First THREE Commenters:
+ juLia d Bubbles from The Heart of Mine +
+ Mariuca from Meow Diaries +

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nice one post
December 04, 2018 14:14:26 Jump to
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August 27, 2017 04:50:06 Jump to
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Thank you for all the information, hopefully with that we can get results ilma useful, and hopefully...
October 08, 2015 06:51:27 Jump to
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Healthcare Associated Infection - Not On My Watch
Thank you for all the information, hopefully with that we can get results ilma useful, and hopefully...
October 08, 2015 06:49:16 Jump to
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Why You Should Have Your Own Online Twitter Newspaper
Thank you for all the information, hopefully with that we can get results ilma useful, and hopefully...
October 08, 2015 06:48:55 Jump to
Comments by IntenseDebate
Durian - The King of Fruits (55 comments)
23 Years of Living! (40 comments)
Are you a Private Person? (35 comments)
Facebook Places and Foursquare (34 comments)
When USM Bloggers Graduated and Happy Fasting! (29 comments)
Random 40 #whatif Questions (25 comments)
Comments by IntenseDebate
now you have to update your blog and the fan page~ :D =-X
fewittt! fan page siap!!
good for you!! heeee. :-D
wah! so fast! aku xsempat nak refresh pun lagi. hehe. nnt aku letak link taw. nak g letak link post before ni plak. xmenang tangan nak menaip dah ni. haha
Hehe. I hope more people will join it lah. macam xramai lagi jek :P Will link your site too for my First Commenter after this!
:* :* :* :*
Olla ... ehhh silap
Salam Blue. Tahniah on that grand opening.. eceh eceh wah, macam bukak kedai baru tuu.
I have yet to do that. Maybe i am just afraid i ll only have one fan.
Nak nak kalau kena die-hard fan macam cerita "Single White Female" =-O =-O =-O =-X =-X
It is good to see you back on blogging.
Happy Life Haaziq : )
:'( :'( :'( I dunno how to start fan club at FB lol...
Ha ha you are indeed everywhere Blue...where to next? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
I joined oso...lama tak log in FB terlupa my way around he he.. :-[ :-[ :-[
wah2....ade fann tuhhhh =)
Haha! You're the third FC! Congrats! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Salam Rizal,
Hehe. busy gler nak handle lots of things on my plate. Tu belum study lagi tu. hehe. I won't ever jeopardize my study though. It will always come first!
Try lah buat. I am sure there will be lots of fan there too! I am definitely will be there :* :* :*
Happy Monday Rizal! I just finished my exam this evening. Ni baru nak blog hopping :)
Haha. Me too! I just Google it! Very easy actually :) :) :)
I am not sure. maybe if my internet connection is getting better, I will start dropping EC like hell. haha. right now this page is barely open. You have to wait like 3 minutes for each page to load :-E :-E :-E
LOL. Thanks Marzie! I will link Meow Diaries this time :)
Nasib baik ade. haha. mula2 takut tak de orang jek. hehe
That Laju btul ko update.
haha. jenuh nak menaip. xmenang jari :)
dah ada link dekat reader lambat skit load~ :D
im a fan. ada goodie bag tak? ngee....
Meow meow! :)
betol2. kat twitter sgt cepat. thats y we should tweet!!! :-P
bro, how do we create fan site kat fb arr? aku bodoh betul kalau pasal fb nih... heheh
You are indeed everywhere, and its an intelligent move to get your name and site out there if you're posting a blog. That's what blogging tools and social media sites do, so taking advantage of them is a must.
BTW, thanks for adding my link here. I added your badge on my Friend's Badge List link. I don't have a blog roll because I have limited space on my sidebar and don't want to slow the page up more. I'm in the process of creating a new link list, and will include yours when I get it up on my site.
Take care my friend! :)
:* :* :*
i dont have a fan club :-D :-D
wuah more than 100 fans! 8-) 8-)
Have a nice day Haaziq! :)
yay! i'm happy that i'm one of the fans :)
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