I have changed my Entrecard blog picture, yet again. This time, I changed after
Shinade’s commented me in
Hot News This Week #5 post. She said:
Oh you might want to change your EC card too. I was in the forums the other day and they have new TOS again.
Anything deemed objectionable about your card from anyone could mean that they will drop you.
Not trying to be nosy...just letting you know. They are going to do audits and look at cards....profanity was mentioned.
Just don't want to see you get in trouble:-)))
Well, I really thankful for her head up. In case you still don’t know, I am having trouble to advertise in other people blogs because of my “very creative” blog’s name. Haha. So, finally I decided to take down my blog’s name in my avatar and replaced it with my name, Bluecrystaldude. The result is not up to my expectation, but I did change it for temporary anyway. I sincerely think it dulls and nothing to do with my blog (not that toilet’s picture has to do with it either, but that is a different story). Therefore, I most probably will change the picture again. Just hope that I have enough time and inspiration to do it later.
The old pictureMy final examination is coming in this November, so I will be having many tests before then. I called it as preparation test as it will gear me up for my final semester examination. My next preparation tests will be on Thursday and Friday with Separation Process and Process Dynamics and Control respectively. Wish me lucks (I don’t believe in luck, but it seems to be the common saying).
Anyhow, I also received two of very special awards from my dear friend,
Rizal from a very creative
Rest n Rileks; a site about rattan and his personal design (love the details man!) and artworks. Oh, the best part of it, he wrote me a very flattering remark too!
First Award: Uber - Amazing Blog

Blue (me!)- for his witty, fun, pleasant and great posts -
So, I would like to pass the Uber Amazing Blog Award to:
- Bonoriau – I especially love how he always writes simple but concise post on blogging to economy
- Mango – She has a very wild imagination that I wish I have. Love her design and stamps collection
- Kak Emila – She is the most talented Malaysian woman I ever meet online! You must must and must check her out!
- Mariuca – She is very energetic! I must run (metaphorically of course) to keep up with her posts, readers and comments. Can’t wait to see more of her!
- Rizal – One of my loyal readers ever since I could remember. Thank you so much for being such supportive friend!
- Rozella - I love the way she writes. Very easy reading with a personal touch
- Farah - Her house was broken into last week. I just wish she will gets better. She has been such a wonderful friend for me
And also to some of new readers (I cannot put all of you, may be next time), thanks for being the new supporters of Hot Shit Form Here:
Second Award: Wolf Award – Outstanding Blogger

This award made by one of my new friends, Shinade from The Painted Veil. It is quite unique since it is only for male bloggers! So, I am passing this award to my male buddies – all of them are Malaysian except for Bluedreamer: - Faisal Admar – He writes everything from politics to current issues. I love how he puts his personalities in each post!
- Bluedreamer – For the diversified top 5, from rare animal to the top 5 of amazing places and idol (!)
- Hafidz - I hope he will do well in his working world!
- Axim – A very dedicated daily blogger (I easily impressed by a daily blogger. LOL)
And also to my new readers, I wish to see you guys more often here. It has been pleasure to meet you guys and I would love to know more about you. Here are the winners:
First Commenter:
View blog reactions
Ahaaa... There's my name.. Haha.. Thankx dude.. I appreciate it.. hehe.. Eh.. I'm first..!!! Hahaha..
Wah! You are fast! Hehe.. I will add your link up after this. Congratulation on being the second First Commenter! :D
"Congratulation on being the second First Commenter! "
What I mean was, congratulation for winning the First Commenter for the second time! Hehe..
I mis few minute to be your 1st commenter ...heee going out for lunch
I saw on your twitter that you are working on your new posting ...heeee...twitterfox FANTASTIC deh!!!
Yeah! I thought so. My YM notification said that you commented me on the earlier post. I really thought that you will win this one :)
Anyway, try again next time! :D
Yes I already in your top 10 top commenter...heeee
Yeah Bobo, Twitterfox is fantastic! I am glad I mainly use Firefox! Hehe
Bono, Congratulation on being in my TOP TEN COMMENTER! I think Mariuca is the fastest climber! LOL
Uwah.. missed it!!
Thanks for the mention blue and good luck in your exam ya ;)
Too bad about Farah kan.. cian dia..
Hey, the Uber Award is for you too LJ. hehe..
Yeah, I really pity Farah. She must be traumatized. Her family is sound asleep during the robbery. I wonder whether they were pukau or not
Yeah?? for me as well.. Awesome.. Uber Awesome!! hehhe.. Thanks!!!
I think it's pukau lah Blue.. sebab she say she tak sedar langsung and the house was bright and all!
Hey.. i think my twitterfox not working lah.. I am not getting any updates from there at all.. the only thing is does it bring me to my twitter page.. and from there.. of course i can see everything lah!
Do I need to do anything to it.. like allow popup or something??
Yeah, I think they kena pukau too. Even her mum went downstairs earlier the morning but did not noticed about it. Crimes are everywhere nowadays!
LJ, I think you need to ask Bono more about it. I also not too internet savvy lah. Hehe. But my Twitterfox works fine. I even saw you and Bono talk with each other. hehe
Yeah.. really sucks I tell you.. her laptop baru tau.. slightly younger than mine.. ish heartpain for her lahh....
Ok.. then something is def wrong.. coz it's kind of dead there...just a stupid "t" :(
Yeah, I saw hers too. Pink Flamingo right?
Yeah.. so sad..cash.. two laptops.. terok lah...
My house once was broken into too. We were tied and all. But thank God nothing harm much done. One of the burglar did sliced my right arm with parang though. Tak dalam lah, but still bleeding. Huhuu..
