I did write a post about
Understand Your Teenage Son’s Language, but I never know that the corruption of youth is more complicated than that. Earlier today, after a week of hell (it wasn’t a vacation, trust me), I was permitted a day off (only after I finished attending a seminar from 8am to 12pm) to get away from the piles of workload on my desk so that I could go out and have a blast with my friends. Up till now, it turned out to be the day to remember in this new born year.
The day started out well with the countless trips to the boutiques, one after another (shopping is indeed the best way to reduce stress) before I went into a 90 minutes of unnecessary high pitch screaming and heart raping sound effects from the movie, KM31: Hell Highway (Click
here for the movie review). The movie was said to be based on the true story, which make me wonder, if your life is that amazing, my life story would be painfully boring. Of course, if you consider seeing ghost, your sister in coma and your friends were killed by ghosts is amazing. It’s not a bad movie, but it’s not the reason why today is a memorable day.
As I was waiting for my friends, I eavesdropping a group of teenagers not higher than 12 years old talking near the escalator. There were about 10 of them including 2 girls. They all dressed up in punk and/or skinhead dresses (I couldn’t tell them apart) including Sex Pistol supposed to be vintage jacket, tight jeans, high cut Converse shoes, skin tight shirts and one of the girls even wears an inverted cross necklace. One of the boys ask his friend whether he was masturbating last night and when he said he was not, the boy went on and said something like this, “Well, I hope your semen (seeds) will be concentrated enough when you dip your dick in her today,” while pointing to the girl who’s wearing the inverted cross.
Did I tell you that all of them are Malay and most probably are Muslim? Minus the religion’s belief, the fact that they talked about women as a sex object in that early age only show how corrupted the youth today. I am not even sure they already producing enough semen for reproducing at that early age, let alone wanted it to be concentrated enough to fulfill her sexual needs. The word that came crossed my mind at that time was gangbang how old exactly those kids? I am pretty sure that if I am asking them a simple mathematic multiplication problem, they couldn’t answer it correctly.
What really bothers me afterwards was not the fact that I didn’t say anything to them, but the care less feeling that I have at that moment – the feeling that I had nothing to do with them. At the end of the day, I did feel bad for not being the one who knocks the senses back in them and my care less feeling towards others. The corruption of youth; not only in the sexual matter, depletion in spiritual beliefs and the degradation of their morality, will always be a problem if no one is bothers to put the stop sign (or at least a break) in them. A guidance hand is all they need. I hope that if you have the opportunity to meet one of this same behavioral youth, do give him a piece of advice rather than to keep it to yourselves.
P/S: I am quite busy finishing all my assignments and projects as I and 29 others will be off to Singapore on 17th January until 22nd January under an educational and career visit program organized by my university. I really hope that all my loyal readers and friends will understand my situation. Thank you for all your precious times visiting me here, only to see Hot Shit Form Here without any new updates. I miss you all!
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gile ah.. bebudak kecik pun dah jadi camtu... ni ke leaders masa depan kita?? hmmm...
Astaghfirullahal'azim... Na'uzubillah min zalik...
What is wrong with children nowadays? Is it their parents? Society? Westernisation? There are so many factors involved. Don't they feel ashamed?
Malu is maruah and it is a part of our iman. But those children lack it. In fact, I think that even if you tried to talk sense into them, they will only shoo you away with vulgarities.
Ya Allah... This only happened recently and these children don't even give two hoots about children their age who are suffering in Gaza. Astaghfirullah... =(
Yeah Haaziq. I miss reading your entries. No matter how busy you are, I wish you all the best and have a safe trip. Semoga Allah mempermudahkan urusan anda. Amiin...
And the girl who is wearing an inverted cross... Hmm... Kids nowadays are so easily influenced by the West. Modernisation does not equal westernisation.
Don't the girl's and the other children's parents check on them? Or do they change their clothing after they're out of their houses?
Oh my.. that is terrible..I feel nowadays kids are so loose in their faith that they are following whatever suits their lifestyle. sometimes parents are at fault but then again sometimes these kids are just stubborn. Some parents treat their kids like children when in fact the moment they show certain interest in sex or the other gender, parents should talk to them as adult and explain about the birds and the bees.. sex talk is no longer taboo and it should be considered as part of education.
