Happy Monday everyone! Since I already participated in Music Monday last week, I will have to pass for this week and I wrote this post instead. I was not around in blogsphere last weekend since I have been busy finishing my design project part 1 for semester 2 that is due on this Wednesday; just another typical student’s life. Sigh.
So, back to the post. “Ada Aku Kisah” means “Do I Care” (direct translation from Bahasa Melayu) or in a way or another also means “I Don’t Care”. This phrase has been circulated like a wild fire lately. Whether through status in Facebook, Twitter and even was done verbally by some with pride. I freaking hate this phrase so much until I bother to even write this most-probably-will-sound-childish post.
In most cases, people who uttered this phrase are trying hard to look cool. Examples of the situations are something like this:
“Hey man! Look, I know your King has passed away and you’re in grieving mode and all, but I just emotionally retarded don’t care. I am.”
Or people like to use it to post in general places such as in Facebook, without explaining why he or she posted it in the first place. For example like this (in Facebook status):
A: Ada aku kesahhh?? *the word “kesah” was purposely spelled this way. It’s just another way to promote a healthy spelling habit among teenagers*
ME: why? I noticed lots of people are posting the same status lately..
A: Do I look like I care??
ME: No, you don’t. *and I deleted this fella straight away*
I am not sure how people respond to this I Don’t Care attitude, but to me it shows how ignorant bastards that you are. You don’t care about what’s going on around you, you don’t care about what people next to you feel, you don’t care about what’s happening to your country, what’s the future of yourselves, you don’t have the ability to interact with others well, and the most annoying thing that comes out from this phrase is “you are an asshole and enjoy being one”.
Oh please Lord. Delete all these fellas from their Facebook account, Twitter account and just delete them all from this existence.
Hah. There you go. How do you respond to this phrase if you happen to be the unlucky ones to hear it? Do you kill kick that person in the stomach? *please do*
First THREE Commenters:
+ Gagay from Pinoy Medical Doctor +
+ Shandye from Ngomel Sikit +
+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +
View blog reactions
:'( :'( :'( :'(
=-O =-O =-O =-O
i will kick!! i mean, kill!LOL! ;) ;) ;) ;)
happy MM though ur not participating..lol! happy week ahead blue.hope u got to finish ur skul works..me so busy oso.. :) student life!!!hahah ;) ;) ;) ;)
hey blue, can i have PMD here?thankie!!got link below this..
Walking Newspaper
Pinoy Medical Doctor
The Latest Buzzzz
;) ;) ;) ;)
Congrats Gagay! you're the first commenter for this post. Do you mind if I link your site this evening? I am heading to my lecture hall right after typing this comment. Hehe 8-)
Sure Gagay! :* :* :*
that IDC attitude sickens me. the other day, the lecturer ask if us students can come up with a genius idea on activities that we can do at Kundang Ulu for the english camp.
guess what are some of the students' reaction?
groans and moans; and at the back of the lecture hall someone shouted: "why do we need to help those kids? they're already helpess."
seriously. i am not kidding. even i who dreaded to go (because the program was done on the weekend and me and my friends just made plans to watch a movie together a week before) felt offended by that statement.
:-D :-D :-D
chop :* :* :* :*
I agree Blue, depa saje nak look cool! >:o >:o >:o >:o
It's ok not to care sometimes but if u use it in the wrong manner, dis is what u get la..ignorance...I oso will kick for u LOL! =-O =-O =-X =-X :-[ :-[ 8-) 8-)
Happy Monday! :* :* :*
thanks haaziq. no prob!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
tnx tnx!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Marzie, tapi malangnya tak nampak cool.
Nampak biadap sebenarnya - atau paling tidak pun nampak pendek sengat kot pemikiran, yer la sebab minda tak larat nak fikir berat-berat. Kira pemikiran Kritis.
Agree marzie...
silap haribulan, mula lah datangnya GALMing..!!!! :-D
Salam Blue,
Happy Tuesday ( I am wondering why i am still awake at this hours of Tuesday Morning. Darn It! I need my handsome sleep. LoL)
You have covered mostly what i intended to say.
Cuma satu aje, selain "Ada aku kesah!!" lagi satu yang dok cukup meluat dengar... "Whatever!!..." -- eh eh, macam ko tu lebih "hollier than thou"...
Ni kalau bodoh-bodoh sebut kat chat room masa bersembang memang tak fasal-fasal kena sedas-dua eh berdas-das hujah mengkritik. hehe
Aiman tak kisah.. :P
OMG! They definitely deserved a little kick in the butt! I can't believe people like that ever exist in this world. ERGghH!!
On the happy note, congrats man! you're the second first commenter (if I could called it like that :)
hahahahaha.. I heart your answer Rizal. Nice one!
Happy Monday to you too dear :)
betul2. i hate when people say like that. "WHATEVER" is not cool too! :-E
Hehe. Itu untuk Aiman ja yg boleh cakap cam tu. hehe
believe it or not, most Malay love this phrase compared with other races :) i'm not being bias here, coz i'm malay too :)
i hate this status msg too!
ada aku kesah pasal post ni..? hahaha.!! hambik kau.. pada mula nya aku ingat ko nak citer pasal lagu korea tu.. i dont care ey ey ey ey... ye la.. dah hari isnin.. kate music monday.. tetibe pasal "ade aku kesah"..
tapi honestly, aku pun selalu guna ayat ni.. time benar2 aku tak kesah.. hahaha..
:* :* :*
oh yes i'll kick that fella in the stomach >:o >:o >:o
Happy Wednesday Haaziq! :)
As for me, those who said this biadap phrase to me will get the same from me too. I dont care if they dont intend what they mean when they uttered those phrase. I really dont care either. Ada aku kesah is best used when it is too painful and burdensome to even give a slightest care. Total waste of time to even care about it.
i really DO CARE if my sample is not on the right baselineeee~~!! cann??n do care so so muchh if the peak like hayam2 ketamm gittuh~~huahuahua 8-)
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