Last weekend, my friends and I organized a barbecue at my lecturer’s house. We prepared everything from buying the raw chickens, marinating it and set them on fire, literally. Anyway, this was the first time I bought these stuffs myself. For those who knew me, I never ever cook anything in my life. Never touch the raw chicken, rarely went to the market and not really into those fishy kind of smell. Well, this time I did all that!
Not that I don’t like to cook, but I don’t have any necessity to do so. I was raised in an all boys family, with the only female figure in the house is my mother. Oh and the frequently keep changing maid. The situation do not changed when I am staying in the college since I am not allowed to cook inside the residential area. Nevertheless, I took this chance to try my hand on cooking! Yeah, I know, barbecuing is not really a cooking, but it’s a good start right? :) Oh yeah, hopefully one day I will be like
Julie and Julia too!
There result was I gained 2 kilograms after the barbecue! Haha. No pictures of me cooking though. I am planning to sell it to the Daily Mail. Hah.

By the way, we bought all our food from supermarket (Carrefour, Tesco Extra and Jusco). These supermarkets are so convenience, I almost forgot that the wet market is still exists. Although some of the goods here are not that fresh compared to the ‘conventional’ market, it has gained rapid reputation among the urbaners.
- One stop centre
- Generally clean (even has sink with soup or sanitizer)
- Located near the residential areas
- Varieties of supermarkets are available
- Imported food
- Not that fresh
- More expensive

So, what is your choice? Do you prefer these modern supermarkets or the old faithful wet market? Give me a holla! Happy weekend guys!
First THREE Commenters:
+ Shandye from Ngomel Sikit +
+ Mariuca from Mariuca's Perfume Gallery +
+ Gagay from The Latest Buzzzz +
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i prefer the good old morning market. can bargain-loh. hehehe...
plus, after buying stuff at the pasar, sure can pekena roti canai with teh tarik maa...
My mum kalau balik dari pasar, mesti beli nasik lemak "burung hantu". hahaha. weird name for a nasik lemak, but it taste so GOOD! lapar nasik lemak tetibe :P
i will link ur blog tomorrow taw. i'm going to sleep now. It's already 4.06AM man! haha. nyte! 8-) 8-) 8-)
:* :* :* :* :* :* :*
yay good morning Blue!
Awesome, I see the RT button here and this one works just fine Blue! :* :*
I oso tak gi pasar lol... ahem..cause got supermarkets...to me more convenient oso...more pricey yes but tje convenience is what we're paying for, so we don mind.... 8-) 8-) 8-)
Our usual places to shop foodstuff... Cold Storage, Giant or Village Grocer yay! :* :* :* :*
tje = the.... :-[ :-[ =-X
waa... first commenter ke? hahaha... i just got back from my college's meeting, check my dashboard and saw that you've updated ur blog. so lps baca, komen then terus g tdo. hehehe... :* :* :*
blurrrrrrrr!!! LOL @ u gained a number of pnds.hehehe..
ii prefer the modern one..but too costly.heheh
if it dosent fit my pocket,sometimes i go for wet market.lol
bohoooooooooooo! i made a chop?hahaha!!! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
can i have my bees (The Latest Buzzzz) here?thankie thankie Haaziq! ;)
happy sunday! ;)
The Latest Buzzzz
i am going to wet marrket now...ade party kt umh jup lg..hihi.. :-P
a traditional pasar in sec 6 shah alam charges more expensive than the supermarkets for most of thethings sold there... no they are not really less expensive anymore... :)
Supermarket anytime!!
The wet market in SG is really cool nowadays Blue.. I should have taken some pictures.. it's not even WET.. it's DRY..lol!
Me no likey Pasar Pudu but come Raya always got to go there to buy stuff for my Sambal Goreng.. hehe
you gain 2kg eh? wah.. how much did you eat? lol!! :-P :-P
Here EVERYTHING is mega markets with aisles that are as long as a football field. No farm markets at all, with the exception of a few downtown in summer months. There used to be many little neighborhood supermarkets decades ago, but competition drove them all out. Quality is gone, and cheap processed junk is in - no doubt, it is not surprising American health is going down the tubes !
