Next week, I will start my examination. My exam schedule is quite hectic as I took 7 subjects and have to finish all the exams in 2 weeks! (usually around 3-4 weeks for 5-6 subjects). So, I try to make the most of my study week.
When I study, I love to hear music. It makes me forget how sleepy I was and keep me alerted. So, bored with my mp3 selection, I will tune to local radios. With songs range from rock to classical to bubble gum song that is so sweet until sometimes I was covered with guilt as it makes me feel like a pervert peeping under age kids (!). Seriously, what do you feel when listening to lyric like this;
I dream driving a space ship crossing the galaxy to find love There are many super heroes that I met Hot and tough far from the reality I dream jumping from sky to sky sweet like a cotton candy suddenly came a hero from above and he thinks I am an angel
And one of local radio here has a segment where you could ask anyone to be your date live on air. Although some said that it was so pathetic and Malaysian people are too shy to send their entry, I do managed to collect some of the interesting entries here:
A woman who wants to date her new close friend. She said that they both have flirted for quite a while, and thus, she wanted to know how he feels towards her.
The result:
Case 2:
This young male was on the show once. The last time, he tried to date his colleague, but was rejected. They said maybe because he is fat. This time, a girl participated in the show and wants to date her! She said, he was very nice with her. One day, her car broke down, and this gentlemen help her to send her car to workshop and even offered to take her to the college!
The result and my opinion:
As the says go, Fat person does has a big heart (forgive me for my language). And this time, the boy accepted her date with an open arms. He is so nice!
Case 3:
He has known her for 17 years and one day, he woke up and think that she was so nice to her and why they didn't date each other. So, he called this radio to ask her to go to a date with him.
The result:
She bluntly rejected him! She prefer their relationship stays as they are, as a close friend.
My opinion:
It's not a news when you suddenly fall in love with your close friend. I was trapped into this matter once ( At least I not asking her for a date on the national radio). We tried to date each other. But the feeling of love is not there. So, in the end, we both decided to called it off and continue as a friend. We still cherish our relationship now and laugh about our dates as we remembered them.
Case 4:
They have been a couple for quite sometimes since college. Then, she wanted to marry him. However, her boyfriend didn't think it was a good idea. He still not financially stable and she also hasn't found herself a job. Nevertheless, they still be a pair. However, it takes a turn several months later. She got a nice job in Singapore. She moved there, and being busy with her career life. It has been 3 days she hasn't replied his calls, text messages and even his instant messages through MSN. So, he called the radio with an intention to propose to her!
The result:
The good point is, she was very professional in her words. She refused to answer the question from the DJs when they asked her whether she still a single or not ("I refused to answer the question as it may be used against me in the future". One of the DJ jokes about whether she is a lawyer, but she just left the DJ cold and dry). Later, when his boyfriend asked her to marry him, she refused his offer of hand. She wanted to focus on her new launch career. He cried and asked her not to answer his question right now. It was really dramatic and emotional.
Pheew man! I don't think you should asked her live on the radio. At least not when she refused to answer all you attempts to contact her. I don't even think it's a romantic thing to do. Yes, she once wanted you to marry her, but the situation has changed, and when women start focused on something, they will stick to it until she satisfied (my mum said that)

Ok, the show does sometimes goes a little bit to far. But I guess, it's good for the rating. Not to mention you could listen to some of the most funny calls, for example a man who introduce himself to his future date as "a hot guy wearing a spectacle" or "your Jonny Benny". All in all, I did managed to stay alive through my study week, thanks to a funny dose (and sometimes drama) from the radio.
So, what do you think about all those calls? Does it appropriate to ask someone to date through radio? And whether it is a romantic thing to do? (I don't mind taking part in the show if it's o9ne of many ways to show my romantic side)

huh??!! they have these on our local radio??!! ..may i ask which local radio ;-) how did they get both of them on air at the same time?
btw...not cool to ask for a date or marriage proposal thru radio laaaa...cannot see face expression laaaa hehhee
yeah.. i am curious too as on which air wave that we can this broadcast laa.. hehehe..
i had a good time reading ur post.. - mini gossip? hehehe..
heppy weekend..
hey..good luck in your exams bro.. :)
Hi neomesuf,
haha.. at first, they called the entry submitter, than, that person keep quite before the DJs called another person. Then, after asking several questions a little bit of talking (and some time stalking), the DJs let the person to ask for a date. Quite simple and interesting.. hehe
nice post! would certainly come back to check it out more often
Owh yeahhh..
