1. Put your iTunes/Napster/Zune Player/WinAmp/etc on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 or more friends who might enjoy doing this as well as the person you got it from.
- IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY? I Call It Love - Anastasia <-- Love is indeed in the air!
Shakin' Hands – Nickelback <-- Haha! It’s a truth - HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY?
Guilty As Charged – Gym Class Heroes <-- Opst! That's my little dark secret! - WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE?
Stop and Stare – One Republic <-- Hahaha.. OMG! I never know my life purpose would be as simple as that and very entertaining too! - WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO
U r So Gay – Katy Perry < -- Huh! - WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?
Say It Again – Natasha Bedingfield <-- Someone doesn’t listening properly - WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR PARENTS?
Poker Face – Lady Gaga <-- Hurm.. That’s weird. I don’t remember they are that funny. Hehe - WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN?
Lupe Brown – The Fratellis <-- Am I gay?? - WHAT IS 2+2?
If I Was A Man – Pussycat Dolls <-- Hahahaa.. That sound dirty! - WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?
Just Dance – Lady Gaga ft Colby Odonis <-- Yeah!
Dead and Gone – T.I. ft Justin Timberlake <-- LOL. Apparently I am looking for a new person to be liked! - WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY?
It Comes and It Goes - Dido <-- Not a bad answer. It’s true. Everything seems to come and go - WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?
The Best Day – Taylor Swift <-- I am still not deciding what day will I become. Perhaps Sunday or may be Friday - WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE?
Damn Girl – The All American Reject <-- I am so lucky! - WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU?
Womanizer – Britney Spears <-- Haha! No wonder my mum keeps remind me not to play with girls’ heart! (Seriously) - WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING?
When You Love Someone – Kid Rock <-- LOL! I am a romantic but a rocker at the same time! I am not sure what dance should I do though. Head banging?? - WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?
Dreamworld – Robin Thicke <-- Not a bad choice! - WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?
Mean - Pink <-- Being mean to others? “You used to hold the door for me, now you can't wait to leave, You used to send me flowers if you fucked up in my dreams, I used to make you laugh with all the silly shit I did, But now you roll your eyes and walk away and shake your head”. LOL. No comment, but I do love this song! - WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS?
If This is Love – The Saturday <-- Haha! Love you guys! - WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN?
I Caught Myself - Paramore <-- Err...?

Lie – David Cook <-- Totally! - WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?
Shameless – The Fratellis <-- LOL. Apparently I am not! - WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH?
Anybody There – The Script <-- Err.. Err.. Isn't that a question?? - WHAT MAKES YOU CRY?
My Heart – Jennifer Hudson <-- Yes, I am. I hardly cry for anyone else ;) - WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED?
Go All The Way [Into The Twilight] – Perry Farrell <-- What a weird answer.. - WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST?
Hot and Cold – Katy Perry <-- I hate (not sure about scared) extreme hot and extreme cold weather - DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?
Heartless – Kanye West <--- No one? *sobbing* - IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE?
Up [Wideboys Remix Edit] – The Saturday <-- huh????? - WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW?
Modern Guilt - Beck <--- I wonder what is the old/classical guilt. LOL - WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS?
Run, Baby Run – Sheryl Crow <-- Taken from her Hits and Rarities album. Love this song! Therefore, it's only appropriate for me to choose this song as my Music Monday!
First Commenter:


AGAIN me?????? Yahoo!!!!! Ok I come back shortly, nak reply LJ's email sat ha ha ha! :)
hehehhehe... tak sempat...lol!!!
Wah LJ u see kita same time here la woman ha ha ha!!!
Wah.. So fast! LOL
Eh mestila fast when it comes to FC game, the best game ever he he he! :)
Yeah I'll be back to read the post..hhheheh
OMG..womanizer?? and your purposes of life are quite amusing 2...
hey, since you like to listen to new music, i just wanna ask you something..
i listen to hitz.fm couple days ago and i really like this one song,i did goggle it but still cant find the title of the song..
the lyrics are like this( if i heard it right),
my fantasy girl and bla2..
haha..agak2 tau x lagu ape 2??
betul ni..
Hehe.. Thanks LJ and Marzie! Love you guys. LJ don't even managed to leave her link. LOL
Eh! I think I know that song! If I am not mistaken, it's from Caprice - Fantasy Girl. A Malaysian (and Malay) artist lorh.. But he looks totally like a foreigner - even he sings with an accent. Love his videos too!
(Thanks to YAN^S for introducing me to this fella :)
Mariuca congrats! I will put your link after this :)
Haha.thx u man...you saved my day..
i'm jumping!!!!
they're local???
oh man..they sure are good..
thank you again..
Great addition with the tag, goes so well with MM! I love reading this tag, so funny kan the answers? LOL!
Blue loves us LJ woot! :)
Have not dropped any cards yet la, only about ten including here oh no!
I know! I can't believe it's a local too! Anak datuk mana lah agaknya tu. hehe.. They even have their own production company..
But, I don't think Caprice is a group, though. I only saw the singer in those videos.
Anyway, from Fantasy Girl's video, there are links embedded in it:
Facebook: capriceonline@gmail.com
Maybe you could check it out!
Woot woot.. Blue loves us GP!!! hehe.. yelah Blue.. I was so anxious to be FC .. tak sempat put down my link or to subscribe.. but I'm back and this an awesome tag..hehe..
Wait ah... one day I got time.. I pick it up from you..ehhehe
What DID you do on that "Saturday" ?? HA HAAAA !!!!
I remember seeing Sheryl for the first time on MTV singing All I want to do is have some fun and thought, wow, that was sexy!! She is a great live performer ;-)
Hello from SpeedyCat
OMG your a mean womanizer blue! Hahaha It's official! We are all a crazy bunch!
Btw, love your song choice! It's one of my top faves from Ms. Crow.
hahahaha shemah and rosie always got crazy ideas la... so no doubt :P
btw, 2+2... 2 men + 2 men or otherwise? hahahahahahahahahah!
opps, I've yet to do this tag! :-D
how the heck do u know i'm gay? :P
and you're gay too!!!great!!!!
p/s - yucks.i dunno why i say dat.dem disgusting.
wahahha.. womanizer..!!! no wonder... hahaha..!!
Hahahahaha! That's hilarious!! Womanizer eh?? LOL! Now I know.. I'll tell my single gals to stay away from you.. Rozie! Watch out!! LOL!
Anyways, I like the way you incorporate your Music Monday with this tag! Very cool.. and thanks for the linky love, sweetie!
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