare there BlueCrystalDude!
By the way, I am also done adding your blog to my blogrolls. Let me know if there's something missing. Have a pretty day!
I thought you do not bathe cats? They know how to clean themselves. But it sure looks nice and fluffy after a bath. ;)
And he smells nice too :) Thanks for dropping by!
RIP Hajeeeerahhh.... sob sob!
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