NEWS 1: Mohammed Ismail slapped and kicked his ten-year-old son Azharuddin in front of shocked neighbours and passers - for wanting a rest

The youngster, who played the hero of Slumdog Millionaire as a child, received a beating from Ismail Usnay, 45, apparently for disobedience. Exhausted by a chaotic welcome and a long flight from Los Angeles, he was given the day off school yesterday. But when he refused to step outside his home in the Dharavi slum in Bandra to speak to journalists, his father lashed out.
‘His father went mad,’ said a witness.
‘He wanted to show his son off to journalists and local people, but Azharuddin said he wanted to be left alone because he was tired.’

Hours later Ismail apologized for the attack. He said: “I was very sorry I did what I did. “I was confused and stressed by my son’s homecoming and I did not know myself for a minute. I love my boy and I am very happy to have him home.”
I wonder what will happen to Azharuddin after this – back to his slumdog life? Perhaps, that was exactly what his father thought. After all these madness that Slumdog Millionaire has created (by the way, a very very good movie indeed), what will happen to them then?
NEWS 2: £1 for on air loo
Its passengers already have to pay for a sandwich, a cup of tea and even to check in luggage. But the latest element of the Ryanair ‘no frills’ culture could catch some potential passengers short. They may have to pay £1 to spend a penny.
While many travelers might consider using the on-board lavatory as an occasional necessity rather than an extra, it seems the Irish budget airline’s chief executive views it as a convenient way of raising revenue.
It may sound like a ridiculous desperate way to increase the company revenue, but I bet lots of people are considering adopting this method. They just don’t speak it out loud like Ryanair. Who knows what they have charged us along with the ticket fares?
P/S: There once rumors that kedai mamak (Indian Muslim restaurants) will charged their customers for using their toilet. I wonder whether they are really charging the customers.
NEWS 3: Facebook users with hundreds of online 'friends' only have a handful of TRUE pals

They boast of having hundreds of friends who regularly send them messages, photos, pokes and kisses. But, in reality, members of the Facebook generation only have a handful of true friends, research shows.
The study - carried out by Facebook - found that while the average user will belong to a network of over 100 friends, they will be in regular contact with just a handful.
Like, duh. I don’t even remember the last time I actually made a decent conversation with my so called Facebook friends. I only had a bunch of my real friends and families there. I have this kind of policy: I only add people that I knew, but will not reject others who wanted to add me as their friend. In the end, I received at least 5 new add request a day. May be they think I am cool, or not.
First Commenter:

(The link will goes here. Whoever won the most First Commenter contests will be shown under my Entercard box for a month!)
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But I think lah kan, that's a normal occurrence in the slums, it's only magnified now because he's famous now. Poor boy! With all the sudden fame, the attention, the jetlag, the return back to a normal life after the whirlwind joy... and he can't even take a rest.
Alamak.. that's terrible lah..
punished for wanting to rest? that's ridiculous!!
I only have a handful of friends on facebook.. those that i track that is.. other than that.. tak senang!
Congrats Shemah for being FC!!!
Hahaha if kedai mamak want to charge their toilets i don't mind lah. if they can maintain the condition, nice and clean. But then again, so far I haven't used public toilets yet. LOL!
But you're right, I bet most no-frills services are considering adapting RyanAir's idea. LOL!
And as for News3, it's definitely not a surprise. It happens on every social networking site like Friendster, MySpace, Hi5, Orkut and the what-have-yous. That's why I don't add EVERYONE on my list. If I see that they're the types that will actually greet and talk to me when they meet me, then it's a go. If not, IGNORE! LOL!
Yay yay!! FC!! Wooohooo!!
Testing my JS kit :)
testing the diterima..hehe
Congrats Shemah!
sometimes it does take a while for this url box to appear Blue...
Looks like you have commentluv working fine!
Recent blog post: 6 ways to track your link clicks on twitter
hmm.. tak der lah blue.. you CL.. did you put the code in the element thingy
Eh, element thingy is supposed to be invisible right? I pasted it in my Numbers HTML section.. ish2.. I will try again after this. Many thanks :)
Wah got picture of FC some more.. i like!!
eh how come I'm not getting email reply from your blog eh. From JSKit I mean
Well, Thank you so much Andy! I still couldn't see the commentluv box like Lady Java said though. LOL
Yeay.. blue
Comment luv is working and I am replying via Email now.. yiha!!!
