In a very prestigious stage (imagine it to be, what people called heh? Kodak theater something?), with a capacity almost reach 10 000 people, (not to include those people who are watching this online and from their own television. I would like to present you, the 11th (Don't ask why I picked 11. Just it occur to me it seems like a nice number) Hot Shit Awards 2008!!! Drum rolling please...!!
Perez Hilton: (Live from Perez TV) I am, the most famous gay celebrities blogger in the internet, would like to present you, all these amazing awards to our one and only (please read with a higher tone), the writer of Hot Shit Form Here, Bluecrystaldude!!!
Bluecrystaldude: Thank you Perez. I love your blog! (waving at him in the pink suit) Though I still hope that you will consider to comb your hair properly before goes on air. Thanks again Perez!
I would like to thank all of you who voting (just assume the awards are by votes) in for me.. Really, I am speechless (I should have stop right now, but suddenly I am not speechless anymore).
I would like to thank all my fans, who still have faith in me even though I am still cheating when I read my email (not read them throughly) or the fact that I still haven't got any concrete idea of wearing a sarong. Also many thanks for my vivid and always want more of Hot Shit Form Here updates (my visitor have exceed my expectation, it's now on the steady count of 5 thousands plus).
I would also like to express my gratitude to all the environmentalist who comments on my post about nature (Mother nature must be proud of us) and for those who commented on my latest post, about politics, God bless you. I am having a very negative feedbacks from those politicians I blamed on. People said I was very rhetoric by posting it online and not to confront them directly. No brainer here, could I, the most
Thanks also to my tonight glimmering red hot shirt, shiny metallic trouser, snake skin shoes and my Calvin Klien boxer, opstt, no. That's from my own personal cupboard. Thank you for making and forcing me to wear this

Hye | Waliz | Angelbaby | Sweetiepie | Akmal | Dann | Nisha | Rizal | Wow | Emila | Mangosteenskin | Mr Viruz | Bluedreamer | Cik Yati | Faisal | Etavasi | coolingstar9 | neomesuff |
Have a wonderful life ahead, and continue the read Hot Shit Form Here!

Wow! What a beautiful award. Did you make this award? It is so beautiful. Thank you so much. It will be an Honor to have this award on my site. Thank you.
Love and Blessings,
Hi angelbaby,
you're welcome :D
wow wa weee... wonderful dynamic award.. ehem ehem...
terima kasih3X! (sorry such a short speech-but glitters in Anna Sui - ahak ahak ahak)
now, this makes me works harder laa..
eh..eh...oh WOW!...for a 'newcomer' in your blog...i am totally honoured! oh..oh..m speechless..thanks! *grinnnnn*
hi rizal,
haha.. glitters in anna sui?? hahaha...
hi neomesuff,
new comer? Haha.. no lah.. I treat people equally. lol
hmmm...first of all i would like to thank bluedreamer...ooopppss sorry bluecrystal...(one of them should change it to pink or maroon)for this outstanding beautiful awards...
i feel very honoured and i would also to thank my mom, my dad, my lover, my record label and bla bla bla...hehehe
Hey!I really appreciate it.I felt great and happy now.Although you are busy with your studies but you still take your time to read my blog.Happy to know you as a friend.Thank you so much for the special award.:)
Hi waliz,
haha.. what's up with I change mine to pinkcrystaldude? Haha.. Not very masculine, I think.. hehehehe.. :P
Hi sweetiepie,
Sorry coz I did miss out many of your posts.. But I will make it up to you :D
wah! another award! tq! tq! i love the award design.
by d way....juz to let u know "u've been tagged!"
oh i just love digital artwork!
a nice one there mr bluecrystaldude!
wow thank you so much blue for this wonderful people choise award gheeeh i love it
btw can i have perez hilton # haha just kidding
gheeeh i felt that i was in the kodak theater already
hey waliz you got mistake again haha
hey blue i didnt know your a gay well i maybe that makes you a special blogger do yah?
have a great day blue dude
That's a really awesome award there!! Great job!! :D
Wow nice beautiful award :D thanks :D very much i appreciate it :)
Thanks for the valuable award, have a nice week.
Wow!!! thank you so much Haaziq!!! I didn't get a ping! I just noticed this! :-D
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