I watched Dan in Real Life and 27 Dresses this week. Both of the movies are standing on the same foot, LOVE. However, this is not quite 'normal' love story. Not that they are homosexual love story, it just that both main characters are in love with the same person his/her younger brother/sister loves. Well, we cannot blame them. Love is indeed blind. Poor little thing.
What if this happen to you? You're falling in love with someone that is very much loved by your brother or sister. Should you just tell your brother that you're in love with his girlfriend and asking him to back off? Or you will watch your sister married with the love that you believe is your true love?
Do you willing to sacrifice for your family? Or you should rather tell your brother/sister you love his/her lover?
Should be noted, that the lover also love you too (or still in the 'like' stage). Not for the one direction feeling :D

it's kind of dilemma isn't it? I think it must be solved fast before it hurts/harms any party. I think some way or another must let the one that I love know and see what he/she got to say and it's his/her decision to choose in the end.
ohhh my. i do not wish to be in such situation. I have enuff problems right now to have another major strike from something like this. :)
if the guy love my sister more i will let them get together and if the guy choose me over my sis..what can i say? am i selfish? but love can make u blind..hahaha
gheeeh oh love oh love haha okay since im not in any relation now hehe im fre to comment here haha
thanks god im not in that kind of situation whew its a tough one hehe
but for me if both of you are really meant for each other well no one can break it...its God's will right?
thanks for doing the tag dude
have a great day
it's kind of dilemma isn't it? I think it must be solved fast before it hurts/harms any party. I think some way or another must let the one that I love know and see what he/she got to say and it's his/her decision to choose in the end.
Hi wow,
Yeah, but to solved it easily, it's not a simple work to be done, right? We have to consider our feeling and all other involving parties. And as you say, the last word should reside in their partner's hand..
Thanks for the comment wow! :D
Hi rizal,
hahaha.. thanks for commenting anyway :D
if the guy love my sister more i will let them get together and if the guy choose me over my sis..what can i say? am i selfish? but love can make u blind..hahaha
Hi waliz,
Nice seeing you here :D
Yeah, but what if the guy don't want to choose? Could he get you both?? lol
gheeeh oh love oh love haha okay since im not in any relation now hehe im fre to comment here haha
thanks god im not in that kind of situation whew its a tough one hehe
but for me if both of you are really meant for each other well no one can break it...its God's will right?
thanks for doing the tag dude
have a great day
Hi bluedreamer,
Haha.. You are not in the situation right now, doesnt mean you will not be in it (the situation) in the future.. lol.. just kidding. Hope that you won't be entangled with this kind of love triangle :D
My pleasure :D
I have no idea what I would do in this situation. I know the truth is always the best way but what about everyones feelings. How do you handle that? I just don't know.
I just stopped by to wish you a very Happy Easter my friend,
Love and Blessings,
I'd say I choose to back off. For me, I hold family-priority. Family always go first.
Yes I called it sacrifice.
yah...family comes first
love is always blind. Blindfolding people who can actually 'see' the priorities in life. but what can say..human being likes to be 'adventuerous'..like no pain no gain thingy heheee
I have no idea what I would do in this situation. I know the truth is always the best way but what about everyones feelings. How do you handle that? I just don't know
Hi angelbaby,
haha.. I hope that you will answer that for me :D
Happy Easter day to you!
I'd say I choose to back off. For me, I hold family-priority. Family always go first.
Yes I called it sacrifice.
Hi faisal,
really? I am impressed. You have a better feeling towards you family aint you? huhu. I suddenly remembered that my mum once said, Family always comes first..
I guess she's right in the certain extent :D
yah...family comes first
love is always blind. Blindfolding people who can actually 'see' the priorities in life. but what can say..human being likes to be 'adventuerous'..like no pain no gain thingy heheee
Hi neomesuff
haha.. May I stand corrected, you are more interested with human loves as we are more adventurous?? lol.. I think you should be right. Plus, we been fed by love stories, love movies and even love songs.. Must be interesting enough right?
Sorry I won't fell in love with my sibling BF.I won't destroy the family over a crush.If my sibling fell in love with my bf,I think I will let go and scrafice but of course I have to find out if my bf must has the same feeling with my sibbling first before i break up with him.I won't cause a big family fued.
It is quite difficult to decide on that situation, but it depend on our mindset.
I will let go if the other person really love her. I do this also consider " love " only that we can not live together.
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haha gheeeh really hope so
but then i know that if ever i willhave a partner in life my parents would happy for me
in that time i will be on the rif\ght age to think of it and to decide for my self
i will choose my lover to lived with but in doesnt necessarily mean that i will just abandon my family
i still have my responsibility for them hehe
have a great day dude
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wah bluedude..u r so greedy...want both sisters huh? just kidding...where have u been?
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I don't quite sure why it wont show up like usual when I open www.hot-shot-form.blogspot.com.. Damn.. Really hate when something like this happen. Should get a new domain like clumsy mommy.. lol (COngrats to you!)
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