Love you guys!

5 Things not to be done during Eid ul-Fitr in The City

1. Playing firecrackers

Mercun Firecrackers
Not good for your health (photo credit)

Kids, if your parents are so supportive enough to buy for you mercun (firecrackers), always remember, be careful while playing with it. You do not want to be missing a finger or two when the school term start. Parents do watch your kids closely when they are playing with it. Make sure you put the candle/lighter/source of fire away from the kids. Do not be so ignorant like this guy.

2. Going to shopping malls
If you are planning to savor your Hari Raya (Eid ul-Fitr) mood in the shopping mall by watching movies in the cinema or doing some shopping, just scratch your plans. Trust me, you do not want to be stuck in the sea of foreigners hanging out there. The smell alone is deathly.

3. Laying on the street
There is an urban legend that said you can lie on the road or highway during Raya since most of the city folks already went back to their hometown, this is not the case at all. Unless you want to be the first laying death body during Hari Raya on the newspaper tomorrow, please avoid testing this theory.

4. Kidnapping others

Sosilawati Lawiya Cosmetic millionaire
Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya

For God sake, please wait till after Raya to kidnap someone. Yes, I am talking to Sosilawati Lawiya, the RM100 Million worth kidnapped case (along with her lawyer, a bank officer and her driver). Sad.

5. Burning al-Quran

International Burn A Koran Day
International Burn A Koran Day by Pastor Terry Jones

The proposed International Burn A Koran day by Pastor Terry Jones to mark the upcoming anniversary of 9/11. My question is what actually he wants to achieve by doing this kind of act? The message of peace should be spread among others and not being fuel further.

Dr Jones doll is burned in Kabul
An effigy of Dr Jones is burned by demonstrators in Kabul
(updated: the pastor is said to cancel the plans to burn the Koran)

I am celebrating my Eid ul-Fitr (in Malaysia it was called, Hari Raya Aidilfitri) in the city this year. Therefore, I would like to wish Muslim all over the world, Happy Eid Mubarak. Have a peaceful and blessed day!

Haaziq Zahar Bluecrystaldude
Me cam-whoring in the toilet

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Selamat Hari Raya to u, Haaziq~! :D
My recent post Sisters!
Selamat Hari Raya Haaziq! ^_^ ^_^
My recent post The funniest note ever!
hey Haaziq.. camwhoring in toilet la pulak.. haha..
My recent post To Muslims all over the world
lol i'm going to the shopping mall to watch a movie later and do some shopping this weekend!! xD :D
My recent post Summer of 69
i think that pastor is somewhat mad..or maybe he wants some cheap publicity so his face can be plastered all over the media, even open an FB page for him.. hey, it's all about how to sell urself these days..
My recent post To Muslims all over the world
i'm totally against the Burn A Koran Day!! :@ :@ :@
My recent post Are skinny jeans bad for your health
Selamat Hari Raya, Haaziq and family! :D

Urgghh... i went to MidValley today. it was packed alright... you're right about the smell.. :(
My recent post Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!!
<3 :*
My recent post Happy Hari Raya!
Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin Haaziq... ha ha kelakarnya baring atas jalan! ^_^
My recent post MM - Emosi by Sheila Majid
So what do u think is going on with Sosilawati? Still tak "jumpa" lagi kan? :o
My recent post August Top 10 EC Droppers
i pun kdg2 camwhoring dlm toilet gk..hehehe
My recent post Raya 2010
what about kena geget semut at your "unknown" on the 1st syawal?
happy Eid ul-Fitr buddy
Rasanya tak terlambat nak ucapkan

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitiri dan Maaf Zahir Batin kalau ada salah dan silap.

Sempat lagi tu posing bergambar di tandas. Hehe : )

Duit Raya tahun ni sebab dah berkerjaya masih dapat lagi ker atau dah mula mengalir keluar? Ehh yang nak buat petah cakap macam diva tu ada lagi ka?
My recent post I am in Love - We are meant to be Together -
part yg sosilawati tu tk tahan...hahaha

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