I heard this from Syura too. She just loves to listen to this segment! There was once, when this girl was sooo harsh at rejecting the guy that it was bordering on cruel! So that guy responded like, "Yalah.. I know you're hot but now I've changed my mind!" LOL!
But I still think that proposals should not be done like that laa..
Whatever makes the show's ratings sky high, right?
Anyways, take care and good luck on your exams! :)
Hi rizal
haha.. You ever heard about Fly.fm "Flirty at 10.30"?
everyone love a little gossip :D
Hi Seweng,
Thanks! I hope you could leave your blog url for me to revisit you :D
hi streamliner,
Thanks for coming by streamliner/ Will sure be dropping by to your later :D
Hi Shemah,
hahaha.. That was like WOW! That guy sure not missing anything. :D
Hye, sorry for missing out from your blog lately. Kinda busy :(
Just two weeks only for my freedom. short freedom, only around 3 months, but still free right? :D
Fly FM always do these kind of calls. Not only for dates, but for problem solution too... normally in the morning. I listen to Fly FM [instead of Light & Easy] whenever I drive, mostly to work and back home. Problems like body odor, hairy armpit, smelly feet and so on really made me laugh out loud. I was like "What?!@#"
huh!!!interesting man!But i don't think I would ask a date on air.I like the fat guy.He is a bravo to me.:)
good luck for ur exam dude. i can only listen to music when doing math, not for subject which requires concentration in reading. it just sounds like somebody keep talking to me and i cant avoid from listening to what he/she says.
having heard u say this "I don't mind taking part in the show if it's one of many ways to show my romantic side"....haha! aiya dont forget to let us know when u r planning to do that okay!
Good luck on your exams. Don't forget to get some sleep and eat too.
I have something for you on my site.
Love and Blessings,
first of ALL blue i really want your background music it was so relaxing
oh my i wish you all the best for your exam
have a great day
and that is the reason why i seldom tune into that fm. +_+
i just cant stand those solving-relationship-live-on-air and ended up humiliating either one or both parties.
all the best to your coming exams.
fuuuh..i really admire all the participants guts! they know thy might get rejected but still braving themselves against all odds to convey their message through air!
btw good luck on yr coming exams!
Good luck in your exam, BCDude!
good luck & all de best. am curious that u're in study/exam weeks but masih lagi boleh update blog pjg berjela2?
Hi faisal,
Yeah! I love those calls too.. although I think some of the problem is so silly I want to say, "oh my God! are u stupid???" Nevertheless, it still enjoyable..
I prefer Fly.fm rather than Hitz.fm. But sometimes Fly.fm keep airing the same song all over again..
Hi sweetiepie,
Yeah, I love him too.. He's funny!
Hi mangosteenskin,
haha.. I don't think I have a problem joining that show. However,it's kinda hard for me to find some stranger crush and suddenly to ask her for a date. I usually will date her first to know what she's all about. Then, after a first date, and I want to date her again, why bother all the trouble to joining the show? I could ask her straight away for a second date right? hehehe.. But it still interesting. I just hope I wont be shy enough to ask anyone for a date. lol (as they said the people who joining the show was too shy to ask personally)
Hi angelbaby,
I could smell something interesting there :D
Hi pinoy alphabet,
Thanks for dropping by :D
Hi fara,
Yes indeed. Sometimes, it was humiliating though :) I just can't help to feel pity towards them. Your friendship will sometimes be broken too!
Hi wow,
Thanks for the wish :D
Hi waliz,
Thanks also for the wish. Yeah, they must be really brave to enrolled in such show :D
Hi shahril aley,
hehe. ni blum panjang betul nih.. tak tgk yang panjang punye. huhuu :D Thanks for coming man!
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