Blue.. I see it now.. awesome!!
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
Blue.. it's working it's working!!
the extra field to add your url doesn't get added until the page has fully loaded so if you have lots of other plugins all loading too then some people might start typing their comment before commentluv can add the field.
Recent blog post: Wok Wok. Whos there? - Lancaster!
Really?? Well, I still couldn't see it. Oh, and I could reply comments through my own email? That's awesome! I will try it after this. Wah.. So many thing to explore ;)
Blue.. make sure you click on the "notify administor of all message". That way you get all messages and then with that email you can respond to the comments ok :)
By the way.. i just sent you an email
Thanks for the explanation Andy..
Does it help if we place the code further up our blogs then?
�Testing.. I am replying this comment through my email :)
testing diterima....
I'm replying via email as well :)
Yeah! It's working.. *dancing and jumping in the rain* LOL :-$ :-$ :-$
hahaha.. blue.. so cute!!!
Well i definitely agree with that Facebook thing. The £1 toilet? Completely ridiculous!! The slumdog story is very sad, and I guess when watching the film we should remember that those children really do live in those slums.
Recent blog post: February Photos Part IV
I received 22 Facebook request friends add today. I am speechless O:-) O:-) O:-)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
OMG 22 request?? heheh.. you know them all?
I think I knew 2 of them. Hahaha.. Oh gosh.. I certainly don't want to be my own friends. It's already crowded there (Facebook) =-X
LOL Blue!
And feeling pity with them! I think the movie is the best thing that happen to them. At least it increase others awareness! I am not sure I could handle the life like they did. Each and every single day... :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: It's a New Day
What.. you have not used public toilet yet Shemah? wah I envy your keeping in power lah!
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
I hate using public toilets too esp those along highway and God Forbid petrol kiosk =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
congrats congrats shemah!!!
Recent blog post: Join the First Commenter Club *
ok keeping track of your TC widget
1. Mariuca (81)
2. LadyJava (45)
3. Monica (23)
4. Shinade (19)
5. Faisal Admar (12)
6. Adawiyah (11)
7. EastCoastLife (9)
8. nikillas (8)
9. Rozella (8)
10. lilyto lilo (8)
It does not seem to be working.. eh here's a thought.. seeing it is end of the month and all.. why not do like what we all do..
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
Have an overall TC widget for your last 5000 comments and a monthly one that refreshes itself at the beginning of each month? I can give you the code if you want..
Recent blog post: Check out D'Luxe Designs New Look
But it has be by midnight and you have to capture it before it resets lah..hehe..that means like 11.59pm on the last day of the month.. I can give you the code if you want :) :-D
Recent blog post: Check out D'Luxe Designs New Look
Nevermind.. i send you the code lah and you decide ok..
Recent blog post: MM- Flop Poppy at MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
Yeap.. you seriously gotta change your I want to be featured!!! lol!
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
I've been refreshing and refreshing still no change to the widget.. you see the TCM widget as we call it will link to the current post that the commenter is commenting from..
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
That way you can also keep track if blogger is not synching with your JS comments :) ;)
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
Eh, I want the code.. The complicity of TC widget is confusing me.. LOL
Sorry, I was out just now :) Will check my email after this 8-)
Money and fame changes a person. :(
Poor little boy.
Recent blog post: I'm Thankful I still have a Job - PH
ok.. i sent you already.. check it out ya.. and let me know when it's up..
nak win TCM!
Man, this new comment box is neat! Gotta have one.
I treat Slumdog Millionaire brilliant. But the dad treat the hero like that? Man, he must be super excited, his emotion went over his head.
Recent blog post: Similarities vs. Differences 2
wehh.. bez ke cte slumdog millionaire ni? cte psl pe?
the father might be gile glamer sikit kot. huhu
pity that lil boy. he must be very tired..
p/s: slumdog millionaire is a great movie! jai ho!!
hha.. time to mengomen.. lol!!
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
Glad to see you got the widget working Blue.. Awesome kan.. !
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
Just to make sure.. you have to screen capture like at 11.58 or 11.59pm before the month change ya.. because it resets itself..