Kids nowadays are not like me and even you I think Blue.. they have more questions and parents cannot and should not ignore those questions esp when it pertains to sex. They need to know what with sex comes responsibilities and parents need to communicate these to them the moment they show interest.
Eh panjang lebar pulak comment ni.. sorry ah :)
itu yang kat pekan/bandar...yang kat kampung/felda lain pulak corrupt nya...kat mana2 pn ada rosaknya budak2 ni...kita dah dijajah kembali tanpa disedari!!!!..huhu
**'baru amarika'!!!!!
Seeing the youth today, perhaps many might agree with me..that at some point we feel electrocuted to the extent that the waves of globalization is indeed without borders. I am unable to pin point my fingers to anyone obviously but to shoot it back at us, for letting these kind of scenario without control.
First, the music. Worshiping the lord of musics thinking that it is totally cool to be part and sort of being recognised as being one.
Second, the uncontrollable freedom, that everyone seems to sought and thought that they should have, leaving behind the rules and regulations.
Third, the ever changing policies in schooling systems, where caning is strictly prohibited. Kids at schools are angel, teachers are devils. So to speak.
Fourth, the scholars and the ulamas are being kept away from reminding us that the world is so weak. The politicians are the ulamas now.
omg,luckily our country is peaceful. send them to palestin and for sure they will regret..
ps: are you going to singapore? *sob sob* jeles~ :p
kecik-kecik lagi pun~~~
apa la gamaknya dah masuk dalam kepala otak diorang?
But bantering them here wont solve the problem. More to be done, and the authorities need to be inform about this kind of immorality.
WTH!!!!!!wat hepen to the kids today????when im 12 i dont even know what sex is!!n they already doing gangbang..demmit...i starting to imagine that morality in our country might end up like the western..."it's a weird thing if u r a virgin" noooooooo...might as well send all those corrupted kid to Palestine,agreed with d2z...
OMG! that's awful and horrible.
kecik2 lagik.they are so corrupted.despite the religion's belief, they are too young to talk about such stuffs.there are no doubts what the future children will turn to be if there are no adults to control and care for them.
sigh sigh.
Hi Dark Light,
Yeah, one will wonders. I just hope that they will grow up fine (and still alive) to be our leaders in the future :)
Hey, congrats for winning this post First Commenter! I will link you up later :D
Hi Adelita,
I miss doing post myself too :) Thank you for your kind words and wishes. I can't wait for my Singapore trip with my friends and colleagues, though I have been there countless time for shopping - Johor Bahru is too crowded for my family. I am sure the feeling going out with family and with friends are entirely different :)
That is also why I think teenagers are more comfortable when they are out with their peers. The truth is, sometimes they wanted to be someone else for a change, free from other problems back home.
And yes, one way to prevent it is paying extra attention to your kids. I am quite sure they don't have anyone who actually care about them. Well, at least care enough to ask them to change their clothes before going out
ahahaha... just lucky to wake up 5 in the morning..Thanks!
@zara- yes, kids nowadays is to soft and can't be hurt in any way.
Its like we are going to be the next "western" country at all where kids don't get beaten, they only get grounded. Seriously, like Russell Peters says to white people, "Please beat your kid!" :P
"Sex comes with responsibilities"
Well said Lady Java.. The more I am maturing (Though, I should assure you guys that I am not that old - it just a statement. LOL)the more I realized that sex and responsibilities could not be separated.
Even if you're wearing a condom, your cannot totally protect yourself (some said condoms only had 97% efficiency). You surely could not shield yourself from responsibilities afterward. To say the least is you need to consider your partner's feeling.
Sex could be a very emotional routine for some
P/S: LJ, where are you last night? Calling of the day earlier than usual? Hehe..
It is really sad to see kids act like that. I think sometimes they do that because they think they are impressing others around them as being cool. I sure hope they are going to do what they said. You are right that someone needs to stop them so they understand that this is not a good way to behave.
Love and Blessings,
Blue.. I was on standby when you tweet that you were going to post but then hubs wanted massage.. so being the mithali wife that I am am (ahem).. left my workstation.. then when I came back.. there it was and Dark Light was already there...cist!! hehehe...
Anyway.. I know you are young.. only 21 mah.. but you sound so mature so I terforgot how young you are sometimes.. but take that as a compliment .. i hate immaturity in any gender..
I still feel that parents nowadays are still shy to talk to their kids about sex and I feel they should have sex education in school as well.. someone got to educate these kids that are growing up too soon without guidance.