Being broken into is one thing, lost so many expensive things is the other, but the traumatized experience indeed last forever. Sigh. I wish Farah and her family will be strong!
Not to mention, Farah's husband works! Lost in a puff! Siannya..
Yelah.. I doakan.. they be strong.. Ameen :)
Yeah, that is what she really need now. A praying hand and her close friends and family :)
hey..thanx a lot~ hee~
Hehe.. Welcome d2z :)
More rules?? Rules rules rules, enuff oredi!! Anyway, nice new avatar Haaziq! :)
Wah wah Mariuca is moving up ur TC list, slow and steady gitu! ;)
And I'm still ur TD today yeeha! Now....must get MPG here pulak he he! :)
YAY! I just became ur Follower, sorry ye lambat sikit! So many things to do ni, work lagi, drop EC, reply comments, Tweet tweet, update blogs he he! ;)
Hahaha.. I am Freaking Fast Dude..!! Try Again Later eh.. Hahaha..
hello dude gheeeh thnk you so much for this wonderful award that you given to me
i love it
thanks dude you were the best blogger i ever met
thanks blue and will always check ur blog out
Hi Mariuca,
Thanks! But I think the avatar is just ok.. Not great. I am more into great stuff. Hahah :P
Yeah, I also cannot believe how fast you are. It seems that my EC dropper are not my core dropper. Each month will be a different top 10. LOL. Can't wait till the end of this month!
Hi Nikillas,
Hahaa.. I am sure they will give you a tougher fight after this. Be prepared! Hehe
Alamak!!! Didn't see my award here earlier ha ha ha!! Tenkiu Haaziq! :):):)
Oh my Blue,
You truly are such a sweet heart. I have been missing you due to some issues with my favorites in my ED tool bar.
But, I now have you marked as a favorite and hope to drop by all the time.
Thank you ever so much for the link love and also for being just exactly who you are...a wonderful person and treasured new friend.
Good luck on your exams.
So.. A tough fight eh..!! THIS IS SPARTA..!!! HAHAHAHA..!!! (mumbling~~ mumbling~~)
Demm.. Lost my earlier comment! I hate when this occur. Penat ja tulis panjang2. Sigh* Now I need to write it back. huhuu
Hi Marzie,
Lahh.. Padan lah! I am waiting for the thank you note from you! Hehehe.. :P Just kidding. It's my pleasure :)
Hi Shinade,
Wow... Thank you for such wonderful words. I really am honored. I don't think I am such a good and kind hearted person, but I did try my best :)
Thank you again for favored me! I already done the same for you. Hehe
Hi Nikillas,
Hahaha... Sparta huh? The only problem is I kept thinking about the spoof one. Epic Movie. LOL. Have you watch it? They battle through dance just like Step Up (movie)! Hahaha..
Hey wait.. I didi know someone (or two) who loves to dance.. Hurm.. lalala...
"Hot Shit..." can get you into trouble... hahaha
Thanks Haaziq! I love it ;-)
GOOD LUCK on your exams!!!
thanks bro..speechless.. yeah..rite now i still need exposure of my new working life and looking at ur award make me feel awake and revive to learn new thing.. thanks
Hi Shaxx,
Well, you could read here why I chose Hot Shit Form Here. Hehe.. I don't mind though. I already identified my EC sites that will accept my advertisement :) Thank God I rarely advertise :D
Hi Monica,
You are very much welcome! Hehe.. Happy Monday to you!!
Hi Hafidz,
Hehe.. I still haven't manage to visit your blog. I will make a mental note about it :)
Thanks for da AWARD hazieq!!
by da way,i da update 11 entries regarding last weekend punya citer..check it out k..
11 entries?! That are a lot man! LOL. Okay, I will check it out later~
hey blue dude!
is it okay for me to call you that way?haha.anyways,thanx for that award man..the white wolf sure looks great!now i can tayang the award.haha.:p
again,gudluck on your exam buddy.:)
Hi Ashraf,
I hope you like it. Wolf certainly fits in your blog well. Hehe..
hello dude just visiting you here again
have a great blogging day to you
by the way dude im done posting this award in my "just an avid fan blog"
have a great day!!!
Thanks for the visit my friend. I am sorry haven't update any new post. Kinda wrapped up with my study for a while. Lots of assignments means lots of meetings and discussions to attend. Oh my.. I am very exhausted but thrilled nonetheless :D
Shinade's a wonderful friend, isn't she. so nice of her to leave the comment. :)
Thank you for you comment at Blogcatalog Emila Dolly Club. Hope we can build new community based on Emila RSS Dolly. Just imagine if we have thousand of members...sure interesting deh!!!
LadyJava gave me the link for Related Categories link...not that diffuclt to add the code.
Subscribe you blog.
HaaziQ! Baru nak leave a comment here on the Quirky tag, but I see u're already at my site yay! :)
I'll collect the award soon! ;-)
haaziq!!! thank you for the award!!! love it! sorry i haven't put up the previous tag lagi, will put them up real real soon!
Yeey! great awards!
you definitely deserve them!
than you thank you for that linky love blue.. :)
it is a great pleasure to have you as a blogger friend..
I hope my avatar is decent enuf ... hehehe
i like the old one better :P
I'm back here..
nah..just want to let you know that I posted this award in my blog..bragging it! hehehe.. thanks again for this one :]
I get updated about your new posts from Twitter - very cool. And don't worry about the title of your blog because it attracts more people than it turns off!
Recent blog post: Flying With the Southwest Airlines Rapper
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