Recent blog post: After Eight Chocolates
I've not seen it in action yet but that's what GP told me lah.. so better be safe than sorry kan?
Recent blog post: After Eight Chocolates
BTW.. what's the score on the FC thing eh.. I don't think i made FC alngusng this month!
Recent blog post: MM- Flop Poppy at MyEvo ClubHouse Launch *
I agree ECL.. money can do lots of things to people.. :(
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail * tgk lagi donlod dr ko aritu..never have the chance to watch... :'(
maybe next week..hihihihi~
Recent blog post: YucKs n YiPpeEeEe…
Eh, do you like your picture for FC? I love it. LOL.. It suite your picture well! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Fame too.. But considering the family condition before this, I think money affect them the most.. Anyway, they deserved this new found fame. Well, the kid deserved it :)
This is the third time I am replying your comment. I don't know why it doesn't registered. tsk tsk tsk.. :'(
Weh, penat aku download. Hehehe :P :P Best woo cter dia.. You should see it! =-O
This is a story about how a boy from slumdog area (kawasan miskin di India) could be Who wants to be a Millionaire. Interesting story indeed!
are you having probs Blue??
news 1: pity that actor of Oscar's winning film still live in slum. They've been paid right? Yes, I agreed. It's a very good movie.
news 2: don't let airAsia's owner read this. soon he will charge for the lavatory pulak. hish!
news 3: Same like you, I only add person/friend that I know. I will ignore the request from some game maniac!
Recent blog post: Episode 59 - Hate it!
Finally.. Celcom's service is getting worst!
I am not sure I could keep mine all the way without going to toilet Shemah. LOL :-P :-P :-P
Congratulation again! :*
hehehe.. getting worst eh.. same lah Streamyx!
Aah lah.. You haven't won any of my FC this month. But, I am not posting much posts also.. Plus, this month only has 28 days :-D
Eh... Ko patut tengok.. Best gila :):)
BTW, you already steal Marzie's spot on my TC this month. Hehehe 8-)
Tulah.. i keep missing FC to strangers!!!
and you keep MIA mah.. gi SG lah .. gi Genting lah... loL!!
i have?? shhh.... i'm keeping GP occupied at her blog ni.. lol!!! hehehehe..
my nickname is SSG you know.. lol!
Wah nice lah Shemah's FC badge.. i like
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
Missed being FC here and seeing my logo up there!!
Recent blog post: Over the Roof Snailmail *
Hey, i love this new comment box.
oh pity the boy. they are only kids. friend suggested me to watch the movie but haven't got time to watch it.
shame on me.u're so nice. i rejected request from ppl i don't know. but if i'm kind enough, i'll send the message 1st in case i forgot them anyway. since my friendster is full of strangers so i decided to keep my facebook for only ppl that i know :)
Recent blog post: 1st IIUM Interfaith Dialogue.
Hehehe.. Tu lah.. I pun cakap slow2 nih.... :-[
oooohh... that's sooo pretty the way you put up the FC!! Thanks so much!!! :) :) Me likeyyy!! :-D :-D :* :*
Recent blog post: Hungry For Pillows??
salam haaziq,
y m i not surprised... it sounds so familiar... a child protege will some how face this kind of trial...
Recent blog post: Khalifahku... My Caliph...
:* :*
Welcome to JS Blue, good move to switch! :* :*
Recent blog post: New Feature for Mariuca!
Best kan JS?
Recent blog post: How Big of a Procrastinator Are You? *
Got CL some more, now can promote posts!
Recent blog post: Seeing Double?
Anyway kesian la this boy, I don laik to see things like dis! :'( :'(
Recent blog post: I Quit!
Ok off to do my round ni, i am seriously late today! >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Night Owl Meeting
okay Marzie.. I'm gonna retire to bed now too!! Good night!! See you guys again tomorrow!! ;)
Oh wow what a great picture of Shemah...she is just so lovely!!
Recent blog post: February Entrecard Top Droppers
Wow Haaziq you actually have better things to do than Facebook??
