This was supposed to be my
Less Word Wednesday post, but I somehow lost count of days; I blamed it weather *cough; lying*. Nevertheless, I went shopping with my mother in
one of these one stop center supermarkets, where we bought our unhealthy frozen food, chemically preserved vegetables and fruits and some house cleaning products.

Shockingly, I found rows of floor cleaning products on the shelves promoting that they can "kill 99.9% germs" including flu virus (H1N1). And it only cost you about RM7 ($2) for 2 liters. I wonder why no one ever thought about this before; all the infected patients should take a bath with one of these products and voila, you will be cleansed.
Some scientists should start working on diluting these floor cleaners to make it suitable for human digestion, without dissolving your intestines too. Oh for God sake, if a cleaning company can produce this kind of vaccine for H1N1, I am sure one of the highly genius researchers can make a cheap H1N1 vaccine sooner rather than later. It's not a rocket science either!
Holy shit! Did I just discover the solution of a conspiracy theory?
P/S: Another 14 new H1N1 cases were reported in Malaysia today.
P/S: *Hopefully* I will write something on Israel issue in the next post (after being forced by my friends).
First THREE Commenters:
+ Mariuca from Wishing on A Falling Star +
+ Elaiski from Elai's Haven +
+ Bella from +
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:-[ :-[ :-[
*DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* Sure or not Dettol, this is new.. I use Dettol brand for cleaning my floor too, shld I check this out? :)
:* :* :*
Ye ke? Or is it just promotional cara je.. Eksyen je lebih.. HAHA
I'm sure scientists are trying to get the best solution on the H1N1 issue. Coz who gets to make the proper vaccine will be making shitloadsa money you know.. Who don't want money right? Malangnya I masih belum habis my course untuk memulakan eksperimen
hey, blue! i hope all of this existing deadly virus will be exterminated too. but would anyone dare drink a floor cleaner? LOL
hai Haaziq! interesting :) , tapi betulka? bukan gimik iklan?
First FC! :)
Well, I am pretty sure this one is the new one. try check it out! hehe
Second FC Elai! ;)
Hi Bella, third FC! :)
Haha. If I am not mistaken, the vaccine is already found, but the Government only give it to high risk people and patient (most probably all those rich blokes). Anyhoo, according to my professor, this vaccine will be cheaper in another few years. Just make sure you're not infected before that. LOL
Right! Haha. That is why I insist of our researchers to find a way to dilute it and make it safe for human digestion. If not, most probably your intestines will be fully dissolved in an hour!
Not sure lah. Tapi beberapa brands lain pun letak promotion yang sama. maybe betul kot? haha
:* :* :*
wat a smart campaign by Dettol in the right way at the right time! :)
8-) 8-) 8-)
That is what they call good advertising! ;)
:-P :-P :-P :-P better end up with burnt stomach than h1n1??????
Hehe. Perhaps Josie :) Thanks for dropping by! :-$
jangan ada yg gi minum dah ler...
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