Image from Bluecrystaldude's TumblrIn life, you will always come across with making decisions. And in every decisions that you made, there always a glimpse of risk that come with it. Whether you’re trying to decide to go for lunch at Restaurant A and then saw that the restaurant is closed, or you’re going to have to choose between your loved one and your friends to spend the time together, or you’re at the intersection of making the biggest career decision in your life. In the end, it always comes to yourself whether you want to take a chance by doing one thing instead of the other.
In time of making one of those decisions, I always remember the poem written by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken. You never know whether you had made the right decision or not. No matter how it will turn to be, eventually, you will have to face the responsibilities of your decision. Hurm. But it never stops me from wondering what the other road had to offer.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

What is the biggest decision that you had made and how do you decide that is the right one?
My answer would be in the beginning of my degree study. I had the opportunity to choose on what degree should I take and in the end, I chose to do degree in chemical engineering. Whether I had made the right decision? No one will ever know.
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+ Shandye from Ngomel Sikit +
+ Elaiski from Elai's Haven +
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the biggest decision that i have made thus far is the one that i decides to quit my study at uitm in 2006, prior to the fact that my doctor's advising me to fasten my heart-muscle reduction operation.
it saddens me to leave law fac as i love it so much, it hurts more to leave it in comparison to undergoing that operation.
nonetheless, i felt extremely blessed for the fact that i am selected to join ukm 2 years after that (after 8 months of pure resting and cardiovascular exercises in ijn) and still be able to proceed with my tertiary education, even though it is a different course altogether.
8-) 8-) 8-)
i think it doesn't matter if we have made the right or wrong decision. as long as we stand on what we have decided and we are happy with it, then there's nothing wrong with it. in your case, if you are happy with what you are taking up right now, go for it. cheers!
poem tu bukan balajar time sekolah ke? :P
the biggest decision in my life is to be a good man after 12 years of being a bad boy. Aku memang jahat ya rabbi time bebudak dulu. Ahahaha~
it's true that we don't know whether the decision we make prior is a bad decision. we just do whatever is right at the moment. but bare in mind, if it turns bad, we have to face the consequences. quitters are for losers. so does people who ran from their problems.
hurm..buat solat istikarah je..apa macam? , do you enjoy chemical engineering? hihi..i hope so ;)
this is the same topic for my SPM poem~ hihi
the biggest decision is going to be made soon~ kawin with the 'gula hati' kot~
I've had a few big decisions to make.. I don't quite think one is more important than the other.. Like when I had to decide what to study, I chose to make my family happy and pushed myself with BioMedic even tho deep down I wanted to be a writer. I still excelled thank goodness.. Then I made some business of my own, something I had no idea of in the first place but I strived to succeed and now am slowly going there.. Plus a few others..
Sometimes we're unsure of certain things we decide upon.. Due to limited time, resources and stuff, we might make the wrong choice.. Most of the time, we should just make do of what we have.. At least we're breathing and allows us to live dengan sederhana, if not in luxury.. So, make peace with the choice we have to make and then we'll find happiness too..
:) :) :) :) :) :)
Hi Blue.. oh I loooove dat Robert Frost poem too... :* :* :* :* :*
I did a paper on this poem, enjoyed my eng lit class very much! :* :* :* :* :*
My most life changing decision was when I decided to get married to to someone from out of my country because not only do i have to stop working, I had to leave my mommy, family and friends and start a new life somewhere else.. but I never regretted my decision.. and here I am 10years later.. and there is no where else I would rather be!
decision decison decision... uh uh...
My biggest decision will have to be whether or not I should move abroad and leave my mom on her own. Being a typical Libra, however, indecisiveness is a problem of mine.
Cool blog :)
My biggest decision? hmmm... this looks hard, well at least for will be asy for me to tell my biggest failure or mistakes.. hehe
Anyway, i dont normally look back once i ve decided on a path. Just trying to make the best of it. Sure i ll be happy if things turn out to be A-okay, and sure, i ll be sad if things turn out not to be A-okay. But at least, i am happy, the path i choose is my own choice. I do ask for advices when in doubt, but at the end, it will be my own choice.
