1. Washing dishes. LOL. I rarely done that (thank God I usually eat at cafe or restaurants)

Continue reading for more interesting tags and memes!
MEME 2 also from Rizal. But it was a bit too long. Sorry man :)
Tagging: Farah Deen and Faisal
- Copy the text from Start Copy Here
- Post it in your blog. Make sure you copy it in compose mode (blogger) or visual mode for the others. This will enable you to copy all your friend's link as well. Have fun doing it.
- In the next number, add your blog url and link it
- Add the greetings that you use frequently or one that is in your traditional language.

Konichiwa Meme by AikoAiko
2. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery says HOLA!
3. Yenzz's SeeNRead says Hi!
3. restnrileks says Apa Khabar?
4. Bluecrystaldude says Assalamualaikum!
MEME 4 (in Malay for the first time ever!)
Tagging: Fara (with new hosting and blog) and Rizal!

Click more to read those lovely questions. I still could not believe that I am doing this tag in Malay. Please don't laugh!
Siapa hero/heroin anda?
Bapa saya
Ayat yang selalu dituturkan?
Ayat yang mempunyai perkataan 'weh' di permulaan dan penghabisannya
Perkara yang perlu sentiasa kena ingat?
Dalam wardrobe, apa perlu ada?
Baju & Seluar
Anda seorang yang branded?
Malangnya ya
Apakah rutin grooming anda?
Panjang sangat hendak ditaip di sini. hehe
Dan, apakah yang paling penting dan perlu ada dalam beg anda?
Apakah impian anda untuk 5 tahun akan datang?
Kaya raya
Apakah yang paling anda suka mengenai bandar di tempat anda?
Hujan! (Penang selalunya panas sangat!)
Sahabat susah & senang: sanggupkan kamu?Of course! Sudah tentu!

hehehehe... ni kelakar... memang kelakar..
not that your BM is wrong or what.. but somehow, it does sound weird when reading it in BM (and by no means la i am merendah2kan bahasa ibunda)..
but, kudos.. something new i say.. :)
hehe done... can refer:
Hi Rizal,
LOL.. Yeah. I thought so too. One of the main problem for me is whether to use a formal BM or non-formal. Plus, with so many loghats available in Malaysia, I am kinda ashamed if I pronounce something wrongly.
P/S: I haven't said a word (except for 'pi'= pergi) in Penang slang even after 3 years study there! haha..
Hi Faisal,
Hehe.. I am sure you will done it as you have a special blog for it. I do check if people do my tags or not. But, I am not offended either if they not doing it ;)
Thanks for participating these tags! I am sure people who created it and friend who are tagging you, which in this sense is me, will feel appreciated!
thanks for doing the chores tag, added your links in the masterlist.
Living the Healthy Life
Vanity Kit
Something Purple
Em’s Detour
Doll Me Up
I saw my name here! :) I will do this ASAP ok? and inform you.
Hi Something Purple,
Hi Farah,
Thanks for participating! :D
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