My final exam is getting nearer, which means my design project (
nitric acid production plant part I) almost finish. I am just waiting for our design presentation next week. And since this semester I am only taking two courses that have final exam, my days are less hectic and more fun. For example, yesterday my friends and I (including one of my lecturers) went out to watch a midnight movie,
Law Abiding Citizen, starring Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx.
I love Jamie Foxx and I want to see more of him, but in this movie, it’s more focusing on Gerard Butler as the bad guy. Well, not really a bad guy (he kills people cruelly though, but nowadays, who doesn’t?), but he’s actually a guy who just wants to highlight the bad side of our justice system.
He tries to raise the fact that in the justice system, not always the good one wins. The system will decide which side will win the case based on how they managed to manipulate the system. Every crime need to be supported with concrete evidences and in some cases, the when the evidence is not sufficient or strong enough, the bad guy will walks free.
The movie was built around this matter and with lots of explosion and evil genius plans; it actually developed into an interesting movie. I hate the end though. It definitely deserved a better ending; the evil will prevail and the justice system will be fixed. Nevertheless, the movie is not a total disappointment and I give it 3.5 stars.
Why should you watch it?
(Since I am still trying to catch up with what's buzzing in blogsphere, I will discontinue few of my contests such as First Commenter linky love until further notice. Thank you.
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8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Good morning Blue! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Good luck for ur exam and presentations Blue, I'm sure ul do very well. 8-) 8-) :* :* :* :*
3.5 stars Blue? I've not watched this one... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
ape ko gle sok lusa nk exam g nonton? (nada dengki) hehehe...
hi haaziq!!!
you're awardedhere!
hope you like it!
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Thanks Marzie! :) I just have 2 papers this final. can't wait! haha
Go watch it! Haha.. Bes taw. There is a scene where Gerard Butler naked. hahaha..
Thanks Gagay! I will visit you in a sec :)
Hahaha.. can lah.. biler lagi nak enjoy. kawan2 aku siap g clubbing lagi semalam. nasib baik iman aku kuat tak terguda lagi. hehe
Morning Marzie!
8-) 8-) 8-)
Opst! I just noticed that my name is Haaziq Zahar. Anyway, for those who don't know, Haaziq Zahar and Bluecrystaldude is the same person. Hehehe.. Just in case if anyone gets confius :)
astaga... yep.. kawan2 aku pn ajak g telawi kelmarin. gilo apo esok aku ada exam nk berhuha segala bagai. sheeesh...
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Good luck with your exams and thanks for the heads up on the movie.. :)
Happy Sunday!!
Olla, gud luck with your presentation.
Great to see HSFH is finally updated :)
Hmm, alright, i ll see if i can get my hands on Law Abiding Citizen :)
Dulu masa belajar, lepas mentelaah (ayoo lama bijak (tak nak guna gila) tak guna ayat mentalaah), kadang2 sehari sebelum periksa, saja pergi rehat lepak, atau pergi tengok wayang juga. :)
LOL @ Haaziq explaining his nickname ha ha! Happy Sunday Blue, nice to hear from u after so long. But students like dat la, always busy studying yeah… :)
i have to watch this...
I am so glad to hear that you have more time to have some fun this year. You are doing such a great job on your studies, I am really proud of you.
Do come by and see my latest video that I made myself and let me know what you think, OK?
Love and Blessings,
Hey dude.. i knew your name a year ago, from my myspace id.. hehe.. i guess the post explains what you've been up to and its good that's you're unwinding.. just tc.. we all miss you
eh.. citer ni.. tak tgk lagi.. ko dah rview.. nanti nak tgk la.. tapi bukan skarang.. tak sempat kalo tgk skarang ni.. huhuhu..
watch it~! hehe.. CAM rip.. damn.. saket telinga.. semangat sangat nak tgk citer ni.. sampai CAM rip pun tak kisah.. haha.. citer ni best.. tapi ending dia.. err... tak best woo.. apesal ending dia camtu.. tak puas hati tul...
Looks like a good movie! Love Jamie Foxx! :)
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Hi Blue, is it my imaginasi or are u receiving a lot of spam comments lately? :(
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