Tag Return of Genies
From: Shemah
Tag's Name: Return of Genies
Tagging Along: Angelbaby (As most of my friends already done it, I will only tag one person. Please be free to do this tag if you want :)
* Start Copy Here*
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Magic Lamp of Luck.
2. Pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to as many people as you like. After all, everyone needs some good luck!
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Magic Lamp of Luck. Once the Genie King and Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
4. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!
Award of Friendship
From: Angelbaby
Award's Name: Award of Friendship

This week, after receiving my Blog of The Month Award, I also received this Award from Angelbaby who runs a blog called Your Caring Angels. Thank you so much Angelbaby, you really live up to your name. Have a good day everyone!
P/S: I am sorry if I missed out any tags and/or award. Don't be afraid to inform me if I forget anything!

Hey bluecrystaldude...
Congratulations on the award!
p/s: I'm having a problem about tag and award... I dunno how it works and how to make it works... LOL. Had followed the instruction... but, still... :(
can i do it later? have u read comment regarding celcom broadband??
ZAM ZAM ALAKAZAM! Thank you for joining us on another magical adventure, filled with love and luck! Your site has been added to the Master List at number 148. Pls update your list accordingly from the Master List, thank you and have a magical day! :)
Genie Princess
Zam Zam ala kazam.. i am sure your technorati will soar.. all thanks to that simple task of doing a linkly love..
rajinnye ko kawab tagging semua ni
aku skrg malas la
nak update blog sendiri pun malas
you deserve to be awarded dude and ill do the tag have a great day
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