Recent blog post: February Entrecard Top Droppers
Me too I want to be featured too :'( :'( :'(
Wow how do you get out of FC LJ? I can't find the delete button?? >:o
I don't either's very sad and mean!! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Thanks for popping over Haaziq...and yes Marzie is every where. She is quite amazing!! :) :)
Me too I am off also Haaziq...bye...drop time!! >:o >:oTime to cruise 8-)
I'll type at you later Haaziq! Terima kasih dan salam,
Jackie :-P :)
Seriously I need to quit talking to myself and do drops!! :) :)
I do I do...but, I no want to do!!! But, I am later..ya? 8-)
oh you're right, the so called 'cyber friends' sometimes worth so little compare to true friends around you everyday :* Have a nice Sunday
Recent blog post: Taylor Swift
woot! woot! congrats shemah! FC!!
she's FC here as well.. hahaha awesome! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: New Changes
Sunday visit! Thanks for the visit :) :)
Recent blog post: New Changes
watched the Oscars last night, the movie grabbed I reckon 8 awards! (if i'm not mistaken) woot! woot! can't wait to see it... :) :)
Recent blog post: New Changes
ohh, poor boy.. :( :(
:-P :-P :-Pto his father!
Recent blog post: New Changes
I do have a facebook account but I don't constantly check it..I reckon I only have 10% real friends there... LOL! =-O =-O
Recent blog post: New Changes
me likey too!!
Hehehe.. I am glad you like it. Eh, I very much like your picture here at JS-Kit.. So cute and adorable! :):)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Hehe.. I am sure thing will get better as soon as internet operator in Malaysia did their job properly! Ish2.. Tensi2.. My Celcom is killing me.. Me so jealous with Shemah!
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Hehehe.. I am sure we all have the best intention in our heart. At first, I did reject few who-the-hell-is-this requests add, and I kindly enough sent them a message asking where did we met and so forth. Some of them are quite angry with me though.. They said I was "jual mahal" and asking me what's the wrong with new friends, blah blah blah..
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
I have been through this routine since my Friendster and MySpace era. So, at the end, I just approve them all. Easier for me and that sure make them happy :):):)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Hehe.. Bye ladies 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: I met a cute doctor at the hospital..
missed FC >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: I met a cute doctor at the hospital..
congrats shem! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: I met a cute doctor at the hospital..
i haven't te twinks.. >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: I met a cute doctor at the hospital..
sayang nga eh! :(
Recent blog post: I met a cute doctor at the hospital..
add me te twinks.. :-P
Recent blog post: I met a cute doctor at the hospital..
hey there twinks!! :) I'm so happy to be your FC!!! :) and LJ's too!!
yeah.. it grabbed 8!! You should watch Slumdog.. it's really good! although I dunno what's they hype with frieda pinto to be honest.. the children and dev were the heart of the movie.. she just appeared like towards the ending.. But she was good though.. just don't get the hype..
awww *blushing* LOL! So sweet lah you haaziq!! LOL!
pindah mai kl!! LOL! then you can enjoy your wimax!
hahaha.. i used to want to please everybody but then i've got to make me happy first.. and if I know you've never been a good friend to me, i don't see why I HAVE to add you.. that sorta thing. hehehe.. because nanti dah add.. ada je yang tak kena. can never satisfy everyone.. :) :)
thanks gagayyy!! I was lucky to be here on BCD and LJ's and Twink's FC within 24 hours!! :) :)
ay sayang you didn't see the Oscars last night! I love how they presented the Best Actress and Best Actor.. :-D :-D :* :*
Recent blog post: New Changes
will definitely watch this movie Shemah! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: New Changes
sure..will look for you there... woot! :-D
Recent blog post: New Changes
following your blog now bluecrystaldude...woot! long name.. ahehehe LOL! :-P :-D
Recent blog post: New Changes
dude, i check w1max dah ada kat penang.. but it's around jalan perak georgetown. so it should be coming up real soon! :D :D :D
hey blue and's it going? I'm listening to Sade and doing my drops!! Terima kasih Haaziq for your wonderfully sweet comments!! :* :) :)
OMG! I am heart JS-Kit! LOL
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Yeah.. The family should be more understanding with that kid. For God sake, he just flew 14 hours from State to India. tsk tsk
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
haaa.. tu lah. Dah lah duit budak tu dah habis! lepas tu they want to do like that to him. kesian betul lah..
