Less Word Wednesday #13>> Cat's Whiskers Plant?
A Cat's Whiskers Plant?This is a post dedicated to a dear friend of mine,
Shinade a.k.a
Jackie from
The Painted Veil. She had taught me so many things about life in and out of blogsphere in a way that I couldn’t repay her enough. She even inspired me to take more pictures (she took lots of beautiful pictures). This is for you Shinade, I will always remember you with every photos that I took (do visit her and leave your kind words there :)
Photography has opened up a whole new world for me. It helps me in so many ways that I could never list them all here. It is almost like a miracle in my life. So I must go where my heart leads me. My plans are to learn everything possible about my camera, take tons of pictures, and maybe even try my hand at some local competitions. I am moving out of the virtual world and back into the real world. -
For a starter, I took this picture; a strange flowering plant that my mum bought from Kuala Lumpur. Yes, she bought it from a city and took it to my home in Johore (a rural area). I don’t remember what the name of this small plant, but the botanist said if you eat its flower; it will lower your blood pressure. If I am not mistaken, it’s called Misai Kucing in Malay language (direct translation: Cat’s whiskers). Anyone can help me verified it? More pictures after the jump.

I know these pictures are far from beautiful (I blamed it on the stormy weather and my shaky hands), but I did my best. Please be kind when commenting. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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YEah! You are back in the run for FC LJ! hehe
It's lovely Blue.. and.. .never heard of it.. wah can lower blood pressure? Awesome lah.. so pretty the flowers and you did a great job with the photo..
On another note, we all gonna miss Jackie.. she is one of the sweetest ladies around.. always giving comment love and never failing to just drop and say hello.. I'm gonna miss her photos, her chit chat and most of all .. her presence.. Good luck dear Jackie aka Shinade.. be happy ya :)
Keep taking those photos blue.. you've got lots of potential :)
Yihaaa!!! yes I am Blue.. lol!! Miss Fly kan dah home...hehehhe...
Eh it does look like misai kucing lah.. misai nya Aggie!! lol!
the last picture will be better if the top/tip of the plant/flower is in the frame..just my 2cents
Hi Lady Java,
LOL! Misai Aggie! Hahaha.. My cat's whiskers don't look like that.. But he like me when I played with his whiskers.. So manja.. hehe
Yeah, I am gonna miss Shinade! I hope she like this post ;)
Hi Blue..
I noticed you asked Shemah on her today.com blog.. in case you want to know more.. come and visit me at my money blog ok..
Hi d2z,
Yelah, I just noticed it. Thanks man for the feedback. It will makes me want to try more! My camera is just a cikai one though. Hehe
Hi LJ,
Hehe.. Thanks. I just remember about it :) If I am running another site, I will let you know okay, but it's not going to be in near future lah.. hehe. So busy with my study ;)
hhehe.. that's Princess Aggie to you....lol!!
Ohhhhhhhh ini rupanya misai kucing!
Also good for diabetes. :)
haaziQ! I left u a peanut butter cup at Emila's he he...was nice to bump into u just now. :)
Okay, off I go on my magical flying carpet to do my EC round, see ya later! :)
Oh congrats to LJ dapat FC! ;)
Hi Mariuca,
Yeah, I think my mum also said something about diabetes. Thanks for remind me ;)
Hey, thank you for a peanut butter cup. Hehehe..
That is a pretty plant. And the pictures look really nice to me. I wish I could take good photos, but I just have no idea! Keep taking photos :)
Misai kucing is one of most popular herbs. Misai kucing + Tongkat Ali = MANTAP deh!!!
Oh, so the malay version of misai kucing is a direct translation of the english name?
haaziq you can be a traditional doctor
Hi Penny,
Thank you.. I am glad you like it :)
Hi Bonoriau,
Really?? hahaha.. I must try it then!
