My university received the 5 stars university rating last year (the only university in Malaysia to received it! Sorry, can't help but to mention it :) So, in an attempt to live up to its name (or so does it seems to me) it bans all the usage of "WHITE COFFIN" in its My Green Pledge campaign.
When the dark is lurking by. The sun is falling fast. The creeping start to walk down your sleeves. YourInnocent student 1: White coffin?? What the heck is that?stomachheart is beating fast. Red eyes seems to follow you from behind. Any movement and steps will expose you to the most dangerous creature in the name of .. polystyrene.
Innocent student 2: That means a polystyrene. They said the name polystyrene is not cool enough for people like us.
Innocent student 1: Not bad. It does intriguer me.
Others that include in the Green Pledge are:
Eat the cafeteria. Finish your meal
Ok. So, when I was a kid, my parents always said something like this, "Finish your meal. Do you know that kids in Bosnia die in starvation?" (no offense Bosnians) and being an obedient child, I will finish my meal. However, the effect of those saying has faded. Now, it occurs to me that I can't finish my meal because I'm imaging other kids in third world country in starvation (and sometimes, adult in first world country too. No offense people in USA, Britain and Europe)
Use own reusable food and drink container
However, please eat your own food, not others.
Save paper. Think before you print. Print on both side of paper
Not only that, please use the smallest font available. To save the world, we need to sacrifice our vision. After all, what is the use of inventions such as laser surgery, spectacle and contact lens? You do want to save nature, do you?
Switch off light, fans and other electrical equipment when not in use
You could always carry a bulb in your purse or pocket. Each time you want to use a certain room, just put in the bulb into the socket. Then, go searching for your lamp switch. In case you can't find it in the darkness, do carry along a torch light with you. When you're finish using the room, take our the bulb and go find another room to bright it up. The motto will be "One home, one bulb". This will reduce the energy usage and thus your electrical bill.
Walk, cycle and use public transportation more often
In this context, "public transportation" will also means "your friend vehicle". Use this excuse as many as you can until your friend are getting tired of using his own vehicle. Then, you can both use the real public transport (two is always better than one).
Buy product which you could use for a long time
Clothes is define as a product for short term use. This means that you must try to be naked as much as possible. It's much better than you're using fur. As PETA said, I rather go naked than wearing fur. If only others will hear their voice more. Keep up the good work PETA!
Don't use screen saver. Turn off or blank your monitor when not in use
If you don't want to use your computer anymore, you could always modified your monitor to become an aquarium. You could then use the money for the fish tank, to buy some condom. Less people = less pollution. Do you follow me?
Turn off your tab while brushing your teeth
Avoid using tab water while brushing your teeth. Use Listerine instead to rinse your mouth. It states here at the cover of Listerine, antiseptic mouthwash, kills gems that cause bad breath, plaque and the gum infection, gingivitis. Well, needless to say, does your tab water work that great?
Use electronic facilities to store and read document
More dependent of electronic facilities means less dependent on brain. How convenient!
Practice the 4R's - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
"Refuse" to do homework or assignment (as it use a lot of papers), "Reduce" the dependency of your brain (as stated above), "Reuse" everything that you have (I mean, everything) and "Recycle" your old clothes (inherits it to your younger brother)
There you go. Conserve your environment in a fun way. Just make sure that you would not blame me in any mishaps when undergoes my carefully planned steps. Keep our environment clean and sustainable, course if you not, the mother nature could always destroy you later.
So, tell us more about what you have done and intended to do? Don't worry if you haven't done it yet. Maybe someone will read your steps and follow! Just like I wish mine. :D

simple things that we can do to help preserve our earth. I indeed agree. Though simple and small do these look ,collectively, they can bring positive effects to the environment. Viva la rattan! eh silap.. viva la de environment.
p/s : i like the 4R the most. hehe.
hi rizal,
The first to comment! haha.. viva la rattan? hehe.. Creative tuh..
I wrote in my blog months ago about this white coffin campaign done by USM students which caught my attention. I read about it in The Star or The Sun, can't remember. Good job by USM and I'm with you to fight this white coffin issue.
Take care!
wow, bluecrystaldude I never know you are an environmentalist also. I have to say though sad to say 3rd world country like our country must take more serious and appropriate steps in preserving, recycling, reducing and lots more other efforts in order to play a role in saving this polluted earth for the betterment of our next next next generations.
okayyyy... i can live with the first three. i use lampu kalimantang - is tht consider bulb? hehe. I have used public transportation for a very long time, as it is so 'efficient' and i experienced a very horny-taxi driver - i decided to drive my own car. I dont wear fur..only cotton and clothing substance tht might burn my body. Creen saver- nope. Turn of the tap while brushing teeth - ok wil try to make sure of tht. Definitely into not utilizing my brain at all hehe. 4R - hmm must train the kids too...
These are for the next generation...;-)
Creative in fun way of helping and save our environment is a good ideas.I only use energy save bulb lights and other electrical equipments too.These save a lot of energy.I am not sure wheather plp in m'sia practice carpooling.Carpooling can save our car gas too.No more traffic jam!:P
white coffin? sounds creepy to me.
Hi faisal admar,
Thanks for your comment. Yeah, it seems a pretty solid moves. Our Vice Chancellor even came by engineering campus just to make sure we participate with this campaign. And publicity in newspaper does do wonder :D
Hi wow,
such an inspirational speech :P Love it! I never know you're an environmentalist too!
Hi noemesome,
It's occur to me that you would be the most environmental cautious person here! I used public transportation too (my friend car), leave my laptop blank, used to using my big old brother shirts (until I am bigger than his) and love to recycle (especially old newspaper!)
FYI, lampu kalimantang is like the most common lamp in Malaysian houses (and I believe in other part of the world too). It's very un-stylish for some people nowadays who much prefer to adopt to move designer made lamp.
hello blue haha gheeeh i love this actually i did one of them haha that was brushing while doing work in my computer haha but the reason was i will be late in school and still not done doing my assignment ooops maybe this give you a lesson too "never ever hangout with your friends if you have a lot of thesis to make" haha
by the way ive got a tag for you have a great day
hi sweetiepie,
no, people in Malaysia still haven't used to carpooling. My father business partner from UK said to us that he amused to see each house in Malaysia has at least 2 cars in its porch.
The reason is probably because the high price of cars. (We have duty import for luxury cars amounted to almost 300%)And if your maths isn't good, that means 3 times more expensive than normal price!
SO, when someone can actually afford to buy those cars, it's no wonder they wouldn't thought about carpooling. What's the point if you have a nice car but hide it at home? LOL...
The conclusion is, lower the price cars in your country!
oh my, I should be a prime minister!
That's great! I am a true believer in green!
I have something for you at my site.
Love and Blessings,
hello greencrystaldude i mean blue haha well gheeeh youve renovate your house i love it haaha have a great day blue
Hi there Blue oops, I mean "green" crystaldude.. first, I like your new template... so you are now greencrystaldude???
Anyway, the photo with a naked man is cool. Hehehe ;D
Hye of Space of Reality
That guy naked photo is Nice and cool :) It is hard to take photo something like this pose hahaha :)
Etavasi with
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hello blue gheeeh have you got my message for youin my bloglog??? and by the way im now having a contest meme of my own and imn tagging youin hope you join dude have a great day
Opsst bluedreamer!
I am not usually (rarely) open mybloglog. DO COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME HERE. REALLY SORRY. (others, please noted too)
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