Thanks Mariuca's Perfume Gallery. And thank you to all my top ten Entrecard droppers for October 2009!
Mariuca's Perfume Gallery
Wishing On A Falling Star
Anything Goes W/ Pahn
My Meme Mania
Meow Diaries
Bible Examples
The Cooling Stream
Spicybugz World
Beethoven Midi
First THREE Commenters:
+ Mariuca from Mariuca's Perfume +
+ Lady Java from Lady Java's Lounge +

Congrats to all of them.
Tahniah. Wah lama benar tak update. :D
:* :* :*
Woo hoo!!!!!! :* :* :* :* :*
:* :*
congrats to all!!
YAY MPG is finally number 1 somewhere hahahah, thanks for the linky love Blue! :)
Also happy to see all my blogs made your list woot! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Congrats to all who made it too, happy dropping! :* :* :*
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Aha Selamat Datang yer :)
congrats GP!!!
hola haaziq! ;)
Aha selamat datang, Jemput masuk tuan rumah tak dak. :)
Olla Gagay, Hows life over there? Huhu. welcome to HSFH :)
Oh wow, I am super fast today. Thorn among the roses. Whuhu :)
Thanks GG!!
Cepat gila Rizal today lol! SSG!
It was lucky, Was surprised that no one was here, after refreshing the page,
then i saw you people. Hehe
Hehe.. Busy sket. tapi sekarang dah masuk study week dah. Duk library malas nak bawak my lappy :) Thanks Rizal. I will link ur site for my 1st FC ;)
Ada2.. just busy checking my bloglist. hehehe
Thanks to you Marzie! You're dropping almost everyday! ;)
all 3 of them! yippy!!
Hehe.. Thanks Rizal for welcoming all my guests ;) Hola back Gagay!
Hehe.. I am still on my way finishing my EC dropping. My internet is a little bit slow today. errghhh..
Thank you, just take ur time. Yer laa RnR pun hari tu tertangguh dua
Apa lagi buat jer live blogging masa study kat library tu. HuHu.
Hahahah we all following closely Rizal ha ha!
I did drop almost everyday Blue hahahhahah, Berjaya jugak akhirnya! :)
I haven dropped yet Blue, just dropped 100 for meows! :)
Hahaa! My fren just asked me to that! hehe.. Honestly, I would love to that (live blogging), but I just afraid I couldn't manage to handle all things at once. Karang ada yang terabai susah (eg. komen2 tak sempat reply. hehehe) :P
Yup! Congrats to all!
Thanks, I really appreciate it. REALLY. Hehe.. At first I want to gv EC credits to all my Top EC droppers, but I just noticed I already spent all my EC to buy ads. My EC credit is just 222EC only. Haha.. I am so miskin!
study... study... hahahaha... jom ke library.. hehe...
Hahahaha.. You guys are really fast. At first I couldn't believe that this post already has 17 comments! haha.. Now already 32 comments :):)
Hahaha.. ko g library k malam2? aku sok baru g library lagi. tak sanggup nak g library pagi petang siang malam. hehe.. alah.. aku 2 papers jek exam. ngeh2.. jangan jeles.. :* :* :* :*
I just dropped 123. hehehe
LOL super speedy choppers in da house!
Ala cian dia miskin EC!! No worries Blue! I haven gone ec shopping yet today, usually buy ads after I drop.. :)
Hehe.. I am just getting warming up. I can't wait to back in full swing! like the good old days. :)
8-) lama tak hapdet kannn~ all the best bro doing final exam project n assigment n finals exam~ hihi
Hey Haaziq! :) ;)
congrats Mariuca! :* :*
i feel so lazy to drop ec these days :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
congrats to the top 10! way to go....came here to drop the EC...and btw, I would like to ask a favor if you could help us vote for my daughter...if you have time....your help is much appreciated....thanks!
* You can Vote for Akesha by answering this question and post the whole sentence as your comment:
Question: Akesha is my winning Pinoy Smile because ----------
Note: You can cast your vote and comment everyday. Thanks!
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