Less Word Wednessday #14 >> This is Not a Picture of My Leg

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Comments by IntenseDebate
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Haha i forgive you for breaking the rules!! Nice pic!
Okay Blue I got it I think!!
All I do is post the picture right? I don't do anything to it??? If this is not right...let me know!!
I'll do it tonight if our weather holds up. I hope it's okay if I do it on the new blog. I am trying to get 5 post done on it so I can get it registered with EC!:-)
aku mcm kenal ja pemilik badan yg plg kiri n paling kanan(unique case..haha) tu...yang blkang tu agak konpius..
'*oh my* muscular leg here'..tengok kaki la!!!!..haha
Hi Penny,
LOL. I am glad you don't mind it. Hey, I really love your "take a picture a day" idea. I hope I could done the same thing soon :)
Have a nice day Penny! Oh, and thank you for advertised in my EC spot :)
wah nice picture..
kamera ape ek u pakai?
I'll do it, gimme some times ok? :D
Thanks for tagging me Haaziq!
just find the 6th folder in my photo section and choose the 6th photo of that folder.. that's it right?
what abt the leg or no leg? a pic of my leg? LOL!
Wah! They pose for album covers I guess..
What is the band name..LOL!!
talking about Langkawi,tomorrow i'm going to Langkawi again..hehe
yg kiri kanan je ak leh teka
2 tengah tu ak tatau
Alamak missed FC to da max ni! Ha ha!
Oh no I haven done this one oso he he! Busy mah!
Ok I want to watch Idol repeat on astro, best la tonight's show woo hoo!
Hey Blue,
sorry I didn't get the tag done last night but as you know it was a little exciting around here for a while.
I will try to knock it out tonight before my t.v. show comes on!
And of course as usual I fell asleep and now I am behind on my drops!! But, I'll do my best! thanks for your comment. The world news didn't make it sound as bad as it truly was.
Almost the entire town of Lone Grove was wiped out. They are still doing search and rescue.
My best friend still has not been able to get any information about her grandson and 2 great granddaughters.
It was really bad. Anyway thank you. you have a good heart Blue. you are truly special!!
Somebody is going to be very lucky someday!!:-)
eh.. im confius..
There's nothing wrong with posting pictures of your leg... I do it all the time! But then it's all pictures of me injured with bandages and bruises! Hehehe :P
hello haaziq, you've just been tagged with love! Come & join me in the Valentine's Love. :)
ha! I am following right behind Jean. No wonder I can't geet her to respond at her blog...lol!!!
Well here it is again.
At least pop over and see the new design that went in today.
Also I am running a contest and giving away 500 EC points at http://shinade.blogspot.com and it's a simple give. Just look at the photo and tell me the best story you can think of.
hey.i just realized byk giler ur post that i missed out.
busy sgt :)
Haaziq! Happy Valentine's Day! ;-)
i know who took this nice pic
Happy valentines day!
Blue! I'm thrilled to see it's all abt Mariuca today! :)
Double MPG and Mariuca day here woot!
Btw, I got some excellent clicks from ur site yesterday, woo hoo! Must advertise here some more! :)
great tag and nice shot dude
by the way i just want to greet you a happy valentines as well
have a great day see yah
Thank you all for commenting this post. Which reminds me, it's time for another Singapore post! My laptop was infected by spyware. So, Google block my picassa and certain sites. But I am clean now and back in the business. *just hope I have enough time to post another post later* :):)
Have a nice day!
P/S: I will replying all your comments ASAP :*
Terima kasih follow back my twitter. Menarik site ni. Insyallah akan lebih selalu drop by.
hiya Blue!!
Missed me? Lol.. I just came back from Singapore.. wah so hot!!!
Wah I love seeing my EC here.. so sexy gitu..lol!!
Thanks for having me!!
So when can we see a picture of ur leg la? Ha ha ha!
I love the picture although I really can get a good look at you. It is a beautiful place to be, it looks like you were having allot of fun.
Love and Blessings,
hola Haziq, apa kabur? Saya practice just a little. I am running in a mad dash. Just wanted to pop in and say hello!!:-)
P.s. I hope I got the Kabur..right...I always mix it up with kabar!! One is not good so I meant the good one okay?
Salam Blue!:-)
Hola, I have a simple birthday tag for you, come join the fun!
Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery
DONE!!! ;-)
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