*UPDATED on 5th September 2009*
Hi guys! I am back again. Haha. Sorry for missing out lately. I involved in so many activities until I lost track of time. And suddenly, it’s almost the end of 2009. Gosh. Where does the time fly?
First of all, I have been juggling the time between my design project and my final year project. My team and I had to design a chemical plant for the production of nitric acid. We proposed the plant to be built in Bintulu Sarawak due to the availability of our raw material; ammonia. We had to plant everything from the scratch; do the market analysis, cost estimation, production capacity and so on.
On the other hand, I just started my final year project. The title of my final year project is “Taming the Wild Type of xxx (the name of enzyme) on the Bioreduction of 1, 4-bromophenyl-ethanone into (R)-1,4-bromorphenyl ethanol in the Production of Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) Chiral Drug Precursor”. Don’t worry if you couldn’t understand what the heck I just said. I couldn’t understand it either when I first heard it. But in the layman words, I am trying to produce a drug to dilate blood vessel that hopefully will reduce the possibility of heart failure, treating high blood pressure and preventing kidney failure.
As Nobel as the project may sound, I cannot expose the name of enzyme that I use and the detailed procedures of the research done. If this project successfully conducted, there is a possibility of selling the product. I am not so good hearted after all.
Next, I also participated in National Chemical Engineering Symposium (NACES) 2009, held in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) last weekend.
Yes, this is the same competition where I won the second runner up in Technical Writing competition last year. But this time around, I am in the Technical Presentation team. And guess what? We won the first place! Yeah! Congrats to all the presenters. Even though my university only sent six participants (one of the fewest among other universities) – four Indians, one Chinese girl and one Malay, we actually won something there. Of course, when all the chemical engineering students’ representatives of universities in Malaysia gathered around, the environment is very formal yet educative.

Young students with their bubbling and innovative ideas are more than keen to share their opinion on this year theme; “Water Crisis: What Can We Do?”. I was impressed with some of the ideas and at the end of the three days event, I somehow feel a little bit smarter than before. Well, at least I have the opportunity to have an in depth knowledge on that particular topic. By the way, rest assured, I am sure if Malaysia is having water crisis in the near future, we, as the budding chemical engineers will come out with the best solution for the country. *crossing fingers*
On Monday night, we flew back to the college and then I have to attend Annual General Meeting of Chemical Engineering Student Society on Wednesday. After the meeting, I went straight back to Kuala Lumpur and will be back in Johor tomorrow (on Friday) to celebrate the first day of fasting in my hometown. I can’t wait to rejuvenate (and washing my clothes) as soon as I arrive home. It has been hectic few weeks for me and not having enough sleep is very tiring. Have a great weekend everyone! And for Muslim, Happy Fasting!
By the way, since I upgraded my firefox browser, I cannot find my Entrecard toolbar. They said that it’s not compatible with this current version of firefox. Am I the only one who noticed this?

OMG! We were featured in the front page of Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus front page! No wonder strangers keep congratulating me :)
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congratulationssss!!!! 1st place tu.. proud of u & the team & usm! haha
happy Fyp-ing. and happy fasting!!!
Thanks Kak Julia.. Happy fasting also :)
congrats haaziq for coming out first. anyway, i do agree with you. the newly updated version of firefox sucks because it does not support lots of useful addons and plugins usable on the earlier versions.
plugins like realplayer download and the twitterfox no longer works in the newly updated firefox. bah!
Selamat Beramadhan juga. :)
i am sure you had a great time.
Ahhh misses my colleague days... err.. maybe not that much. Well, i am sure if malaysia is going to have its water crisis someday, i ll know who i ll rely on. huhu. :-D
semoga kita semua diberkati dan dirahmati sempena bulan ramadhan ini.
congrat haziq
Hello Haaziq!
wah u guys won the first place! Congrats!! 8-) 8-)
nice to have you back and updating again :) ;)
salam haaziq...
whoa... everything sounds so fancy... :-P yet congrats... salam ramadan al mubarak
Wow, you have done really well. I am very proud of you. I know you will do great this last year of school. Keep up the good work. :)
Have a wonderful day! 8-)
Love and Blessings,
Congratulations Haaziq! We are very proud of you! Selamat berpuasa
slamat berpuasa~ heeee..
jom design! hahaha
wow congratulations blue dude
Thanks Bluedreamer :)
Sila2 siapkan tugasan anda. hoho :*
Selamat Berpuasa Rizal! :)
Haha.. Well, Malaysia is projected to face water crisis in 2015 and water scarcity in 2025. I just hope with these current world's conditions, we are still alive by then. hahaha..
Thanks Rizz :)
Thanks Monica! 8-)
Yeah, I am planning to start updating again after all these time consuming programs done :)
Hehe.. Thanks Moeha :) I will drop u a visit soon. Anyway, Salam Ramadhan al Mubarak!
Thank you very much for your kind words AngelBaby :)
Have a nice day to you too!
Thanks Cik Ngah.. Selamat berpuasa gak :):)
betul2.. i dun like it lah.. leh tak downgrade kan version die hek?
wah .. tahniah2 !!!!
I just stopped by to say hello and see what you are up too. Well I see you have done quite well. Congratulations on a job well done, I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it. :-)
I hope you have a marvelous day! ;-)
Love and Blessings,
You've been really busy Blue.. congrats on all that you have achieved!!
New header!!!! and who's the girl? your gf is it?? lol!
New header!!!! and who's the girl? your gf is it?? lol!
The pictures tell everything. at first i was shock. my mind keeps wonder what did you do till you can hold that big cheque! :D *envy*
then after reading the whole post i know why. i already knew that you are such a brainy since the first time i visited your blog. the way you write is very creative and innovative (eh innovative can be used in this sentence right? :P).
congrats bcd! you really make me proud... hehe.
i thought my schedule is very tight, compared to you... you really scare me to death!
selemat berpuasa and hope you have been rejuvenated! :D
Wow...you do sound very busy but also very productive.
Congratulations on your progress and good luck with your projects.
wow! dasat la!!!
oh Haaziq I am so happy for you!!
Congratulations!!!! ;) ;) :) :)
I have missed you so very very much!! But, I am just thrilled for you!!
Lots of great big hugs and much love my dear friend!! :* :* :* :*
Congrats on your win! First. That's so cool!
:* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Comelnya Blue in the first pic! :* :* :* :*
TGIF everybody, yeeeha!
I just stopped by to say Hello and see what you have been up to lately. You must be really busy with your studies and that is good. I know you will do very well.
Love and Blessings,
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