Hi Gallivanter,
I think it works the other way round. Cat's Whiskers is the translation of Misai Kucing.. Hehe.. Don't ask me, I am no expert in Biology or Botanic :)
The one chinese entreprenuer at sungkai, perak become milionaires by selling misai kucing! (Pertanian adalah perniagaan)
very interesting plant indeed. It's really unique. I am not too much into plants, but well, I do love flowers, but I don't like gardening. LOL
yup...got one also in my mom's garden...it really could lower ur blood pressure (fer those wit high bloo pressure)
i tatau if this is the same plant.
but there's this particular plant yang ade name kucing something can be made into a drink.
haha.ok.i'm not so sure.heard that from somewhere.but it's good for health ;)
HaaziQ! Ec and Streamyx laju gila today, excellent kombinasi! :)
Already done with MPG and Mariuca pun dah kat awesome! Hurry and do ur round! ;)
a 3-in-1 coffee that I bought have misai kucing in it... but i don't feel anything different after drinking it... may be not enough misai inside...
Misai Kucing yey.. my cats love this so much. I do have one pot before. end up destroy :P chewing it till dry LOL.
this is interesting! hey, your pics are nice! ;-)
Interesting looking, to say the least! I never see these flowers where I live.
I love your pictures, they are great. That flower is beautiful, much to pretty to eat although I might be tempted! LOL!
Here is my feed on feedburner: http://feeds.feedburner.com/yourcaringangels OK? Please delete my address from this post, OK?
Love and Blessings,
cat's whiskers tea is a bit bitter, i gotta tell you that.
but then again my mom tells me that it helps you lower your blood level and cleanse your inner system... great eh?
to be honest, i never knew the plant would be so beautiful.. wonder how they process the plant to make it into tea sack... ngee...
Hi HaaziQ! Tgh sedih ni cause my TC widget went bonkers on me! :(
Sigh! Dunno what happened and dunno how to fix it too boo hoo! :(
U oso gone from my list! :(
Wan to drop EC oso no mood, even though my connection is speedy today LOL! ;)
the pictures are fine... beautiful still. don't you worry :)
i knew about this plant before and also the fact the flower could lower the blood pressure. another thing is it could cure many diseases in cats when you feed them the root.
if you don't trust me you can pull out some of this plant and put on the floor where your cat is and let see how it works. you don't need to spoon fed him just put it on the floor :)
p/s: i will be in muar from 26th - 30th. any possibility to meet up? hehe
Yeaah, photography helps you look at the world in different perspectives. =)
You did a great job with the misai kucing pictures... Well, I have no talent in photography. =p
By the way, I was wondering, how do you add the menu bar at the top of your page? CSS or just plain html?
hey dude, what kind of camera you use to snap the flower?
btw. i've seen this flower before..yerp..it's beautiful!
What a beautiful flower!
Haaziq! Happy Holidays to you! :-)
Just wanted to stop by and wish you a happy, Happy Holiday!
Hi there Haaziq.
I had almost similar pic of misai kucing (of my grandma) taken last year..will put it up in My Flickr soon. Btw, it does have kewl advantages of having that misai kucing.
Happy hols, Haaziq.
Nice pic Blue. :) I love photography too. There's just something very theraputic about it. You get behind the camera and the entire world just fades away except for that one frame...
Btw, I hope you're having a fun holiday. :)
hello blue how's your holiday? hope you had a great one wishing all the best fro you and may God bless you and your family have a great day!!
Hai, bluecrystaldude. Just want to say Happy New Year 2009 to you and all the best in your future undertakings :)
Dropping EC here on Boxing Day, happy weekend Blue! :)
Hey, is ur TC widget still out of order? Dah lama dah ni! :(
great dedication for Jackie! I am sure she will love it!
I too believe that it is Cat's Whiskers Plant. I have seen few pictures of that plant and it looks similar.It is good to hear that when we eat flowers of Cat's Whiskers it helps us reduce our blood pressure.
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Hey...I liked these photos of the Cat Whiskers plant... You've done a good job... I love photography but am not a professional. I sometimes click pics with my mobile phone . Don't worry about comments. Just put your heart and soul into taking the photo. that's all.
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