Top Commenter:

First Commenter:
- I need a new tagline, oh and Merry Christmas – Mariuca
- Cat's Whiskers Plant? – Lady Java
- Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven - Penny
- The Monkey Tales - Penny
- The Spirit of Friends – Lady Java
- Do You Remember a Thing Called BOOK? - Mariuca
- 14 Recommendations, 10 posts and 73 Comments – Inchek Shandye
- November Top Entrecard Droppers – The Fitness Diva
- *NSYNC - Bye Bye Bye - Mariuca

Top Entrecard Dropper:

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Congrats Mariuca!! Wah blog domination!! lol!!!
I'll definitely try harder this month.. aww so sad.. my pretty EC badge won't be up there for long.... sob sob!
Oh well.. may the best FC win this month..heheh... Blue.. this month cannot have top TC already lah.. coz the widget not working and even the creator of the pipes pun dah confirm it's blogger.. how??
Hi blue dude.. you've initiated a very nice thing for com mentors.. hehe.. so how was new years? Hope you had a great time:)
Wish u all the best throughout this year, and always.. may god shower you will all his blessings.. Happy and prosperous new year to you and your whole family, please dont mind am late ;)
No one like a long post or so I have been told. LOL! True.
Congrats Mariuca!!! :-D
I made it to your top 10 EC droppers.. Yeheeyy.. Congratulations to Mariuca and A Simple Life :)
wah..!! myname is not listed..!! aaaaaargh..!!
congratulations to the winners! and I wonder who would be the first winner for this new year. :) although I have 2 names in my mind already. LOL
OMG!!! You mean I WON????????
You mean for the FC??? WOWIE! Eh wait lemme read properly he he he!!!!
OMG! I did la! I won I won! Ha ha ha!! So happy HaaziQ!!!! :):):)
Aiyo, unsangkarable la!! I really thought LJ was gonna win again, first time Mariuca won yeeeha!!!
Oh soooo gembira ni, so this means Mariuca and MPG will be on ur site this month?? Double JOY! Thanks so much HaaziQ!! Love you la! :):):)
Blue, I think I wan to copy cat u for FC contest he he, can ah? Until my TC widget gets fixed, now tak best la takde benda nak kasi my TC! Yeeha! ;)
Thanks LJ, thanks Beth! I am thrilled to win big time here yeehaw! ;D
Mariuca badge is all over the place...
Jeless betul..
that sure is one hell of a competition you got here. hehehe. n great prizes as well
Wah Blue.. I love love love the FC badge for GG... awesome.. I may steal it now...lolzz!!
Hahaha... My brain is stuffed up too. I hate assignments. Huhuhu... Add in another element that is fever and flu and I get the privilege of skipping my class. Wahaha!
Wow... Your blog now has a little contest now, eh? Cute!
Congrats to all the winners! :)
LOL! jgn jeles kay Bintang he he eh!!
Hi Blue, I have a tag for you at Wishing on a Falling Star, have a great day! :)
Wow! Congrats to the winners!
Mariuca and LadyJava on the list again! :)
Yeeha! Tenkiu ECL he he!
Morning Blue! :)
haven't used entrecard for a while...
coz evry time i put it, it looked so 'semak'..
can't stand the 'semakness'...huaaaaa
yeehah! i'm a winner too! congratulations to all those who won. :D
Moms... Check Nyo
A Simple Life
Mommy's Little Corner
I am sure you are back in your new semester and not much pressure yet heh? :)
Finally I see Mariuca here tonight yeeha!
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