What is the biggest decision that you had made and how do you decide that is the right one? - Road Not Taken
The Winner: Shandye!
Site: Ngomel Sikit
the biggest decision that i have made thus far is the one that i decides to quit my study at uitm in 2006, prior to the fact that my doctor's advising me to fasten my heart-muscle reduction operation.it saddens me to leave law fac as i love it so much, it hurts more to leave it in comparison to undergoing that operation.nonetheless, i felt extremely blessed for the fact that i am selected to join ukm 2 years after that (after 8 months of pure resting and cardiovascular exercises in ijn) and still be able to proceed with my tertiary education, even though it is a different course altogether.
First THREE Commenters:
+ Bella from Enveeus +
+ Faisal Admar from Life is too Short to Be Ordinary +

omg... can't believe i got selected! ngee... well, i just thought that THAT is the biggest decision that i have made thus far, and i just wanted to share my experience with everybody else that no matter how tough you think your life is at that moment, hold back a sec and think... there are people out there who goes through a much tougher life than yours. so be grateful of what you have right now and live a little. i mean, you can't expect your life falls into pieces like perfectly falling jigsaw every time. eventually, there WILL be pieces that won't fit, and you have to go about figuring on how to fit them into your life, and not the other way around. fuh, a long comment from me! muahahahaha...
My biggest decision probably has to do with my studies.. Interest vs. Logic.. I know one day I can still pursue what I'm interested in and maybe be good at both skills but for now, I just need time to proceed with my plans! :)
wow. That was fast. Haha. I agreed with what you said though. Life lesson from Mista Shandye! Haha. I will link your blog here too. I gotta run (and take my shower) before attending my lecture. Hehe. I am glad you're this tough though. Salute!
Totally Bella.There is no ending in a life learning process right? My passion is art. But somehow I stuck in the science stream. Not bad though. But in the future, I definitely want to venture more into my art root, Although I can't sing, or I could only paint decently, I really like art. Architecture is one of my favorite topic! Hopefully, we're both going to be successful ;)
boo hoo. so i lose?
sometimes aku pun rasa macam aku salah amik course...
I like writing actually. It had always been a passion of mine.. But logically it hard to make it in Malaysia right? Unless I'm in the West and write some "boom" book like JK Rowling or something..
But we also must be smart in managing our time. Once we start working, there won't be time to delve into those interests we have.. So time management and financial management is also crucial.. Yeah, hope we'll both be successful in the future! *high five*
:* :* :* :*
Hi Haaziq! Emmmm so keeping JS for now? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
SO many big decisions I've made, I think it would be hard to just pick one... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Blogwise, one of the biggest decisons I made was to switch MPG to ID hahahhaha! :-D :-D :-D :-D =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-[
<p>aku pun. tapi nak buat camne. dah fourth year dah pun. haha. duit biasiswa nak jek. hehe
LOL! How's ID? I guess it's working just fine right? :)
Yup. I am keeping with JS for the time being. I just don't have the time and effort to change to ID right now. BTW, ID personnel tweeted me saying they will help me steps by steps! LOL. So efficient!
8-) 8-) 8-)
Yeah. The same goes for me! At first, I was offered to a law course, but then my dad said that there are not enough big cases in Malaysia. I always wonder what if I took law course. haha. Anyway, good luck to both of us! I hope your will be launched company will works well!
Grrr...lost my comment~
AS I was saying.....
Life is all about challenges and through that comes decision making.
I have experienced so many challenges throughout my life to date that I cannot pick out one in particular...I believe that making decisions helps promote maturity and self-confidence~
~Have an Egg-ceptional and Eggs-traordinary Easter~
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