My choice for this week Music Monday is a little bit different. Have you heard about a song about Twitter called Tweetaholic? Well, it’s not an official song by Twitter, but I love it anyway. The song was made by Dave Ryder after being requested by Chris Pirillo. For a song that was made in two d,ays it’s quite an impressive song with catchy tunes and lyric. Anyway, Chris asked everyone else to create a music video for this song and uploaded it in YouTube. Few already responded to the video and I am sure there will be others who will join in. At this moment, I like this video the most:
Oh, and click here to see the first video of Tweetaholic and the song first debut on the net at Check it out! That guy seems funny.
Anyway, for those who don’t know what Twitter is all about, do visit here and here. I have been using Twitter for quite some times now, and I noticed these are some regular and interesting (although the last one is quite rare) topics discussed on Twitter.
Hot topics on Twitter:
What am I doing right now?
What did I eat just/right now (with explicit details)
Sharing with the world the weather and time at that moment
Sharing interesting news (and some redundant news)
Magpie tweets – generating money while twittering
Notifications of sites/blogs update
Asking other’s opinions
Socializing with followers and last but not least,
Tweet while having sex - click here to find out more (How awesome is that?? :)
Another new week is starting today. My routine life will begin, again. Happy Monday everyone!
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
LOL...what a song...i loved it. that will get you going and wide awake for sure. Great pick. I hope you pop over and view my Cat you like science fiction?
LOL.. You should! Mariuca, LJ, Debbs, and lots of others are using it. I really am a tweetaholic now :)
Hi Gagay,
I am glad you like it :) Do follow my Twitter later on! I would love to tweet you :D
Hi Akmal,
Nice heh? Dave made it only in two days! Impressive! :)
Hi Shinade,
It's good for a laugh :) Oh, I am not really a big fan of science fiction, but I did watch lots of sci-fi movies :) Anyway, I am going to your site after this :D
I have been pondering myself the same question for quite awhile! Both of them are the coolest handphone in the market but I am still indecisive about what my choice would be..
Anyway, weighing down the factor of my "young age" (I am still young you know. People always seems to forget that :), I most probably will go with an iPhone. I really like the sleek design of it..
Also, most of my family members; uncles, aunties and even my parents are using Blackberry. They all have the same common purpose. To look professional in each of their fields of expertise. That being said, I prefer Blackberry's feature the most. The internet streaming there is most appealing *I can't live without internet!*
So, for this time being, there is high probability that I will go with iPhone. Though I am not sure whether the 16GB already arrived in Malaysia or not. If it isn't by the end of this year, perhaps I will buy it at Singapore..
Worth mentioning, HTC Diamond is quite a catch too! :)
Do let me know if you have decide to what you will buy, Faisal! :D
My pleasure. Do let me know if there is any update that I should be aware off will ya? I may have missed some of the information due to my busy study schedule :D
Hi Penny,
LOL.. Sometimes, those explicit details are the best cup of tea in the early morning.. Or, may be not.
Hi Spatt,
Hahaha.. Aku pun ada hari2 music nya.. Tapi aku risau kalau nanti ramai orang xpernah dengar pulak pilihan aku. Music Monday ni pun aku join 2 minggu sekali je :D
Comments posted on Hot Shit Form Here are not moderated. Be nice. Keep it clean. Stay on topic. No spam. Oh and don't forget to "subscribe by email" to follow up my comments. Thanks - bluecrystaldude
A young, urban and vibrant (and sometimes foolish) chemical engineering graduate (but not practicing it) who's in search for words that could translate his point of view to his reader. Do bear with his unorthodox way of thinking. Welcome to my site!
congrats Monica!!!
Congrats Marzie! Hehe.. Finally..
hahah.. i'm a twitterholic
Great choice blue!!
Hehe.. Thanks LJ.. I am off to sleep now.. ngantuk gila.. :):) See you guys tomorrow!
I've a twitter account but rarely sign into it :-D
Haaziq! it's me; not Marzie! ROTFLMAO..
nice song.. though my mumma will pull her hair out hearing this.. she is still so very sinatra hehehehe
another hot topic on twitter.... hohoho weird + cool keyword to share...
9. Tweet while having sex - click here to find out more (How awesome is that?? :)
Haha. I like this one. It may make me want to use twitter in the future. haha. :)
great post of twitter. But I'm still not register twitter yet.
I am one of those people who are completely cluess about twitter. Hehehe Might check it out. :P
whaaaaaaaaaata song blue!hahah! nice choice!
I have yet to get the hang of Twitter! But a part of me I think is holding myself back from knowing because I've heard how addicted you can get! LOL!
Btw, it sounds great!!
whew! i have my twitter anyway, but not that updated yet..heheheh!
keep blogging! happy monday!