Talks should be for both gender not just the men.. I feel that if young ladies are taught what could happened when you have sex and what it generally translates for them.. they would be more careful and just throw themselves at the first guy that show interest and would treat their bodies as a temple to be worshipped and respected.
Parent nowadays cannot and must not just say "no" without making the kids understand why it is "no".. that is just the way things works now..
When I was growing up.. I never questioned my parents when they say No.. I'm old lah.. hehe.. and org dulu2 mmg macam tu..lol!!
opps.....missed out one word here
they would be more careful and NOT just throw themselves at the first guy that
Hi attahrel,
Hehe.. Baru Amerika lah sangat.. Rasa sedih juga tengok remaja-remaja sekarang macam itu. Teringat filem Budak Kelantan. Hehe
Hi Zara,
You made your point very clear and very systematic. I am sure that has something to do with you being a lawyer. Hehe..
Well said. I would like to add further on your 1st point. They actually try too hard to be in certain group of people. A group that they see as cool or popular enough to be part with. They are blinded with this wrong impression that being part of this group will somehow make them among the best of their peers.
Sadly enough, they will do anything to be part of their lifestyle. Even that means memorizing all their idol's lyrics, doing something that deviate from their religion's belief or simply by smoking and drinking (lots of kids are smoking and drinking nowadays)..
If being part of something cool is their life long motto at this early age. I wonder how they will end up years later. In juvenile schools? In jail? Dying behind the alley with needles stuck in their body?
Our mentality is being colonised again without us noticing. Yes, these children must go to Palestine to learn some lessons. Huhu...
those are some scary shit you were talking about there...
the lack of integrity and moral values within our youngster nowadays scares the hell out of me...
Hi Blue, what an enlightening post from you, two thumbs up! :)
Sigh.... it's getting more ridic by the day. If they think it's cool to be talking and behaving that way, they're sorely mistaken. Memalukan je! I am disappointed but def not surprised. I blame it on bad upbringing, that's all there is to it. :(:(:(
Alhamdulillah. You guys are really putting in your efforts boycott the Zionists' products and companies. MasyaAllah. =D I'm proud of you and your friends.
As for the TIME magazine, just read it because you've already bought it. Do share with us what you read from there about the Gaza-Israel conflict.
Who knows if they wrote any distorted articles? Huhuhu...
jeez!!! bad company definitely has much psychological, mental and moral influence on the youth...
That was an awesome write up of the lack of consideration towards our values, cultures and lots more. The parents got to take up some action or else their kids can go astray like anything.. they got to guide them. whenever i speak to anyone who is even a little out of hand, i must give him a piece of advice ;) its in my nature to try and change a person for good :)
Take care, dude.. will miss you too :)
Haiyoh... it's really scary seeing what is happening to the younger generation.
Blue! So happy to see 3 Mariucas here today ha ha ha! :)
Kids are kids. The ones you wrote about seem like my days growing up punk...
I think they look at what the adults have done to the world and are quite pissed off about it. It isn't so much what they do, but what WE have done already.
Next time you all want to bash some ignorant kids, keep in mind the world we brought them into. We need to be the change. They do too...but it starts from the top down...else the bottom up will only piss everyone off because they don't stand a chance against the powers that be.
Anyway, that's my take on the whole thing.
I left you an award on my blog Blue, you deserve it because I think you have a great attitude dude. Keep it up! Peace!
You know, as much I enjoy the new media we all use; internet, wireless communications, video echange, etc .... The unit of family and family morals has been breeched. This is not a problem in the West, it is a world wide epidemic.
I grew up when a father worked hard, and then came home to the circle of family. There was love and interaction "together". Seems that many young people are cut from this important connection. When your value system is learned and formed from media, it seems there is not much hope.
I was looking at some really old family photos the other day, and marveled how family was the builing block in each and every picure. Grandparents, children, cousins all gathered together on the farm. Interaction was mainly in a small town, and in church. Such a healthy way of living, and something that has all but dissappeared.
hurmm.. bebudak sekrang.. otak dah corrupted.. nak wat camne..
hi my giveaway will ends on 14 feb so plenty of time to take part. hey you going to Singapore, I have not been there
im back!! sorry for not being here in the blososphere for almost 2 weeks...
but now im happy to tell you that im back from th field again...
and im so sorry again for missing some of your post...my apology
may you have a great year my friend
have a great day and God bless! !
