Finally I am home. Well, not in my hometown, but still, back among my family members. I am currently in Kuala Lumpur staying in my brother’s house. We will be back to Johor tomorrow evening. It’s really good to finally get away from all the madness of college life. I felt like I already lifted out one matrix tones of problems from my shoulder. Oh, and it feels damn good!
Life has been great. Yes, the workload has been multifold in recent weeks (months probably) but I am enjoying every bits of it. This is my last year in college and although I can’t wait to graduate, I am savoring the last pieces of my student life. Cheers to that.
As you may already know, Muslims all over the world are in the eve of celebrating Eid ul Fitri. Which means that we have spent this last month fasting. In this period of time, besides teaching us how to control our urges, we were taught to be patient in dealing with part and parcels of life. I failed miserably.
I think I lost my patient more often this month. I was easily annoyed whether by other people attitude or by little mistakes that I have done. Instead of being patient and forgiving, I have changed to this outspoken and easily intimidating by others.
Which is a good reason for me to start a new (and I hope it could be a weekly if not monthly) topic for
Hot Shit Form Here;
Annoying Things in Life. Interesting topic isn’t it?
Annoying Thing in Life 1 – Talking Really LOUD

Have you ever noticed how loud Asian people talk? First situation, when they we were on the phone we tend to speak like we’re fighting about something important instead of having a normal (and calm) conversation like any normal human being in other parts of the world shared with each other. Or when the room was filled with Asians, it always a common thing to forget that we actually just sit next to each other and there is no need to speak in the highest octave of which our voice can give.
My friends and I have come out with several theories on this matter. First theory is that since we were “blessed” with high fertility rates, small eyes and relatively fair skin, we always tries our best to be different from each others. When ridiculous hair styles or fashion sense failed to do so, we channeled our inner self in speaking as loud as we could. Thank God we succeeded. The other theory and the most highly unlikely is that after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US, the rest of Asia has been having severe hearing damaged. Remember, we also like to blame others.

How about you? Do you have any interesting theory to share? I would love to hear it. Have a nice weekend!
Photo 1 credit to Qskull
Photo 2 credit to ajpscs
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chop! :-D :-D :-D
Chop dulu bulu.. baru nak baca..
hehe :-D :-D
olla mon. Happy Afternoon.. :-D
oh yes when ppl are talking on their phone really loud, it's SOOOO annoying!! esp when they're talking in a different language :-P :-P
olla Rizal!! Gd Afternoon :) ;)
Good afternoon guys!
LOL @ Photo 2! :-D :-D :-D
Yes, i do realize sometimes people talk too loud (as if trying to tell the whole world how important their life are.)
It depends on my mood. If watching a movie, i might get upset and it is considered a No - No, otherwise, on such open space, i just calm myself by saying that is how she or he is.
I ve also realize that people miss use the "talking loud" as freedom of speech, more proactive , assertive, articulate and all the good aspects of one inner journey, especially in teenagers ( ni lebih kepada gaya masa kini), when in fact i dont associate "talking loud" with such positive traits.
"Talking loud" just telling me you dont have the finesse of social attitude. At other times, talking too loud is just plain rude. Keep what ever you are thinking to yourself and be respected to others in term of private sound space. Haha
Speaking about lost of patient this month, i think it was really a test on this Holy Month of Ramadhan. I was not exempted too. :(
Totally! It always a plus when you can't understand a single word of the talk. sh*t!
will link your site too Rizal :)
Congrats Monica!
Good afternoon to you too. :D
Gd afternoon Haaziq! :) :)
Anyway, this Ramadhan, I am trying to calm myself when idiotic matters present itselves.
It is hard to keep my mouth shout trying not to speak out of my mind, but thanks to ALLAH, I am doing okay, though there are few more areas to be improved. : )
Yay me!! :-D :-D :-D
hey no cursing on Ramadhan,
If you find the need to curse, then you should try to replace with positive word/s like "I am clever!!" or "Food!!"
Hahaha, i am sure people will be puzzled. lol :-D :-D
hahahahah Rizal is so funny!! "Food!!" :-D :-D
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Comments <
LOL! seriously?
I AM IMPORTANT!! *shouting my heart out!*
BTW, I don't think Talking Loud is a form of freedom of speech. It just a plain annoying act that was done when you don't have good social skills. People whom are trying to express their point of view should express their view in a clear and supported by valid reasons. I don't think we reach the point where who's speak the loudest voice win all the argument. Sick.
I am savoring the Ramadhan too. Although sometimes it's hard to do so with so many temptation (and I am not talking about food... :P) and when your patient always being tested. huhuu
sabar2~ everything's gonna be alright
holiday 1 week~ the annoying things pon holiday la~
I stand 100% by what you say, but sadly, that is not the case..
Fact is, ramai melayu tak reti bawa berbincang tanpa emosi. :(
aha.. i like that.
You are practising my advise (with has no credentials ya just my 2 cents POV). May i charge you rm100 for that advise. LoL.
Just imagine, while we are under stress, walking our way, screaming
"Aku Bijak!!!" "Aku Pandai" "and when you see your friend which you hate, you shout "AKU SAYANG KO TAU TAK? lol..
i am sure no one will be near you and at the same time, you have increased your self safety. LoL lol!!
I wonder if i can use this to my big big big boss shouting "AKU SAYANG KO BOSS!!" lol. :-D :-D :-D
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Huhuhu too late to chop! :'( :'(
HaaziQ! Join me for a chance to WIN £100.00 woo hoo! :) :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Gua nak ajak lu dtg lepak blog gua.Rilek rilek.
Fdaus, apa link blog?
sure! I will join it :)
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Hiya Blue..
Like they say.. patience is a virtue ya.. you should try to practise it not only during Ramadhan but in daily life as well :)
Selamat hari raya dearie and maaf zahir batin.. hehehe.. have a great time back home!!
selamat hari raye gak LJ! I already back to my hometown! hehe.. u're not going back to SIngapore?
I haven't been to your blog for ages. I've missed it!! And just wanted to say that it's good you're savouring your last year. I miss being at university so much!
Anyway, I don't know about Asians talking loudly. Everyone seems to do it. Especially on their phones. I just want peace and quiet when I'm on the train but somehow I'm forced to listen to other people's conversations. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's just annoying!
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