I don't usually blogging during a weekend and if you noticed, I rarely talk about my college's life too, but I guess now everything has changed and I have to adapt with the current situation, which is not enough time and slow internet connection. You should have done the same too. In a new and strange environment, adaptation is a vital for the sustainability of our species. Although your situation may not be that bad, I am assure you that my new college life does. Juggling with Process Dynamic and Control, Environment Engineering and Management, Separation Process and Chemical Reaction Engineering books on one hand and two blogs to handle and a mandatory English lesson one other hand sure took most of the time and energy out of my hand.
Before long, I am quite sure that my hands usage will be something in the past and my abilities to talk and walk like a normal person will soon be gone. Much to my resentment for studying yet again one of the most 'reactive' studies in the world (you would be killed or jailed - either one, if you're mistakenly blow up any chemical plants or reactors), I am pretty thrilled to begin this new semester. One for sure was due to the fact that my scholarship increase which almost double from the last semester, and my new room and roommates were not half bad either. It's a good feeling when people trying to be nice with you and getting to know you.
Those pictures were taken through out my 3 years study in School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus, University Sains Malaysia. I will still be here for another 2 years of studies. Most of the pictures were taken only after a heavy rain that swept our campus through out the 365 days. That is the only time our campus looks like a real green campus. With palm oil trees and man made lakes. For your information, this campus only contain the engineering students, further away from any outrages and overly dressed students from different schools in the main campus (such as Art students who were famous with their crooked sense of style). Here, the statistic in the couple years shows that there are recorded decrease of nerd species but a considerable influx of geeks were enrolling in. I am sure hope I will be counted to be on the par with average normal students. No offense.
I will be posted a new post in a day or two (finger crossed). Have a nice weekend!

i miss my apartment at UTP...now i'm going to start my working life with different environment...no free connection~ muhaha
wish me luck for 1st day at work soon.. 1st august
All the best in college life, dude! Try posting a few pics of you with ladies over there... you'll get more visitors for sure! heehe...
wow great school for me a school having that kind of ambiance surely a great pleasure of study which offers great relaxation right?
goodluck dude for your new semestralperiod i wish you all the best
Hi Hafidz,
What do you mean by 'free connection'? hehe. I wish you all the success man :D
Hi arms,
LOL. I am not sure I could handle influx of visitors anytime soon. Not with my current college internet connection. Hehe. Anyway, you could always draw me one of the hot chick right? Hehehe
I am counting on you buddy. haha :P
Hi Bluedreamer,
I could see that you're busy too with your daily life. Hope everything will gone well for your side too :)
Good luck my friend!
Seems like you're coping really well being back in uni.. Keep us updated with uni life k!! Enjoy uni as much as you can cuz you'll definitely miss it once you're out.. ;)
welcome back..
dont forget your textbook.. Tranfiguration and OWL test.. ohh! that is for another class..hehe
It does look green. What a great surroundings..
heppi weekend..
p/s : budak art ada yang nerd jugak tau..err masa mula2 masuk la hehe
have a great weekend yaa!!!
hey you ;))
good luck ok ;)
Man, if your picture ain't no deceiver, your campus is beautiful and green :)
My histology spun my head 360 already hahaha.
ive always wanted too view USM. but no need now as uve posted the pixs!
happy college-ing life. quoting the commentors above, uhhuh-ure gonna miss it once ure out. (macam la i da grad wth) :D
eh this on located in perak right? i don't think this is penang-usm.
hmm talking about usm... i worked as a photostat boy at library 2... i did 2 years pjj there and quit for some reasons lol...
enjoy your english class ;)
Hi Ratu Syura,
Yeah, I will really miss it when I am gone. People said the student life is the best phase in your life. :D
Hi Rizal,
Haha.. Ada k budak Art yang nerd? hehe. They must full with creative ideas right? Hehe
Hi Axim and Izzahismail,
You guys have a great weekend too. Start your day with a smile :)
Hi Akmal,
Hahaha.. Have a nice new start in your student life too.. :D
Hi Fara,
Yup, enjoy yours too :)
Hi Faisal Admar,
It is in PENANG lorh... Seberang Prai Selatan, Pulau Pinang. But it also near the border of Perak and Penang too...
Time for you to study, please study hard and enjoy your school life fully.
If you have the time, please play a simple game on my blog-who am I.
You will stand a chance to receive a gift.
Good luck.
Best wishes from coolingstar9
Welcome back to campus! I know how you feel to start on a new semester.It's such a pain that you have to get up and start off your day for classes and books..but ...well....you will definitely miss such a life when you start to work! Enjoy your new semester and all the best to you...
wah so beautiful ur USM campus.
masa belajar kat UiTM idak la mcm ni. Dulu study kat seksyen 17, Shah Alam in same area with student INTEC. Macam budak skolah pasal bangunan pun memang bangunan skolah pun. huhuhuhu....
sedihnye :(
Hi Farah Deen,
Thanks! I really will enjoy my remaining life here :D
Hi Shahril Aley,
Hehe.. Tu dulu ar kan.. Sekarang rasenya dah maju dah. Sekulah biasa pun dah macam university besarnya. Huhu..
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