LOL! tHat Was OnE HecKuVaSong MAn! :D
LOL...what a song...i loved it. that will get you going and wide awake for sure. Great pick. I hope you pop over and view my Cat you like science fiction?
Great pick Haaziq:-)
hahhaa!! now i need to use my tweeter more frequent.
Haaziq! Love the song! :):) Love Twitter even more! :)
Hey Yeah Blue! :) I didn't know there was a twitter song! :) thanks for sharing, and you're right, it has a catchy tune to it! :)
OMG! I am really sorry Monica! LOL.. I was really sleepy last night. :P
Great info. I like the link on twittersex..heee
Hi Moeha,
Haha.. I don't think my mum will like this song either. She prefer ballad :):)
How are you doing my friend?
Hi Topo,
Hehe.. I forgot to add a picture as an example of the tweet. Maybe I will update this post later :P
Hi Cahaya,
Be sure to let me know when you're using Twitter! I want to follow you and read your tweets. LOL :P :P
Welcome to Hot Shit Form Here! :D
Hi KampungBoy,
Twitter hasn't that popular in Malaysia. You should join it though. I make lots of new friends through Twitter :)
Hi Rozella,
LOL.. You should! Mariuca, LJ, Debbs, and lots of others are using it. I really am a tweetaholic now :)
Hi Gagay,
I am glad you like it :) Do follow my Twitter later on! I would love to tweet you :D
Hi Akmal,
Nice heh? Dave made it only in two days! Impressive! :)
Hi Shinade,
It's good for a laugh :) Oh, I am not really a big fan of science fiction, but I did watch lots of sci-fi movies :) Anyway, I am going to your site after this :D
Happy Monday!
Hi Bintang,
Manalah tahu boleh jumpa tweet camni kan? hehehe..
Hi Phatelara,
LOL.. Count me in! I heart Twitter! :x
Hi Ane Fallarme,
Wow.. You have a beautiful name. It's really reflect the owner :):) I already played the song countless time. I like the last part the most,
"Sir, step away from the keyboard"
Hi Bonoriau,
Hoho. I like it too :S
Happy Monday Bono! :D
BCD, what do you think about Blackberry and iPhone? Since I see Blackberry in this video haha!
If you, which one will you choose? And why?
This song is funny :)
Thanks for sponsoring Ask Ms Recipe's Spring Fling Contest.
They sure think of everything a twitter song.
Ms Recipe
haha funny choice! I am really not sure about Tweeting whilst having sex though :S
eh, music monday ni tiap ari isnin je ke ah?
aku punye feel good song ari2 ade..muahahaha
Hi Faisal,
I have been pondering myself the same question for quite awhile! Both of them are the coolest handphone in the market but I am still indecisive about what my choice would be..
Anyway, weighing down the factor of my "young age" (I am still young you know. People always seems to forget that :), I most probably will go with an iPhone. I really like the sleek design of it..
Also, most of my family members; uncles, aunties and even my parents are using Blackberry. They all have the same common purpose. To look professional in each of their fields of expertise. That being said, I prefer Blackberry's feature the most. The internet streaming there is most appealing *I can't live without internet!*
So, for this time being, there is high probability that I will go with iPhone. Though I am not sure whether the 16GB already arrived in Malaysia or not. If it isn't by the end of this year, perhaps I will buy it at Singapore..
Worth mentioning, HTC Diamond is quite a catch too! :)
Do let me know if you have decide to what you will buy, Faisal! :D
Hi Ms Recipe,
My pleasure. Do let me know if there is any update that I should be aware off will ya? I may have missed some of the information due to my busy study schedule :D
Hi Penny,
LOL.. Sometimes, those explicit details are the best cup of tea in the early morning.. Or, may be not.
Hi Spatt,
Hahaha.. Aku pun ada hari2 music nya.. Tapi aku risau kalau nanti ramai orang xpernah dengar pulak pilihan aku. Music Monday ni pun aku join 2 minggu sekali je :D
Thanks for dropping by again today!
Ok Blue! Now can comment!! Pop up is always so much easier kan, but we wan something else ha ha!
Hope all probs will be rectified soon, missing posts pun ada u know? :(
I baru kat Thanks for Mariuca ni, took me one whole day to finish MPG tsk tsk!! :(
I didnidn´t know the song but I think it´s a hilarious critic.
Thanks for sharing, it was a good laugh.
See you.
LOL! one funny song and video..
hmmm...this makes me wanna join Twitter! hehehehe..
thanks for the share! (^_^)
what does twitter means by the way hehe
have a great day my friend
oh oh...
laen kali aku nak join plak... :D
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Comments posted on Hot Shit Form Here are not moderated. Be nice. Keep it clean. Stay on topic. No spam. Oh and don't forget to "subscribe by email" to follow up my comments. Thanks - bluecrystaldude