1. Where are their parents? Sleeping? Not even realize how your kids dressed up?
2. These idiots won't go far. Someday regret is the only answer for them. I suppose they will blame parent for instant? They say: "Oh my parent never love me, never care of me, never teach me anything related to religion and that is why I become like this!". Boo hoo. Good excuse for idiots.
3. Parent should supervise their kid like who are their friends and keep them busy with things like piano class, ballet and some other activities. Too much spending time with other teens won't bring any good either.
By reading your post what do you think I got in my mind? These kids will be drug addicts sooner or later who practice unsafe sex and jobless.
it's sounds weird when you translated the semen part into English , but than again haaziq you will be living in that kind of situation in the near future, so what are you going to do about it?
Oh still no HaaziQ here, tak de response pun, busy ye? Anyway, dropping EC as usual! :)
I am looking forward to American Idol tonight yeeha! :)
I've been watching HIMYM also, the new season. Now waiting for the next episode to DL he he! :)
Ok back to EC dropping ni, connection super speedy today! YAY! Done with MPG, now finishing up Mariuca, see ya! :)
hm..budak2 zaman sekrang..
terdedah kepada benda2 xelok awal sgt..
I am here everybody! Haha.. Still alive! Lot of works need to be done before my trip to Singapore. I will reply all the comments from time to time :)
Hi d2z,
hehe.. masa untuk anda masih banyak lagi. Sebenarnya dah banyak kali berpeluang ke Singapore. Cuma pertama kali pergi bersama rakan. Mesti lebih menarikkan? Hehehe..
Hi Akmal,
I still cannot believe my eyes and ears till this day. Hurm.. But I don't think authorities could do any different. I don't even think that they had done anything wrong against the law a part from underage sex. But if I am not mistaken, if you have the consent of both parties, there is no legal action could be done. Unless the parents bring the case to court as their rightful guidance (since they all are less than 18 years-old)
Hi Kuropii,
Hehe. Have you watch 40 years-old Virgin? Nothing wrong with waiting for the right one :)
Hi Izzahismail
Itulah. ish2.. kanak2 zaman sekarang. Dah makin teruk perangainya... *mengeleng-geleng kepala*
Hi Darklight,
So, do you like your First Commenter's link? hehe.. Congrats again my friend :):)
Hurm.. I don't think the canning will be returned any time soon. There are lots of fuss about being inhumane and all. Anyway, I never get beating by my teachers or my parents. And I think I grew up just fine. LOL
Hi Angelbaby,
Totally agree with you. They just try to act cool and getting attention from others. Unfortunately, they don't see any other way to impress rather than doing something morally wrong...
Hi LJ,
When I was growing up.. I never questioned my parents when they say No.. I'm old lah.. hehe.. and org dulu2 mmg macam tu..lol!!
Hahahaha.. I am laughing my sock off. LOL.. Firstly, thanks for the compliment. I take it with an open heart and mind. hehe..
Parent nowadays cannot and must not just say "no" without making the kids understand why it is "no".. that is just the way things works now..
It's true. I don't have any young siblings (my younger brother is 19 years old), so I lost most of my young touch early on. Yesterday, I tried to talk out my 8 years-old cousin from adding strangers in Facebook (She even knows how to instant messaging through Skype and YM. tsk tsk) and she starts to ask each and everyone that are my "Friends" in my Facebook account their last name without looking at profile page.
Haha.. I don't even know 95% of them, let alone remember last name. Sigh.. But thank God I managed to settle out with her just fine.
My answer:"I told her that we all are adults and at this stage of age, we try to built up networking as much as we can especially for people who have the same interest as we are.."
Well, it's not the best answer, but I couldn't think straight when there are small and annoying voices called out loud "Who is she? Who is he?" repeatedly without taking any breath (Seriously)
My headaches.... I'm guardian to such hot kids and every time I hear a "cher, I got problem call." My heart will die first.
It's always about sex and being pregnant.
Why can't they get a fever or a flu or break a leg like normal kids?
Haaziq! have fun in Singapore & take care! ;-)
the kids behavior are disheartening but not surprising. The question is what can we do about it...
Still in Singapore? Come down to River Hongbao Celebration. I'm there every night to greet bloggers from Singapore and all pver the world. :)
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