The first part of it was on the Friday’s night (18 July 2008) which involved only the first year students and facilitators, was called (I must warn you, it was very cliché – a reason why I should have the creative rights on it) “Intra Chemical Reaction”, how about that? Activities included a game of passing all the group members a sentence that comprised 17 similar vowel words to the group members, built a shelter from newspapers, a quiz about chemical and mathematic related questions, carrying an egg on a string of raffia rope which need to be tied around all the group members hands and a game which you have to make a string out of anything (shoe lace, shoe, handkerchief, hair, etc.) and the final length of it will be measured.
Intra Chemical Reaction:

Yes, I totally agree with you. The games all are not appropriate for a university student. But wait until you read about the next day program which are (just name a few) waiter race (passing a leaking pail from one another – must through the top of your head), torturing alive snakehead fishes by throwing it from one person to another (someone should report it to Animal Rights!), male net ball (played by the Deputy of Vice Chancellor of Academic and International Affairs, dean, deputy dean and other senior professors and doctors) throwing and catching eggs from the distance of half a netball court and a strength only required rope pulling.
The day of torture start with an early wake up, who wakes up at 8 am during Saturday? Plus, we have to stay up late the night before after the Intra Chemical Reaction to paint our batch flag. To make the matter worst, we were forced (with the indication that we are the only one who does not doing anything for our tomorrow tent decoration) by some inconsiderate female students in my school. In a move to show my rebelling self, me and some of my friends arrived half an hour late to the event. Oh, and we casually walk slowly with the flag in our bag. No one knows what the face of the devil is. Other than bias judges and rude marshals, a will-burn-your-skin day unless will goes without anything big happening.

Whether the objectives of these events were achieved or it just another way of my dean to mpress the Vice Chancellor, no one will ever know for sure. At least the food is good.

What A Day
what a day~ ok, just drop by to check my email...i'll put some comment soon~
Interesting and fun activities. Students' activities are definitely full of fun!
miss my younger days... uhuks² dah tua lorrr.. :)
i miss blogging.seriously.but time constrains.anyhooo,i went to the beach yesterday for my kuliyyah's interaction day.more like family day.and i'm having so much fun except fot the part for sunburn. yikes!!
u take care ;))
well, great that you seemed to enjoy it..
aaaaaahhhhhh.. students' life..what a life? hehe..
bawak telor ngan tali? hmmm interesting.. i am sure i can "cilok" that idea and make it to good use here..
alright..gotto run.. later dude..!!
What a great day. I miss my induction course! But I know how tired you are now :)
About the snakehead fish, isn't it cruel? Worse it's slimy right? Eww! :P
wow gambar last tuh gigit pingat apa?silver ekk..
hehe...teringat la pulak zaman mula mula masuk Uitm...ingat kat senior yang siot duk mengenakan student yang baru masuk...ishhh..
Hi Hafidz,
No sweat man.. Come back later :D
Hi Farah Deen,
Yup, totally fun except for couples of stupid and bias marshals. Huh
Hi Love-n-Hate,
Dear, dear.. How old are you? hehehe
You look quite young though :)
Hi Izzahismail,
Yeah, I miss blogging too. The rush of reading, commenting posts and nudging other bloggers. Yeah, I miss it too :D
I think I am more than sunburn right now. MOre to overly sunburned. tsk tsk
Hi Rizal,
Just make sure they clean up the broken eggs afterward. We still received complaints about it from the makcik cleaner. hehehe
Hi Faisal Admar,
I never touch any live fish. Hahaha... I pass the game :)
Hi Axim,
Can't believe that you could see the color of the medal. ahaha. Yup. Silver as grandpa hair.. Sigh..
waaa... i love this kind of games!! seriously..
well, i could see the fish ur mention before... how was that?
snakehead in abuse! hahah.. well, this kind of activity will definitely strengthen the relationship among ur friends...
Well, fresh students always be the target of torture by seniors and they 'll remember you forever for what you had done to them lol
woot! fish in the palm! x)
how old am i?? look carefully at my profile!! :)
Wow, this type of activities will let you have good memories.
The relationship between your will be further strengthened.
Enjoy your school life, this is your turn.
Hi Hafidz,
We actually love these kind of games too. But we all tries to cover behind our machoness. Hahha..
Yeah, strengthen our friendship but we never actually have the real interaction with the juniors. As matter of fact, we fight with each other. Crapppp...
Haha.. All those torturing were long gone. Nowadays, if we miss treated them, it is not impossible we could end up on the front page of newspaper. Sigh..
Hi fara,
Owh yeah! hehe
Hi Love-n-hate,
Haha.. will do it ASAP!
Hi coolingstar,
Thanks man.. I will definitely enjoy mine :D
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