I am sorry for my absence
I was on a hectic schedule. Juggling between organizing
I am sorry for being neglectful
Not being able to do any tags in this near future and still haven't officially thanks my fellow blogger who gave me awards last week. Thanks Angelbaby, Bluedreamer, Hye and Nisha. No words could describe my gratefulness. You could see all my awards shown by the slide show on your right hand side.
I am sorry for my lack of commenting and dropping
For missed out lots of my regular visited blogs and sites. Even though I am not commenting as usual, just remember I pay you a visit. On the other hand, the result from my lack of entrecard dropping, has made my blog advertising price drop more than half of its price (from 6+ ec to 2+ ec). It's not a problem to me as I don't really received any real money from it (ec is money currency in entrecard). But do visit my featured blog also on the right hand side of you. They are interesting and definitely deserved your visit.
I am sorry for not posting any post, yet
I already wrote several posts in my draft, but still haven't managed to complete them yet. I am not the kind of person who just post anything in his blog. I want to make sure it deserves a proper research and content. Yes, I have read the qualities of a good
I hope everything will flow smoothly in your life. I certainly hope that mine does. Have a nice day. Thanks for being patience. Tell me about your week will you?

and you apologised for not having the time to blog. whoa. *kagum* :)
and the prom does attract me as it's called a prom yet there's no dance floor. how interesting ^^
understandable. It happens to everyone including myself. Just do whatever you feel best and comfortable to yourself.
it is okay. life is not all about blogging. But, hey you still do a good job on keep your HSFT public relation works.
have fun on your prom night.. :)
i ll vote for you..hehehe
haahh that's cute apologizing for all the points listed there! :)
btw, thanx for dropping by...where are you at? u have cool entries here
oih comeon blue theres nothing to be apologized hehe it really happen sometimes just goon and take a deep relaxation
...haiya..dude..hehe..u dont owe anybody an explaination..but its good to know..;-)
Apology accepted because I know you are busy with your studies.
Oh, another award is waiting for you. I shared another amazing award today and you are one of my lucky friends who deserve it. Check it out at Space of Reality.
After reading this blog, I realize that you have a hectic schedule.
Life sometimes are like that, hope you can enjoy the process, happy whole month, see you.
hey blue dude gheeeh just dropping by to say have a great day and hopefully you can mange everything
by the way i would like to inform you that i sent a message in myblolog to you in private
i needed your permission
Hi,regarding your blog page.I am still wondering why i am the only one can't view your page.I use the latest explorer 7 and i don't have firefox(am i right?)emm!should i install that?see,i still have to open your page using the other-I am sorry.html but then when i open this html,it change to i-never-know-conservation-of-energy-is.html(kind of funny eh?)
Hi BluecrystalDude... still busy? Hmmmn, just dropping by to greet "Hi" and say "Stay happy" See you around.
Hye of Space of Reality
finally i've found out how to post comment here..*silly me*...hehehe
i know how u feel..ive been very3 busy too lately...but as time goes by i think i can manage my time better...so i can squeeze some time for my blooger friends and write a post for my blog eventhough sad to say it is not as frequent as last time...sigh..
hi blue have a great day
Hey Bluedreamer don't worry about it, I still love you! I did miss you though. It is nice to have you back again.
I have something for you on my site.
Love and Blessings,
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