The Road Not Taken - Interesting Poem - it also reminds me of this " Jangan terkenangkan Nasi Beriyani Gam yang tiada di depan mata, tapi nikmatilah nasi lemak rm1.20 dengan halia yang sedap itu yang di depan anda itu" Dua kata yang penuh makna dan kuat tetapi berbeza dan berdiri dengan sendiri nya
p/s : Thanks Blue for your comment on FB
Happy Tuesday :)
my biggest decision is as same as u..but i'm very happy i took the challenge to study eventhough i was far left behind compared to my classmate last time..
hey Haaziq! :* :*
oh <span><span>I've made decisions in the past that were wrong but i never felt any regrets </span></span> :-P
investing in worm project. invest 7.2k and they ran away :) big risk and i got the great consequence :)
OMG dear.. I really don't know about this. I knew that you're taking law back then. But had no idea you have changed your course and U due to the operation. What course are you taking in UKM now?
Memang betul! Salah satu poem yg aku ingat selain Sonnet 18. Hehe. Ko jahat gila dulu2? seriously? hah!
Hi Elai, sorry for the late reply. Busy as always :) Anyhoo, I kinda agreed with your comment. Feeling happy definitely indicate you had made the right decision back then. Thanks for your lovely comment!
Totally! I hate when someone's trying to run from their problems. We should face our problems and not running away from it. Some people just love to pretend nothing had ever happen and just swept everything else under the rug.
Ok lah. dah 4 years dah pun. Hehe. But, I always try my best to live for the moment. I jarang pikir sangat apa yang I tak buat :)
Kahwin! Haha. I asked my friends in my Facebook account, "WHAT IS THE GOAL OF YOUR LIFE" Most of them (except me and 2 other friends) were saying that they want to get married, have a big family and one particular answer "want a big WIFE" LOL. It made my super hectic day a lot fun!
Hi Bella, I really like the last sentence of yours. "<span>make peace with the choice we have to make and then we'll find happiness too.." It really a sound advise one could gives. The more you make peace with your decision, the more happy you're living your live. We can't avoid making decision, and with that in mind, we're probably will take this step with an open mind. You should be proud of yourself for making all those decisions and succeed with it. Congrats Bella! </span>
8-) 8-) 8-)
I enjoyed my English literature class too! I really missed the subject. I tried to look up for English Literature course in my university, but the course is only offered to those who're in the main campus. Sad. :(
LJ!! I am glad you're here. Hehe. I know it's hard to even think about leaving your family behind, but still, I really hope you are happy with your life now. You could always go back to Singapore to visit your family ;)
OMG! I can't believe you're really here! I love your blog, your amazing writing, and all of your heart warming posts! I felt like a 8 years old boy, who just received his first bicycle!
Oh, I never knew Libra has indecisiveness problem. I hope you will make the right decision, not only for yourself, but also for your mom. Have a nice day Wilmaryad
Salam Rizal. Hahaha. I am laughing my socks off! What in the world you heard about the Nasi Beriyani Gam thing?? Hahaha. Seriously. I never heard that one before. At first I thought you want to say something like "Jangan dengar guruh di langit, air di tempayan dicurahkan" (something like this right? I had trouble remembered all the simpulan bahasa and peribahasa since I was in school) Haha. Thank you for sharing Rizal!
BTW, I still can't see your wall in your Facebook account. It's really confusing because perhaps I could only see your wall from my phone and not through my laptop. Weird.
Hi Kak Waliz! I am glad you're back! :)
Hi Mon! 8-) 8-)
Good for you! I really hope I won't feel any regret making those decisions too :)
OMG! That's quite a lot! I feel sorry for you! I still remembered the time when worm project was a big hit. Then, it's those slimmy lintah. tsk tsk tsk :(
tesl, of course. can't you tell? hehehe...
My biggest decision obviously was getting married at 20yrs old. I still think it was a smart decision, because back then, I was mentally and emotionally mature to settle down. I've always knew I wanted to get married.
As for my studies, it's never too late to continue. I wouldn't forgive myself had I sacrificed love for my studies. My children are my world, and that's my proudest and biggest accomplishment so far in my life. They make me want to be a better person and they make me strive harder to achieve my dreams.
My mom and dad both took their degrees in the States WHILE taking care of all 4 of us, (ranging from 9-2 yrs old) for the next 4 years. Both of them graduated with honors. If they could do it, why can't I? ;)
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