I was watching the Oprah Winfrey’s Show entitled Waiting for Superman episode, it really opened up my mind. Even though it mostly talked about the problem in the USA education system; bad teachers to be exact, I sincerely believe it applicable to all.
Waiting for Superman summary |
The major problems with education system are:
1. Parents
2. Teachers
3. Students
4. Education System
Education starts at home. Children grow up looking upon their parents. Sometimes, the parents might not be there and the task is being trusted into the nursery homes and/or maids. A child nowadays can even feeling much closer to the one who is taking care of them, literally. Even my little brother is calling my baby sitter “mak” (meaning mother in Malay). You like it or you don’t at the end of the day, children will go back to their own house and back again in the responsibility of their parents. If the family is not stable, how that can ameliorate a child can to be successful in their education? Thus, to emulate the children well being in the school, parents should be a good example to their children.
Bad teachers, or in the Waiting for Superman called it, “bad lemon” exist. No matter how bad there are, they are there to teach our children. They will teach our children, or the least, they will be spending time with our kids. A child deserved a better teacher; even the less fortunate one deserved it. Not everyone can afford spending thousands of dollar a year to get their children into the private schools and colleges.
I personally believe that an effective teacher can stimulate one’s growth of intellect. For example, I am focusing more on some particular subjects just because the teachers paid attention to me and encourage me to do the best for myself in the class. I salute these kinds of teacher everywhere I go.
The first thing I will think about when I talk about study is laziness. Dear students, laziness are not a disease. Even if it is, it can be cured! The main reason of you become a lazy brat is because you tried all your best, but still can’t understand a certain thing or subject. There is no point of learning (or how they prefer to put it: “wasting my time”) something that is beyond your comprehensiveness right? WRONG.
Click here to read about the tips to cure your laziness and study effectively.
Education System
Education system in Asia mostly focused on how many As you get in the school. The more As you got, the cleaver you are. The truth is, there are students who are not done well in the examination, but intelligent anyway. Examination should not be the sole benchmark of one’s intellectual.
It is time for us to change, no matter small it is. The children deserve a better future and we can do something about it; just become a better parents, better teacher, better student and contribute to a better education system.
The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. - Kahlil Gibran
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@elaisangels · 746 weeks ago
@elaisangels · 746 weeks ago
Caroline · 746 weeks ago
Caroline · 746 weeks ago
Caroline · 746 weeks ago
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Caroline · 746 weeks ago
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Caroline · 746 weeks ago
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Lan S. Othman · 746 weeks ago
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Bella Enveeus · 746 weeks ago
If only the rich and powerful realize this before it's too late
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penanya(?) · 746 weeks ago
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fxgeorges 98p · 746 weeks ago
poorpronce · 746 weeks ago
it will give us our future leaders and builders of our nation.
children is our future
molding them to their finest is really a must
thumbs up for your post buddy
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poorprince · 746 weeks ago
happy to be back in action again
have a great day
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bluedreamer · 746 weeks ago
Parents are our first ever mentors and they should be guiding their kids in school
Teachers on the other hands, should do their job properly and professionally.
Even though how high the quality of education is being given to your kids... it will be useless if the students will not learn to absorb everything
When it comes to the education system, i think the government should do something (raise the education budget maybe) in order to provide good quality of education for kids
@Shinade · 746 weeks ago
The problem is that we don't pay our teachers enough. The salary to teach at any level in this country is absolutely ridiculous. Pam spent $80,000 getting her PHD and makes less than $40,000 a year teaching in one of the largest University systems in our country.
But, she is dedicated and loves to teach. So she has given up on owning a home and makes great financial sacrifices all to teach. She graduated with 3.98 gpa and has taught for almost 12 years. She could make a real nice living if she were to become an editor.
But, she remains dedicated to teaching!! It is so so sad that we don't pay our teachers more so we could attract the very best from other fields and get them interested in teaching!!
On another note, you have something installed on your site that my security system marked as suspicious for phishing. It's never happened before. I was locked out but chose to come in anyway. Have you installed any new widgets or gadgets lately? I just wanted to let you know.
Jackie :-)
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