I heart JS-KIT!! loL!
me heart js-kit too!! and all js-kit users!! LOL!
hahaha.. never have commenting feels like chatting kan?? now kan sometimes I
don't even know which blog i'm replying too...loL!
i knoww.. i just perasan like 10 mins ago, that we were actually on your blog LJ!! LOL! I thought it was marzie's! LOL!
hahhaha.. now we are at Blue's blog!! lol!
me three! me three! me heart JS-kit ! LOL!!! :):) woot! woot!
when we were at yours, i thought it was marzie's ... when i thought it was yours, we're at blue's. LOL! better really look at the url from now on.. LOL!
I couldn't agree more Jackie :)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
ahahahahah... tulah... terconfuse dah.. we are now at BCD!! loL!
LJ, this is not commenting, this is chatting already! hahaha :-D
Sometimes my comments are off-topic..hahaha... :) LOL!
hahaah.. i agree Twinks...
Eh, Jackie, what do you mean by better things to do than Facebook? I usually signing in my Facebook once in a week. So tiring of approving requests add. LOL.. Just kidding *I certainly don't want to sound arrogant* :P
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Shemah and LJ are everywhere too! LOL. They are all teaming up to conquer the blogsphere. Mariuca should be the President! Hahaha :P
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Hehe.. Nice to see you're commenting in Malay Jackie.. Salam.. :)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Me too! The way they presenting those awards are amazing! They should do it next year too!
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Well, first thing is she is beautiful. hehe.. but yeah, I agree with you. Those kids should be awarded more. Their acting is genuine!
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
hahahahah... yeah.. woman power!!!
Add me Twinks! I am so lazy to open Facebook. It loads for ages with my unstable internet connection. Tsk tsk :'(
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
To slap people? Hehe.. Which part is typical YAN^S?
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
dude, come on! You photos are not hideous!! LOL!
Hehe.. You could call me BCD. People always complaining how lengthy my name is. Hehe
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Hehe.. I am glad you like my humble comments :)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Eh, I like how you guys pictures look in my comment box. You girls are rocking the hook! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Okay, that comment sounded weird. I should stick with "You girls" rather than "You guys". LOL >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Thank God! I have been waiting someone to say that! Hahaha.. I was quite
afraid no one did (I am thinking to post an anonymous comment just in case)
ahahahaha :P :P :P
Hehe.. I think my blog readers are mostly women :D Anyway, LJ, which link do
you want for TC this month?
sure sure will add you there blue..
hehehe.. me too, i'm kinda lazy opening my facebook..i don't really have
real friends there..:)
okidoki, i'll call you BCD.. if I call you Blue, I will then confuse you
as Bluedreamer...hahaha
hahahaha.. girls rocks! :-D:-D
Hehe! I have more than 500 'friends' there. LOL. I was too lazy to sort them
out :):)
Yeah! Lots of his readers are confusing me with him too! LOL. I am heading
to his site right now as a matter of fact :)
That's terrible. He was tired and yet get blamed? Ask his dad to put himself in the boy's shoes and then let us see how he feels. Brainless moron.
Mamak restaurant wanna charge for the toilet fee? Then, I hope they aren't going bankrupt too soon. LOL. Who gonna die without Nasi Kandar by the way?
Good thing is most friends in my FB are real life friends. So, we could meet at anytime we want :D
Recent blog post: perhaps perhaps perhaps
That's terrible. He was tired and yet get blamed? Ask his dad to put himself in the boy's shoes and then let us see how he feels. Brainless moron.
Mamak restaurant wanna charge for the toilet fee? Then, I hope they aren't going bankrupt too soon. LOL. Who gonna die without Nasi Kandar by the way?
Good thing is most friends in my FB are real life friends. So, we could meet at anytime we want :D
Recent blog post: perhaps perhaps perhaps
wow! that's a lot of friends..
mine didn't even reach the 30 mark..hahaha..and i'm so lazy accepting
i go addicted at first, but lately lost appetite..hahaha...:-D:-D
Faisal! You forgot to add your nickname dear. Hehe.. Dah jadik Guest dah :P
Do you mind adding me in your FB? hehe.. Anyway, I can't live without kedai
mamak either. I already tired with my cafe's food. crap*
Hi Faisal! hehe.. Can't wait for this upcoming Monday "Circus". LOL
I usually ignored all the invitations! LOL.. Please don't tell anybody.
hehehe :P
hehehe.. yeah coz you both are Blue.
