Pekan Rabu
Pekan Rabu or in English; Wednesday Market (seriously, I am not making that up) is a market that is famous in Alor Star, Kedah; situated in the north of Malaysia. Shockingly, when I was back in my hometown in Johor (south region of Malaysia), I found out that there is also a Pekan Rabu.
Question of the Day #1
What is your favorite day and why
American Idols Season 9
Yeah! The Idols are back and this season, I am rooting for one of the girls to win it!
Question of the Day #2
What is your favorite American Idols moment and why?
Adam Lambert – Sleepwalker
Outside the rain's fallin' down, there's not a drop that hits me. Scream at the sky but no sound, is leavin' my lips. It's like I can't even feel, after the way you touched me. I'm not asleep but I'm not awake, after the way you loved me..

Summary of Posts, First Commenter and Entrecard in January and February
Thank you so much for all your kind supports, heartwarming words of comments and all those faithful visits.
The Road Not Taken
In life, you will always come across with making decisions. And in every decisions that you made, there always a glimpse of risk that come with it. In the end, it always comes to yourself whether you want to take a chance by doing one thing instead of the other.
Question of the Day #3
What is the biggest decision that you had made and how do you decide that is the right one?
The Weirdest Gift of All
Anyway, I have been given lots of gifts in my entire life, but the weirdest gift of all (so far) is this cute little cuddly poop.
First THREE Commenters:
+ Mariuca from Mariuca's Perfume Gallery +
+ Monica from Turn-U-Off +
+ Bella from Enveeus.com +
8-) 8-) 8-)
Hey Blue!
Congrats to ur TDs and yay to me for being TFC, thanks for all da chops last month HaaziQ! :* :* :* :*
Loving Adam's pic here he he.. what a cool eye-candy he makes! :-P :-P :-[ :-[ =-X =-X
Thanks for the mention too, dropping ec now... happy dropping and chopping everybody! :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :*
congrats to yr TDs Haaziq! :)
congrats Mariuca! ;)
Have a great week ahead!! 8-) 8-)
Yay i'm on your list! :-D :-D
Congratulations to the top droppers!! Hope to see myself by the end of this month.. Insya'allah, if I'm able to turn on the lappie as often as possible.. huhuhu...
oh hey.. just noticed my names as one of the commenters.. nyeh nyeh.. thanks haaziq! :)
congratulations to the winners.. Cheers
just visiting you here again my friend
have a great day and happy blogging
Congrats and well done everyone!!
eh congrats on your PR4 too!! whooot!
hi bluedude, thanks for visiting my blog again... gheeh i'm gald to see you again...
yup it's been awhile... have a great day and happy blogging
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