We only have the regular markets here in the States. We have something similar that is called the farmers market but it is generally just produce no meat or anything like that. It looks like you had allot of fun and I do think someday you will be a great cook, just keep trying.
Have a wonderful day!
Love and Blessings,
So finally at least you have a good start.. Supermarkets are clean and neat but yeah hardly any fresh stuff!... i hate the fish smelly markets myself, too! i usually never go, but will surely go in person and take out some pics from our land and post them ;) You will all so be amused then.. hehe
Pasar Basah di Pasar Kg.Pandan pun sama juga. mungkin tak sekering dan sehebat SG, tapi tak la sebasah dan selecak KL. Aha. Untuk kategori KL, kira tahap 8/10 tuu.. keke
I used to go to wet market,
then to super/hyper market,
now i just love going to wet market again.
True that you have wider options there in those supermarkets (plus you may end up buying more ouch!!..), but, i like my pasar Kg.Pandan since it is quite small not like those big2 wet market, thus the experience of buying is a bit personal.
I like the greetings " Lama tak nampak dik... @ Sihat hari ni? @ Abang tak nak tambah rempah hari ni?" in my small wet market.
My pasar kg.pandan aint that wet or lecek like typical KL wet market, so, i guess that is okay with me.
I agree on price - aiyooo karot ajer dah mahal kat situ. Aha : )
hehe. lambat gler balik. Thanks neway! :)
:* :* :*
Yes, on this page, it actually work just fine. but when you're in the front page (http://hot-shit-form.blogspot.com), the retweet buttons for each post are only showing the number of tweets from http://hot-shit-form.blogspot.com and not from its respective post. Do you get what I meant? So weird~ =-X =-X =-X
yeah me too. although my parents are usually go to both markets :):)
COLD STORAGE is amazing too. I forgot to add in the list. I never heard about Village Grocer though =-O
:-P :-P :-P
yeah, it sometimes get a little bit expensive indeed :-$ :-$ :-$
Congrats Gagay! 8-) 8-) 8-)
No problem dear :)
same like mine too, i think my retweet button has gone kaput and i am too
lazy to do somthing about it. As long people can retweet, i am happy. Aha
: )
Happy Sunday to you too!
wah wah. dasat tu! hehe. party ape lah tu agaknye =-O =-O =-O
wow? really? haha. I haven't went to wet market for a long time now. The last was during the Raya break :)
hah! really? that's interesting! I have been to Pasar Besar Keramat, ewww.. haha. overly crowded and quite dirty! :-E :-E :-E
wow! That's something. In Malaysia, small retailers are complaining to the government that these supermarkets (still super, not MEGA) are driving them out. It's quite reasonable though. Let say in one residential area, there will be 2 to 3 supermarkets there, and the population may not even reach 10 000.
Hurm.. Just imagine if all people in the world are eating healthy food, exercise and getting a better lifestyle. That most probably the day we all go to heaven O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-) O:-)
Hi AngelBaby,
One day I will go to the farmer market there. I always heard about these markets from my friends there. They said it's quite an experience to go there :)
Have a nice day!
Your friend,
Haha. I definitely want to see it! Please let me know if you already post it Nisha! Hehe 8-) 8-) 8-)
I saw the red cabbage in Carrefour fetched to about RM4.59 per Kilograms. Haha
Well, I totally forgot about how important the human interaction to others. Thanks for reminding me on that topic. Yeah, I guess you're right in some extent. The workers in these supermarkets are usually Bangladesh and only supervised by local workers. They rarely speak Malay or English and just pointing you the signboard if you asked for anything. tsk tsk
The trip to the market is definitely fun when you're doing it with your friends though! >:o >:o >:o
Haha. me too. tapi xlawa lah. I am a little bit of Mr. Perfectionist. hahaha
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