I visited him earlier.. :)
Hehe.. i saw your comment there! I am glad he's joining First Commenter Club
too :) Mariuca must be very happy to see lots of people participating in her
club! :D
LOL! not gonna tell a soul BCD. my mouth is zipped.
now I know! so not gonna invite you then..LOL! :-D:-D
yeah, this FC thingy is becoming a hype..blame it to the brilliant mind
of Marzie! LOL!
:-D:-D:-D and it is fun actually especially with can reply
to comments thru email!
its like you're just chatting! hahahaha :-D :-D
Haha.. I actually see through the invitations first. But usually the invites
are repeated. So, I only accept one or two :)
Haha! I did the same thing! I am replying my comments through email. It's
amazing~~~ I am glad I switched to JS-KIt :)
hahah.. blame GP indeed.. lol Twinks!!
You get what I meant by "circus" right? hehe
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
And I should thank you LJ for introducing JS-kit to me! :):)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
LOL.. You sure know how to use smileys! :D
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Haha... I also terconfuse too. I need to recheck a few times before push the send button. Make sure that I send it to the correct person and at the righful http. Hehehe
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
haha..when I first joined facebook I got excited of the idea of having
many friends, only to realize later on that I hardly even know them all.
I reckon the last time I opened my account was last month. haha :-D :-D
Couldn't agree more Moeha.. Salam :)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
hahaha yeah! she's the Queen and the master mind behind all this
madness! hahaha :-D
hey evwybody!! :) :) :)
I tersleep lah tadi!! hehehehehe
Betul Betul Betul.. hehe.. I read that Air Asia is facing 61 million lost before tax. I am sure Tony will try to find a way to cut operational cost and increase their revenues :)Well, I usually ignore all the games invitations. With my slow internet connection, I don't think I could load any of them. Sigh*
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Tu lah.. I already checked the link that you gave me. It has a service center but don't have the coverage yet. I hope they will reach out to more areas soon :)
Recent blog post: Slumdog Millionaire Child Actor, £1 Loo and Facebook
Facebook is such an over-blown media. I use it to link my own blog posts, and see what other bloggers are doing, but all the gizmos and applications are ridiculous.
PS ... I throw a snowball
HA HAAAAA !!!!!!!!!! :-D
Hello from SpeedyCat
Recent blog post: Sun Pillars & Sky Phenomenons
I think that this is probably normal treatment of the boy by his father. Had the journalists not been there, he would not have apologized. It would be just another normal day.
It is a horrible environment these people live in. You should also see this other movie "Born Into Brothels" that shows the life of kids of Indian prostitutes in those same slums. The adults there treat the children the same way, and talk to them like they're shit. I think this is just the way there, sorry as it is.
Recent blog post: Black Olympic History
nt ko on share ak nk donlod la.. huuuu
Oh,poor little boy!What a life he has.I feel so sorry for him.:( can i add you in my facebook?hope you don't reject me LOL
Kesian to budak :( about the kedai mamak charge toilet, i think the charge is not for customer hehe.. if i was the customer, i will not pay haha... :-P
facebook is good but, sometimes it is hard to open, i mean slow loading, or maybe because of my internet connection that slow
hoho aku baru je terdengar psal bpak bdak slumdog ni.. hohoho xbleh blah je..
p/s: smart la plak komen system ko ni... siap boleh letak gambar lagi..
Recent blog post: tolong namakan dslr baru topo…
that is what we call the pressure of being famous. haih...
and about the facebook thingie... i do agree... although i will approve whoever that adds me, i only stay in touch with just a handful of my closest friends in facebook. such a great waste, right?
Kasihannya. :'( Dengan muka sedih macam tu. Huhu. Mungkin ayahnya dicemuh sebab cerita macam tu menang di peringkat antarabangsa.
Recent blog post: Dosakah membenci seseorang?
Young star! He's still a child, but a beating, geez.
it's pretty usual here.........i mean parents whooping their child's ass.....i have been beaten many a times........and yea...i can realize it was my fault................i think it's not too have to be hard.......with kids........or they won't take you seriously.....
it's pretty usual here.........i mean parents whooping their child's ass.....i have been beaten many a times........and yea...i can realize it was my fault................i think it's not too have to be hard.......with kids........or they won't take you seriously.....
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