Some very touchy comments from my fellow bloggers who coincidentally also Bluedreamer's readers are:
"Oh i love being part of bluecrystaldude's blog, he possesses an extraordinary and outstanding personality which i think, everyone will agree.. His sense of humour is also fab, be his friend to know :) I didn’t take the blog's title to heart even at first, my gut instinct told me the blog was clean.. So now i don’t care what people think negative about him! You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover" - Nisha
"congratulations to both dude... u both are awsome..! very genuine and intelligent... btw crystaldude.. i can't wait to read ab yr summer holliday... don't bother what people might think of u... after this is your own blog...! let me know when u post it ok?" - Waliz
"bluecrystaldude's blogs are really interesting. He has his own way of doing things. He voices out something thats true. For example, his recent blog about anger management, he never hide his true feeling. Wish bluecrystaldule success in whatever he does." - Coolingstar9
"Congratulations to you Bluecrystaldude. I know your blog is really hot..." - Hye
Wow! I really need a pinch right now. This award sure will goes well with my Award Gallery. Not wanting to leave my over the moon feeling stop here, I will now present some of you, my personally made award which I haven't been giving for quite some times, You Are Awesome Award! With "Thank you, For doing me a favor by reading my blog. I owe you one" that goes along with it. Sorry because it wasn't so great looking like the usual award, I really can't describe more of my feeling of gratitude other than using words.

I would like to share this award to Bluedreamer - who has been very kind with me and one of the most early readers in my blog, Miss Waliz - who's intelligent always be the best word to describe her, Nisha - a mom with a savvy mom from India, Hye - her words will make you stop doing anything but thinking, Wow - who easily has the hottest blog around here, Akmal - words of his matured more than himself, Sweetiepie - I really miss her and her blog, Angel Baby - with her angelic touch light up your life, Rizal - who the first person who exposed me to Malaysian art sites including my other two art readers, Mangosteenskin and Emila. Mangosteenskin's arts always looking so sincere, relaxing and honest - she usually draws natural things surrounding her while Emila's are bolder and she usually draws very very cute humans and animals.
I also want to give You Are Awesome Award to Noemesuff - who I pretty sure a rocker hidden behind the skin of a mother, to Moeha Aziz - who words of wisdom flowing like a river (I hope still strong as before fighting for his disease), Faisal Admar - who I really enjoy being his friend, Fara - who is a beauty and
I also would like to pass this award to Shemah and Ratu Syura - both are really beautiful but one already married (sorry guys), Shahril Aley - who makes me very hungry every time I went to his blog and also to my latest readers (or should I say, commentators because there are some people who prefer just to read rather than commenting), I welcome you with a big hand of hugs (and the Awesome award of course) especially to Hafidz (please continue to write your blog in English), Izzahismail (happy back to college and happy 100th post too!), Adawiyah Juzailah (also happy back to your college life) and love-n-hate (I hope you're getting better from your accident). I also want to share this award to Daisy The Curly Cat - who has a very awesome blog about cat (I know she doesn't comes here often, but love her anyway).
Love to hear more from you in the future. Nothing beat than having a good and responding readers. Countless readers who have spend some of their precious time just to read your blog. Damn I should be grateful. A big and warm thank you from me. I definitely owe you one. Have a great day,
P/S: Second post in two days even though I am back to my college? Nothing seems could stop me (except a very slow internet connection of course) But I will take time to visit your blog. I have missed out many posts am I?

Great blog like yours is a worthy read :)
Congratulation for Bluedreamer's award, and thanks for that award man.
lazy. but d word had been struck-through. lol. i sure grin n smile to myself after seeing dat! n it sure reminded me back of my laziness month of JUNE. (>.<)
oh thnx!
glad we're friends!
Oh what a nice award.Thx for sharing this beautiful award with me. I'll add this into my gallery :)
Wow! thanks dude. I'll try to improve myself writing in English~.
Once again Tq very much... i am gonna quote it and put in my blog~
Wow, really happy to know that you have received such a valuable award.
This is every blogger"s dream to have such a award, you have grasped it from the famous blogger Bluedreamer27 in blogging world.
coolingstar9 wish you success in your blogging journey.
Thanks for your unselfishness to share with me the award, I will put it on my gallery.
See you soon, this is my happy moment since last Saturday"s party.
Woww!! Congrats on the award Dude!! I love reading your blog too. Even though sometimes I'm pretty busy to leave comments, I still read your blog from my Reader.. :) It's been a pleasure having you as my blogger friend! Congrats again and thanks for the award!! Lovess it! ;)
Ayoyoyo.. Blue, aku envy blog hang la
Apapun..syabas untuk anugerah terulung.
Syabas juga untuk ucapan pentas yang penuh bermakna. Terima Kasih..Terima Kasih
pinch!pinch! - hehe (Sudah sedar? kalau tak sedar, sila pinch berkali-kali..)
Rasa macam kat anugerah akademi dengar ucapan..
Keep up the good work. Coz i like what i read here on HotShit..
Once again.. congrats!!
First of all, congratulations on being the Top 5 in Bluedreamer's choice awards! Definitely picked the right person!
It's been a pleasure reading your blog and being part of your blog realm. After all, there are only a handful of guy bloggers who write awesome articles and aren't so chauvinistic in their articles. LOL!
Thanks for the award.. (and the beautiful comment) LOL! I will post it up asap!
You are super, keep it up!
congrats and thanks. ;))
i'm so flattered.ha-ha.
u take care ;))
p/s:thanks for the advice
Hi dude.. Congrats on the awesome award. Its for the hard work and intensity you've always put into your posts. Bluedreamer has really awarded a deserving person..
Thanks so much for the beautiful award you created. Really makes me feel so proud, being a part of sucha fab blog:)
I could be first at commenting sometimes, even last.. but i'll never stop being a part of this blog, no matter how tough a moms life could get:)
I'll put the award on my blog soon.. and i'll also mention about bluedreamers post about you:)
hello blue gheeeh it seems that youve passed your fever and flu together with your answers in my questions lol
gheeeh its been a long run since i didnt post anything in my blog
3 days was equivalent to 3 years for me huhu
i got sick
but now im okay
i havent expecting to received an award from you im so surprise
thank you buddy your the best ever!!!!
Dunno wut to say anymore...
keep up da good work..!!!
You have a wonderful site. I love reading your posts. You deserve the Award.
Thank you for giving such a wonderful Award it feels so good to have someone tell me I am Awesome! Thank you! you made my day! I am honored to put this Award on my site.
Love and Blessings,
I am not surprised! you've got great articles and stories in here, so you totally deserve these awards! congratulations.
Congratulations bluecrystaldude...
It's been pleasure to read your blog so far... :)
Thanks for the award... :)
p/s: hope more and more 'beautiful' post in the future... chaiyokk!!
Maybe you should change your nickname to bluefamousdude... heehe jk. Nice awards... congrats!
Thank you so much for giving me this fabulous Award. You are the best!
Love and Blessings,
Thank you Blue! Love it! I will put them on my tag & award blog soon! ;)
Congratulation Blue!
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